Saturday, August 31, 2019
Different Forms of Fdi
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment that is made to acquire a lasting interest in an enterprise operating in an economic other than that of the investor. In addition foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to long term participation by country A into country B. It usually involves participation in management, joint-venture, transfer of technology and â€Å"know-how†. FDI has many forms and theses can be categorized depending on the investors perspective and host country’s perspective. Investor’s perspective Controlling a foreign investment is such a big concern for an investor investing huge amounts of capital in a foreign market where it cannot be certain of success. The investor needs to control his resources such as patents, trademarks, management know-how, which when transferred can be used to determine the competitiveness position of the original holder. Horizontal Vs Vertical FDI Horizontal FDI takes place when a firm invests in the same industry as it has been operating in at home. This would be for example a soft drink company in UK investing in Uganda in the making of soft drinks like Pepsi. Vertical FDI is divided into Forward and Backward FDI. Forward Vertical; takes place when a firm invests in facilities that will consume the output of the mother company in the home country. Different economic factors encourage inward FDIs. These include interest loans, tax breaks, grants, subsidies, and the removal of restrictions and limitations. This is usually done in search for markets . Usually the company invests in distribution and market facilities that absorb and market the products of the company in Uganda . Backward Vertical FDI is the kind of FDI where a company invests in facilities that provide inputs or raw materials to the parent company. Most FDIs in the less developing countries such as Uganda are backward investments. They provide inputs for the firms industry in foreign country. Typical examples are Extraction investments in the mining industry. Host country perspective Governments always endeavor to control FDI because they feel that national interests of the host country may not well be served by the decision of a foreign investor. For example; the government of Uganda regulates the number of foreign staff that companies like MTN, Zain have to employ otherwise positions could be given to foreign employees. The concern of Government of Uganda would be to ensure investments create jobs for the local populace. The government might also need to control the level of profits repatriated or else it could cause a BOP problem. Import substitution FDIs. these are companies that are established to produce goods that have been previously imported for example Bidcos oil for cooking. Export promotion FDI. These are established to enhance and promote exportation of products to the international market, Government initiated FDIs these are established by governments to spur economic growth and development for instance the Tri-Star project between the government of Uganda and USA Greed-field investment: establishing a wholly new operation in a foreign country. The majority of investments is in the form of mergers &acquisitions: Represents about 77%of all flows in developing countries and represent about 33%of all flows in less developing countries. Fewer target firms. The preference for mergers &acquisitions is because it becomes quicker to execute. And foreign firms have valuable strategic assets which increase the efficiency FDIs inform of Joint ventures An equity joint venture is established according to the Law on Joint Ventures Using Ugandan and Foreign Investment Both profits and risks are distributed between the foreign partner and Ugandan partner according to the share of capital they contribute to the joint venture. Foreign contribution usually takes t form of â€Å"machinery and equipment, technology, cash (in convertible currencies), industrial property rights, and managerial experience†, and the Ugandan partner provides â€Å"land, factory buildings and facilities, raw materials, and cash in local currency†. A contractual joint venture, which involves no equity stake, does not necessarily lead to the creation of a new legal entity. A third party can be appointed by the foreign partner and the Ugandan partner to manage the venture, or the foreign partner can entrust the Ugandan partner to manage the venture. Profits and risks are distributed between the two partners not according to capital contribution, but predetermined by the terms and conditions laid down in the venture agreement
Friday, August 30, 2019
Achieve Universal Primary Education Essay
My Millennium Development Goal (MDG) is about achieving Primary education in less developed countries. The goal is to have all children, boys and girls, complete a full course of primary schooling by the year of 2015. This means that everyone can get into school and get a full education so they can read, write and learn. It will help them to be more independent and give them the opportunity to get a job in the future. Primary education is the basis for high-quality skills development in numeracy and literacy, which are critical for skills development in scientific and technological education. Through giving additional aids to the countries that need it and by helping them pay their depths the amounts of children who are getting education is rising. By giving more education to kids, some countries are starting to have problems with reaching the full amount of teachers they need. For primary education to move towards its potential, however, a minimum threshold of five or six years of schooling is needed. This potential would be boosted if primary school completion were followed by secondary education. Almost 12 years ago, thanks to this Millennium Development Goal, an extra 34 million Children have been able to get their primary education. This is a very important goal for the world so the economy of poorer countries can reach a higher level. If there would be more jobs, and the poverty would go down, there would not be as many problems with food, money and education in these developing regions. Enrolment in primary education has continued to rise, reaching 89 per cent in the developing world. But the pace of progress is insuficient to ensure that, by 2015, all girls and boys complete a full course of primary schooling. To achieve the goal by the target date, all children at the official entry age for primary school would have had to be attending classes by 2009 or so, depending on the duration of the primary level and how well schools retain pupils to the end of the cycle. Many African countries are on track to achieve this goal. Some have made progress on net enrolment, with most countries reaching 90 per cent. The aggregate net primary school enrolment for Africa rose from 64 per cent in 2000 to 84 per cent in 2009. Most African countries have made. However, countries such as Djibouti and Eritrea still have very low net enrolment. If this Goal could be reached the countries could start developing a lot faster and try to reach the level that many countries, such as many countries in Europe have already done. I think the goal can be completed with enough support of the other countries. My MDG should be sorted first because education is crucial element for human development. It decides what are children going to do on their future depending on their capacity. Achieving Universal Primary Education is also imporant to make women as powerful as men. Achieve Universal Primary Education Essay Developing countries have made impressive advances toward universal primary education. Enrolment in primary education has continued to rise, reaching 90 percent in the developing world in 2011â€â€an increase from 83 percent in 2000. Most of this progress, however, was made before 2004. Global numbers of out-of-school children are dropping too slowly and too unevenly for the target to be reached by 2015. Persistent gaps and challenges that need to be addressed include increasing the number of girls who go to school, reaching the most marginalized, and ensuring quality education in fragile states. The children who fall within these categories account for almost half of all out-of-school children. Between 2008 and 2010 the number of primary-school-age children in sub-Saharan Africa who did not attend school climbed from 29 million to 31 million. The gender gap in the out-of-school population has narrowed, but it is still wide: worldwide, an estimated 35 million primary-school-age girls are not enrolled. Nevertheless, several countries that were the furthest behind are on track to reach gender parity by 2015. nrolment in primary education in developing regions reached 90 per cent in 2010, up from 82 per cent in 1999, which means more kids than ever are attending primary school. In 2011, 57 million children of primary school age were out of school. Even as countries with the toughest challenges have made large strides, progress on primary school enrollment has slowed. One in ten children of primary school age was still out of school in 2012. Gender gaps in youth literacy rates are also narrowing. Globally, 781 million adults and 126 million youth (aged 15 to 24) worldwide lack basic reading and writing skills, and more than 60 per cent of them are women.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Project Management - Essay Example ive weeks in completing activity F. The analysis of one action that the Project Manager would take to avoid exceeding the current length of the critical path is to crash other activities or reschedule the activities so that not more than 19 weeks are required to complete the project. This is because in decreasing time of critical activity it normally comes on with other direct costs. And the option of crashing the project will depend on the following factors: the resources are in abundance; therefore, the addition to the resources, it can be done up to the level which communication costs are augmented and the productivity diminishes. In this situation the project manager may decide to sub contract or even to out source the project work. Another thing which could be done is the introduction of the overtime and multitasking in some activities. Activity F is the Recruit and selection of staff; therefore, if this is delayed for five days, then it means the preceding activities will also be delayed, not as it was planed initially. The factors considered before choosing the localities Nature and type of business is the greatest factor to be considered. Pertinently, the businesses that rely on consumers that do drive from the public road are the most targeted. The business will rely heavily on the transportation sector and other industries that use petroleum product as their energy for moving the machines. Hazma Biodiesel has to get their location in a suitable place. Availability of resources: Hamza has an expectation of $103950, but the actual capital the company has is $85000. This amount of money the company is able to secure since some of the equipment needed to start and run the project. Timing is also important: they want the company to start generating cash flows which will be used to grow the business. Hamza Biodiesel Company secured the premises, and this provided the best value for their money. Required space: this type of business requires very large amoun ts of space. For the case of Hamza BioDiesel, Mandy stated at the Board meeting that retailing high quality groceries will be a very different venture from selling fuel - it will require large space for parking purposes. Facilities needed: Hamza Biodiesel will require pumps and fire fighting equipment in this business to carry out their business effectively, for instance, if Hamza Biodiesel could need safety measures in place as they will trade on inflammable such like product. For that reason, very special mechanical, plumbing, electrical and fire suppression requirements shall be in place for smooth running of the project. These are the factors that must be taken into consideration. Question 2 No, the total cost of the project is $103,950 whereas the company has earmarked ?85,000 for this project. There are various sources where Hamza BioDiesel can raise additional capital as follows: a) External sources of finance is the capital (either long or short term) borrowed from sources e xternal to the firm. While it adopts a conservative working capital management policy, an
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Pros and Con of industrial revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pros and Con of industrial revolution - Essay Example The gains of the revolution outweigh the losses incurred because it elevated human capacity to new heights that had never been witnessed before in history. The revolution led to advances in the agriculture sector. The economy in the 18th and 19th century was based solely on agriculture (More 85). The revolution brought in new ideas that created shifts to the economy to make it more flexible and ensure the flow of wealth across all sectors. Industrial based economy spread the wealth evenly thus guaranteeing job security and specialization of professions. The industry also relied on skills developed over time regarding the performance of the jobs related to it. Many people were able to gain employment since the occupation did not require any extra knowledge to conduct the required job. Industrial revolution led to the enhancement of resource allocation and its use. The revolution became feasible due to the diminishing resources while the population was still growing at a fast pace. The revolution invented ways to ensure that resources such as food, water, basic facilities were allocated effectively. Improved agricultural methods such as water irrigation techniques and water harvesting are some examples used to enhance resource allocation. Prior to the revolution, unemployment was not an issue affecting the countries’ economies. However, unemployment became worse after the industrial revolution. Most people were replaced in their capacities to perform certain duties with the introduction of machines. This meant that they had difficulties in providing for their families thus degrading their life standards even further. They became vulnerable to contacting diseases. Subsequently the lack of employment led to an increase in crime and the emergence of shanties since people were unwilling to relocate back to villages. Citizens’ migration from the rural to urban areas in search of jobs led to a deficit in knowledge gaps (Hopkins
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Criminal Justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Criminal Justice - Assignment Example Eventually, the court sent Gault to six years in detention, prompting his parents to apply for a habeas corpus. Unfortunately, their application was declined by the Superior Court of Arizona and subsequently by the Arizona Supreme Court (Gold 112). The rationale: the Court upheld the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, noting that it is the basis of fair trial. Justice Black noted that without due process, the much needed distillation and assessment of vital facts from trivial issues would not suffice, hence the lower courts created room for an injustice (Stansby 1204). The case underscored the need to observe Due Process provisions by all parties in the criminal justice system irrespective of the magnitude of the case; that a child or an adult should be afforded the same treatment. Juvenile gangs would be handled best by enforcing severer punishment for gang-related crimes (Ross 425). Creating more juvenile correction and probation facilities would modify and keep juveniles from engaging in recidivism. Improving access to schools and creating awareness on the demerits of juvenile gangs would keep children out of the criminal justice system. I believe the decision made in this case corrected the misconception that unlike the adult criminal justice, juvenile justice should be informal. The ruling also discounted probation and long periods of incarceration as the basis of juvenile
Monday, August 26, 2019
Caring for the Elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Caring for the Elderly - Essay Example As studies emphasize the continued activeness contributes to longevity and health of elderly, there has been significant initiatives to increase their activeness on a personal and community level (Caring for the Elderly). The elderly should not be marginalized, set aside or to be made feel unwanted or uncared for. The motivation is for the elderly to be able to enjoy the longevity that is afforded them by new developments in medical science to the fullest. Many programs has encouraged many senior citizens to stay active or become active. This has increased their quality of life while at the same has provided essential support among the individuals in their age group (Williams & Garland 379). However, success of the programs has been limited and health departments are turning to private and community groups to improve the situation of more senior citizens. In Northern Ireland, case study programs have been launched to assess the effectiveness of physical development programs for the elderly and the leanings from the programs are to be the basis of programs to be launched in Britain in 2007 (Northern Ireland Social Care Council [NISCC]). Among the popularized programs that have initiated by the Unite Kingdom's National Health Service include community exercise programs that include Tai Chi and dance. The programs are centered on the theory that improving the level of physical activity can enhance the overall all health of the subjects, enhancing or maintained include dexterity, agility, endurance and coordination (McGuire-Snieckus et al 8). Continued physical activeness can significantly enhance everyday physical activities since muscle tone and related body functions are maintained (Caring for the Elderly). Though there are strict considerations for individuals who have existing conditions particularly those who may have conditions that impair their judgment as well as for cardio vascular or immunological conditions (Garland et al 454). The objective is to be able to not just let them enjoy the activities but to also derive pleasure and fulfillment form their physical activities. Social Care Together with the studies that give evidence that beyond the physical activity that is involved in the programs, interaction during the activities also plays an important role for the individuals participating in the programs (McGuire-Snieckus et al 11). Thus, the physical activities or therapies serve as the host for other programs designed for the age groups that also aim to enhance their life and the effectiveness of their medications and treatments. The elderly should be considered a heritage to society: treasured and valued for their lives and learning. Parts of existing rehabilitation programs for the elederly are in combicnation with juvenile programs. The elderly serve as mentors for the troubled youths providing them real life insights regarding their addiction or other conditions. The program has had success because of the relationship that is fostered among the participants and on the side of the more senior participants it allows them to share their feelings and realizations from their lives (Lalor et al) According to researches, one of the most difficult sources of problem for the elderly involves their marginalization and diminished access to social institutions and activities that
Sunday, August 25, 2019
In what ways does David Fincher's The Social Network (2010) (Social Essay
In what ways does David Fincher's The Social Network (2010) (Social netweork is a movie)illustrate contemporary understandings - Essay Example This of course was no way to have a healthy relationship, but relationships were not his primary focus; his primary focus was on creating the best website for social networking in the world. The story basically focused on his relationship with Eduardo Saverin, the then CFO of the business and Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, the twin brothers who gave the idea for Facebook to Zuckerberg (although this was not their initial idea). When looking at the ideas of intimacy and friendship, this movie brought out several issues that are apparent for people today who are engaged in social networking. 1 Intimacy and Relationships Zuckerberg seemed to have difficulty with intimacy because he could only go so far with women before they saw him as a jerk. In the beginning of the movie, the audience sees Zukerberg and his girlfriend Erica talking in one of the campus bars. Erica is there to breakup with him because she says, â€Å"being with you is exhausting; it’s like dating a StairMasterâ € . This was an insult to him but he did not see it as an insult at firs because he was attempting to understand what was happening. Smith (2010) called Zuckerberg a â€Å"social autistic†(p. 1) which in many ways she was correct. According to Rudy (2011) some autistic children have not developed social skills and this causes them to have problems with interacting socially. When watching the movie, it was clear that Zuckerberg had problems with interacting with people. Also, they have a tendency not to be able to pick up the subtle cues that people give to each other in face to face conversation. Although this has never been discussed in relation to the real Zuckerberg, there are several websites devoted to people with autism that speculate that he could have Asperger’s Syndrome. Whether this is true or not is not certain, but this could explain why the character in the movie had such challenges. Intimacy is not always easy for many people no matter what their situ ation and this may be due to Attachment Theory. Dinero et al. (2011) studied the family of origin to understand whether there was a relationship between the family of origin and an individual’s ability to form an intimate relationship. What they found was that if a child had positive attachment interactions wit their parents when they were 15 and 16, that these relationships would help them build attachment security with another person by the time they were 25. They also found that the family of origin and other positive romantic relationships created an ability to have a secure attachment later in life. Intimacy then can be determined by the quality of attachment that an individual has or does not have with their family of origin. Zuckerberg also has problems making and keeping friends. The movie is about the early years of Facebook and it is not known whether he has learned from his mistakes in real life, but it was certain that he did not learn from Dale Carnegie (1936) in terms of how to make friends and keep them. Carnegie suggested that there were three fundamental techniques in handling people: 1) you should not criticize them; 2) you should honestly appreciate them (letting them know this); and 3) you should arouse an eagerness in them for something they want. Although Zuckerberg had many people around him, he constantly criticized or condemned them, never showed them that he appreciated them and never really nurtured those people around him who could have been of great help to him. An example of this
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Miss Evers Boys Opinion Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Miss Evers Boys Opinion - Movie Review Example These blacks had put their blind trust in the hands of the medical practitioners, doctors and medical professionals, besides the United Stated Government. However, they were meted out with discriminatory practices. The victims were used as 'study cases' and were experimented upon, depriving them of proper medical care. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the United Stated Public Health Service used about six hundred of the syphilis affected blacks as 'case studies' to conduct experiments. They did not make use of the already discovered wonder drug, penicillin and carried on with their insensitive experimentation. This leads to the death of nearly two hundred victims, which the doctors hide under the garb of lack of treatment. Alfre Woodard plays the young nurse, Eunice Evers who works for Dr. Brodus, played by Joe Morton. The two, in combination with a white doctor, played by Craig Sheffer are appointed to open a treatment centre for the blacks with syphilis.
Social networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social networking - Essay Example This article starts with the definition of social networking and discusses impact of social networking sites on the personality of individuals. This article discusses that; Some people have ineffective social skills in person and grow dependence on social networking sites to compensate for loneliness ; Conflict at home can result in an addiction to more impersonal interactions on a social network ;Addiction to social networking may be caused by an individual's lack of self esteem ;Because social networking is so common, young people may simply copy their peers' behavior. Discussion is concluded with findings about the issues. Social networking is defined as follows ; ( Web -What Is Social Networking? ) â€Å"Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if you will. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular on line. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and experiences about cooking, golfing, gardening,  developing friendships or professional alliances, finding employment, business-to-business marketing and even groups sharing information about the end of the Mayan calendar and the Great Shift to arrive December 21-2012. The topics and interests are as varied and rich as the story of our world. When it comes to online social networking, websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. Depending on the website in question, many of these online community members share common interests in hobbies, religion, or politics. Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them.†Some people have ineffective social skills in person and grow dependent on social networking sites to compensate for loneliness. It has been generally observed that in effective social skills may persist in off line and online communication. (Web-Newsweek ) â€Å"There are more than 300 million people in the United States, and sometimes it seems like all are friends on Facebook. However, the sad truth is that Americans are lonelier than ever. Social isolation in all adults has been linked to a raft of physical and mental ailments, including sleep disorders, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of depression and suicide Studies have shown that loneliness can cause stress levels to rise and can weaken the immune system. Lonely people also tend to have less healthy lifestyles, drinking more alcohol, eating more fattening food, and exercising less than those who are not lonely. Some of the most profound loneliness can happen when other people are present. People tend to measure themselves against others, feeling particularly alone in communities where social connection is the norm. That is why collectivist cultures, like those in Southern Europe, have higher levels of loneliness than individualist cultures. For the same reason, isolated individuals feel most acutely alone on holidays like Christmas Eve or
Friday, August 23, 2019
American Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
American Politics - Essay Example While the limitations of the President in effecting change can limit a President whose point of view does not reflect that of the best welfare of the United States, the powers of Congress can impede a President whose interests would better suit the welfare of the citizens of the United States. The nature of the three branches of power within the federal government of the United States were set into balance so that no one branch could attain so much power that it could fully countermand those of the other branches. While the President holds veto power and the Supreme Court can discount laws where they do not fall in line with the spirit and intent of the constitution, these powers can too be circumvented by the powers of Congress. The powers of the Presidency, in particular, were limited so that no one man could rule the nature through despotic power. Although, in recent history the nation has experienced events that led to such types of power taken and used inappropriately. This goes to show that vigilence must be attended in order to contain the nation as a truly democratic and free social structure that is defined by its federal diligence at maintaining that integrity (Tucker and Tucker 407). Article II of the Constitutions of the United States sets down the powers of the President of the United States. Section 1 provides the parameters of the term of office, the parameters of who is eligible to be President, and the parameters of how the President will be elected. Section 2 provides initial context to the nature of the powers of the President. The first clause gives the President the command of the armed forces, but implicitly states that it is only through Congressional agreement that war can be declared. The second clause outlines the President’s power to put into effect treaties. He must get a two thirds vote
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Quality of Living Analysis for Greenpoint, Brooklyn Essay Example for Free
Quality of Living Analysis for Greenpoint, Brooklyn Essay Greenpoint Greenpoint, Brooklyn is a culturally vibrant neighborhood full of a wide range of retail shops, restaurants, bars venues, banks, and other services. It is largely occupied by people of Polish descent (43. 6% according to the 2000 Census) and of Hispanic descent (19. 2%. ) The median income is $33,578, significantly lower than the corresponding national average of $41,994. Even with the median income in Greenpoint being almost $10,000 less than the national average, it has many of the same difficult characteristics shared by most New York City neighborhoods namely igher-than-average housing prices, overcrowded schools, higher utility prices, high local taxes, and lack of high paying Jobs- all of which create a much higher total cost of living than most cities in the United States. A very low proportion of Greenpoint residents own their homes. According to the 2000 census, only 19. 2% of residents owned the homes they were living in, versus the 66. % national average. Rent prices have also consistently been on the rise, despite a few significant hiccups since the November 2008 financial crisis. It could be a great advantage to local residents if a rogram was set up providing local tax breaks for first time home owners in Greenpoint. Also, if the budget would allow, the City could match the Federal governments pledge of $8000 in assistance for first time homebuyers. With $16,000 in assistance, and lowered taxes, many Greenpoint residents who otherwise would not be able to purchase a home might be able to afford that option. A lower percentage of Greenpoint residents graduate high school than the national average (70. 4% vs. 80. 4%), which is also true for those with Bachelors degrees (21. 2% vs. 24. 4%). This lack of higher education hinders peoples likelihood of getting high aying Jobs, and in turn, makes it harder for them to move out of poverty into the middle class. A no-cost GED training center should be set up on Greenpoint Avenue to assist high school dropouts (of any age) in getting a diploma. Similarly, a Greenpoint GED College fund should be set up, to provide full CUNY scholarships for the top 10% of the graduates of these GED programs. This not only would incline many people to seek their own education who otherwise wouldnt, but it would also prevent many of the best students from slipping through the cracks, and ensure that more Greenpoint kids got a chance to go to college. A hot button issue for Greenpoint (and Brookyn as a whole) is land-use and development. In 2005, the City Council passed a plan for the re-zoning and development of much of the Greenpoint and Williamsburg waterfront, as well a large block of the upland area. The plan is known as the Greenpoint-Williamsburg Land Use and Waterfront Plan. The plan focuses on changing zoning regulations along the northern Brooklyn waterfront and some of the upland areas, mostly to allow for large residential buildings to be built. Many residents of the community were worried about the waterfront development uildings being built very high, and pushed for regulations limiting the number of condominium ; rental developments being geared only toward those with high incomes, and not toward those with average Greenpoint ; Williamsburg incomes (Williamsburg has an even lower median income than Greenpoint, $23,567. An attempt was made to strike a compromise between the community and the development groups, to solve both of these problems in one fell swoop. The compromise that was eventually passed is called the Greenpoint-Williamsburg Inclusionary Housing Program, which attempts to address concerns about both uilding height and low-income housing. The program stipulates that any development that includes a certain amount of affordable housing is eligible for a floor area bonus, meaning they are allowed to build higher than the base restriction. There are 2 waterfront zones designated, R6 and R8; in R6 the base floor area restriction is up to 23 stories, in R8 it is 33 stories. With 20-25% of space within the development designated for affordable housing, this restriction can be raised 4. 7% to 30 stories and 40 stories respectively. While in theory this idea sounds promising, in practice it will not accomplish the goals it claims to. First of all, if a new development chooses not to go past the floor area restrictions, then there is no requirement that they provide any affordable housing. This leaves little incentive for developers to spend the extra money to build higher, and choose to include the low- income housing, as they only gain 4. 6% in floor area bonus, but have to designate over 20% of the total space of affordable housing. It ends up only inclining them against building past the base floor area restrictions (which many residents believe are already far too lax, allowing for unnecessarily tall buildings that block other uildings views, and obstruct sunlight for large areas of the upland waterfront. I believe the plan should be changed to require that any and all new developments include at least 10% affordable housing to begin with. In addition to the affordable housing problem, the Greenpoint-Williamsburg Land Use and Waterfront Plan does not include any provisions for building new schools in the neighborhood. A new high school in Greenpoint is sorely needed, as most high school age students who cannot attend the Automotive Technical School, which is the o nly public high school in Greenpoint, end up attending schools in Ridgewood, Queens and Williamsburg. The plan also has no provisions for public daycare centers, tutoring or after-school programs, or improved transportation routes from the northwestern waterfront area (which is very difficult to commute from). It would be prudent to adjust the plan to require at least some of these programs to be set up in the area, at the shared cost of the developers and the City. It is important to use contractors and building companies from the local area when building new developments in Greenpoint. Too often, contracts for restoration projects, and new developments end up going to companies not from Brooklyn. For instance the old Greenpoint Hospital, which has been gathering dust since 1982, is going to be converted in 240 units of affordable housing, but the contract for this conversion went to TNS Development Group, based in Queens. Two other contracts, from local Greenpoint community groups, were both rejected. A perfect sector to create high paying Jobs in the local community is in skilled construction and building, it seems only right to award the slew of evelopment contracts that are available in the area to local contractors and edited to require that 50% of all building contracts from now on go to companies located in the 11222 area code. Shortly before her death, Jane Jacobs summed up the problems with the waterfront development plans in a letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg: The communitys plan does not cheat the future by neglecting to provide provisions for schools, daycare, recreational outdoor sports, and pleasant facilities for those things. The communitys plan does not promote new housing at the expense of both xisting housing and imaginative and economical new shelter that residents can afford. The communitys plan does not violate the existing scale of the community, nor does it insult the visual and economic advantages of neighborhoods that are precisely of the kind that demonstrably attract artists and other live-work craftsmen [but] the proposal put before you by city staff is an ambush containing all those destructive consequences. The roadblocks in the way of changing some of these plans would be great, and in order to make it possible, it would require a tremendous amount of public outcry and rassroots organization, in order to influence some major change of character in the highest levels of local power. If Mayor Bloomberg could be convinced to live up to his many campaign promises of building more public schools (and not Just charter schools), and more affordable housing, then maybe Greenpoint could get the funds and zoning changes needed to build a new High School and provide good housing for its largest demographic, the lower class. In order to fund some of these projects, taxes could be raised on all waterfront property that is not designated to low income ousing- which might provide some more incentive for developers to build more affordable housing in the area, and if it not, it might at least add some tax revenue that could help fund a new local high school. A plan that properly addresses all the issues in a neighborhood like Greenpoint would have to be much more expansive and detailed, and would surely encounter a lot of resistance from some local politicians and big development companies, but some of the ideas presented in this paper could have far-reaching positive consequences if they could gain enough public support, and be implemented.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Social Media Essay
Social Media Essay Social media and social networking seem to play an imperative part of peoples lives around the world. There are some who debate whether it is improving or crippling communication skills. Sitting behind a computer communicating with cyber friends can be easy and fun but can weaken a persons verbal communication skills. I will not only focus on the negative impacts on communication because there are some positive impacts on communication through social media. I will explore how social media and networking strengthens and weakens communication. Communication is defined as the act or an instance of communicating; the imparting or exchange of information, ideas, or feelings. (Collins, 2009). Communication involves the transfer of meaning or information from one person or group to others. (Baack, 2012). It is an integral part of everyones life. All communication areas are significant in that each area represents a system that operates within a broader system of destination management, and contributes to its overall efficiency. However, each area of communication has its own characteristics and the knowledge of these characteristics will ultimately help establish an efficient communication pattern. There can be no argument that technology has had a major impact on the world and how people communicate. (Omrcen, 2009) Accessibility that one has to the internet through smart phones, tablets, computers, and other mobile devices has made accessing information and connecting with people a touch away in some cases. People are communicating almost all day every day through texting, e-mail, and the ever-expanding social media. Because it has had such a modern explosion in popularity and usage, social media has become the new norm when it comes to communicating everything from huge life events like engagements and the birth of children to minute particulars like what one ate for dinner. Social media has had one of the most substantial impacts on how people communicate within the past decade. The internet has a greater impact on people today than ever before. It has been a continual source of news, entertainment, and education for users around the world for more than 20 years. However, the most innovative of its technologies, social media, did not achieve mainstream popularity until about ten years ago. Facebook, Twitter, and similar services are becoming the most visited destinations on the internet. These websites allow users to quickly and easily share pictures, links, ideas, and messages with other users; theoretically facilitating social interaction. These services, through a combination of accessibility, simplicity, and intuitive design promote positive social behavior by encouraging interaction among friends, relatives, and co-workers; facilitating communication between individuals, and fostering a profound sense of community. Social media is a rising trends in the world today. Communication skills are exemplified by use of social media networking. Social media networking allows for a communication outlet. Social media is being utilized by students, parents, businesses, and religious organizations. It is being used in many forms by many different platforms for many reasons. The transmission device is anything that carries a message, including sound waves, light waves, pieces of paper, mobile-phone signals and screens, the Internet, computer monitors, billboards, radio and television signals, and an endless number of additional carriers (Baack, 2012). Social media is employing many transmission devices, including mobile devices and computers. I am interested in the role social media plays in communication because I use some form every day and notice that it is becoming a rising trend. I have found myself checking my Facebook page without even thinking about it. I have also noticed that some friends post frequently and tell everything they are doing via status updates. The social network, Twitter, appears to be one of their first choices with celebrities tweets being the topic of many news discussions. At the bottom of nearly every commercial, there is a Facebook/Twitter link. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have always encouraged their subscribers to come up with an online persona. They then build a personal network of friends that connects to an open worldwide community (Griffith Tengnah, 2009). Information is now shared freely between the two. These parties can communicate either publicly (writing on walls) or via the more discrete personal messages. Apart from connecting to a network of friends, a subscriber can join community groups with a specific interest. Here, the subscribers discuss different issues touching on that interest. More often than not, events are created where physical meetings are arranged. Briggs found out that an average Facebook user is connected to around 80 community groups (Griffith Tengnah, 2009). Most of these groups encourage the subscribers to give suggestions on how they should be run and to engage in debates. They also provide a social forum for members to interact amongst each other and with the leaders of the groups. There are other social sites like YouTube that give users a platform to upload and share videos. Here, users post videos of themselves for other users to view. YouTube has been a great platform for musicians and film producers as their fans can easily access their music videos. Other social sites like MySpace have also given users the platform to post videos on their profiles. Such sites enable easy access to a variety of videos like music, sports, documentaries, and movies. Social media has lessened the use verbal communication and increased the use of online messaging. People nowadays can have phone conversations over their computers. This has been enabled by the development of social sites such as Skype. Here, people that are connected will communicate by word of mouth. This is unlike Facebook and Twitter where the mode of communication is by writing. Most of the social sites have now incorporated webcams for their subscribers. Webcams enables friends to have a one on one conversation while at the same time watching each other. This communication is more private and very effective as subscribers get to see each other. There has really been an increase in popularity in webcam conversations. Facebook, Twitter, and Skype are popular social media platforms millions utilize daily. It is extremely rare to come across anyone in todays society who does not have an account on one of these platforms. Social media is not only people used by people but by businesses and organizations, as well. Most sites that I visit online has a link to their Facebook page, Qualman, 2009 states: Social media touches nearly every facet of our personal and business lives. In business, it is not just for Marketing and Public Relations department. Rather it is imperative for social media to be a part of the companys overall strategy. Social media is living and breathing and it touches every part of a company from Customer Service to frontline sales, even Human Resources and Information Technology. (p.13) With the rising growth of social media networking, businesses are turning to it as a means of advertisement. It allows businesses and organizations to reach millions of users on a platform they are using on a daily basis. Businesses and organizations reach numerous users on Facebook by creating pages and offering promotions and discounts to get fans. If there is someone on your page who is a fan of their page, your friends can share post that are displayed in your newsfeeds. This allows the business to reach the fan and the friends of the fans. It is important to realize that as social media evolves the realm of communication changes. The technological advances added to social media changes the way we communicate with people on daily basis. It has made communication quicker and more efficient. Social media sites like Facebook send daily reminder of friend birthdays. Instead of picking up the phone and traditionally wishing someone birthday greetings, you can simply type your birthday greeting on their page. This has eliminated the need to make a phone call or send a greeting card While receiving a birthday message from your friends online is okay, it feels impersonal. The feeling of opening a greeting card and reading a message someone picked out for you, fills my heart with warmth. That personal effect is not felt from a message left on a page I have created online and in most cases, I do not read them. Almost everyone young and old use social media in some fashion. Twitter is popular social platform for celebrities. I often watch the news and there is a story of what some celebrity tweeted to their fans or other celebrities. The use of social media and networking has elevated communication to a higher platform. It has helped social organization, businesses, churches and individuals reach audiences in which they could not reach before. It has even be used in politics with President Obama using twitter to keep Americans posted on what is happening in the government, The negative effects of social media on communication are the effect it can have on kids through cyber bullying and unwanted exposure. Younger people are using mass communication without the without realizing the consequences. (Wallis, 2012). There has been instances where young folks have committed suicide as the result of negative things that have been posted about them on the internet, Parental controls are available to ensure website are access that are inappropriate for certain age groups but they cannot protect young folks from what is being posted by their peers. Social media and networking is often used as an outlet and peers can post things that are potentially hurting to others. With the emergence and growth of social media there are benefits and disadvantages to the way communication is impacted. The real question is whether the benefits surpassed the disadvantages. I believe that the benefits of social media are helpful to the world and we communicate. As with anything, there will be disadvantages and it will be used to do things that it was not originally intended. Inmates in prison have access to social media and networking allowing them to stay connected to what is happening in the outside world. The television is slowly becoming obsolete with Facebook, Twitter and other sites providing news at faster rates then the local news at 10pm. The news station and newspaper also have Facebook and Twitter accounts that provide new stories, as they are unfolding. The ability to access social platforms via computers, tablets, and cellphones allows you access at all times throughout the day. The convenience and ease of access leads to social media and network addictions. Anyone who has a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account have seen the user who is logged in all the time. There are some users who post everything they are doing throughout the day, which can be dangerous. Facebook also lets you to make groups, have applications and have as many friends as you want this assists you with getting in touch with people who like what you like, play games online, and make additional friends. One thing it lacks in is security from pedophiles. There is no report button to report users, even if they are irritating you. It also has a social bookmarking websites, allowing you to keep your favorite websites in one place, as well as all your friends. Another wonderful idea only integrated by Facebook is the friend finder. It permits you to find friends in an instant, allowing you to connect to friends. If you page is not private and can only be accessed by your friends, when you post your everyday activities it allows users to know your location and what you are doing. If you post that you will be going on vacation for the next couple of days, it lets potential burglars know that you are not at home and can lead to your home being broken into. There is no general rulebook on the dos and donts on how to effectively use social media without making yourself vulnerable. Privacy has been become a rising issue in social media and networking with the addition of locations and gps tracking. Recently, Facebook has made it easier to understand and adjust your privacy settings but it is up to the user to ensure their privacy is protected. The best way to protect your privacy is to be mindful of what you post and who can access and view what you are posting. I suggest not posting anything on the social media and networking sites that you do not want broadcasting to everyone. Although you believe your family and friends are viewing what you are posting, anyone can access it. Communication has improved greatly by emerges and continual growth of social media. Everyone from churches to schools use it to communicate with users. Social media has evolved communication to new heights. The ease of access and growth makes it very beneficial to everyone from pastors to politicians. As social media evolves, communication will improve and continue to soar to new heights. The positive impact on communication definitely overcomes the negative and makes it very beneficial.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Integrated Library Management Utility From Prospects
Integrated Library Management Utility From Prospects The meaning of the term digital library ranges from a digitized collection of all digital information along with the services that make the information useful to all possible users. At times it is used interchangeably with term such as virtual library, electronic library, and a library without wall. A digital library is a type of information retrieval that used the science of searching for documents. The simplest definition was aptly put forth by Hunter and Mardis (2001), a digital library is a collection of information that is both in digital (electronic from) and is organized. Information may take in many forms such as images, video, audio, text, formatted documents and interactive software. All these collection information then are stored in digital formats and accessible by computers either through internal accessing using Local area Network (LAN) network or external accessing through online.[1] The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is an organization, which might be virtual, that comprehensively collects, manages and preserves for the long term rich digital content, and offers to its user communities specialized functionality on that content, of measurable quality and according to codified policies operation (L. Candela 2008). The purposed digital library aims to provide an electronic system to help educators and student obtain accurate information; collect, store, and organized information in digital format; publish and share electronic resources; and learn how to use Information Technology (IT) tools to obtain information on local contents. The fundamental reason for building digital libraries is belief that it will provide better delivery of information than was not possible in the past (Arms, 2000). The major advantages of digital libraries over traditional libraries include: Digital libraries bring the libraries closer to the customers: Information are brought to the customers, either at home or work, making it more accessible, and increases its usage. This is very much different than traditional libraries where the customers have to physically go to the library. Computer technology is used for searching and browsing: Computer systems are better than manual methods for finding information. It is useful for reference work that involves repeated leaps from one source of information to another. Information can be shared: Placing digital information on a network makes it available to everyone. Many digital libraries are maintained at a single central site. This is a vast improvement over expensive physical duplication of little used material, or the inconvenience of unique material that is inaccessible without traveling to the location where it is stored. Information is always available: The digital librarys doors will never close; usage of digital libraries collections can be done at hours when the library buildings are closed. Materials are never checked-out, missed-shelve, or stolen. In traditional libraries, information is much more likely to be available when and where the user wants it. New forms of information become possible: A database may be the best way to record and disseminate information. Whereas conventional libraries are printed on paper, yet print is not always the best way to record and disseminate information. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The objective of this paper is to study the function of ILMU system on perceived ease of use of digital libraries. Further, this study also attempts to answer whether there is a relationship between the ILMU system and perceived ease of use in context of CRM. There is limited research done in Malaysia on the end-users perception of the ease of use and usefulness of digital libraries. Thus this paper attempts to study the nature of the relationship between system function, ILMU system modules, and effectiveness of CRM on digital technology among library staff in Malaysia. Methodology The methodology used was to examine academic libraries on the web to identify types of electronic information services available; the method of deliver and functionalities of these services. The selected organizations were those which used the term digital libraries or virtual libraries to describe the online library. history of ilmu In Malaysia, the use of Internet technology in libraries began with university libraries creating static web sites containing general information about the library, its collection, services and facilities. Libraries then began to incorporate Web-based Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in the web site. Consequently, library systems evolved into Web-based library systems, with some of these sophisticated systems being able to integrate content management systems and facilitate the creation of Web-portals for the expansion of library services. As Chao (2002) observes, the rapid development of information technology is transforming key library services at a spectacular rate. By connecting to the Internet and WWW, the university library expands its access to information resources, some of which appear as digital libraries. Lately the term hybrid library is being widely used by Malaysian libraries as there are only just embarking on the journey to the digital world. ILMU was derived from the need to provide a seamless but integrated information environment representing a modern library system. From the paper-work description such as cataloguing, authority, circulation, etc. to the digitalized document and online database store. The end-product is a major step towards a true digital library but still maintains the lifework of the library system and follows the procedure of the library of congress classification (LCC). ILMU utilises client-server technology and accommodates multimedia; OLE, event-driven program execution and ODBC connectivity, in addition to conforming to international classification and standardisation schemes. Based on the digital library term and description, any information can be accessible and stored via LAN and online. The team that is responsible for ILMU had originally developed System Perpustakaan Berkomputer (SISPUKOM) in 1985, which won a National award and was awarded the first runner-up position for the Asia Computer Weekly Award for best software. But ILMU is not simply a revised or re-engineered version of SISPUKOM. It is a completely new idea and product built based on the experience on designing and maintaining the earlier system. It still used the concept of library system and follows the procedure of LCC but directed at utilising the latest technologies and fulfilling modern user prerequisites. From the CRM view, the computerised library information system is designed to provide both technical and customer information services in any library or information centre. By using the similar library activities and operation, it can be operated by customers both public and private sectors. Based on an open concept of software development, its modular and integrated approach towards library computerisation is complemented by its ability to be installed and executed in a number of hardware environments. Any update classifications are easily been upgraded to the new version. In commercial terms, the product has been successful, being enthusiastically received by customers both public and private sectors. It has been accepted most of the Information Center and been adapted by customer as a guidance and module in library system. ILMU was implemented at PTAR in January 1999 then presently been installed over 170 in Information Center. It is a library information system designed to assist librarians and library staff for daily activities and operation. ILMU MODULES and functions In the literature by Bunge and Bopp (2001), the three aspects of service are identified as (i) service that assisting customers in finding information, (ii) service that helps customers learn skills to find and use library collection and (iii) guidance to customers in choosing relevant information resources based on the need and presenting the information. This definition, together with Marchioninis categorization was used by Choi (2006) and expanded by him. In this study, Chois categorization was adopted to suite the study aims and the selected digital libraries were examined based on the following criteria: Availability of Internet Resources Digital reference service Availability of online user education Availability of links to reference sources Availability of links to search engines Availability of links / guide to citation tools. Other services Mainly the concern was to identify the availability of information services useful to students and researchers, the librarys main clientele. Table 1 shows the overall description of the various digital information services in the digital libraries examined in this study. Each type of service is described based on the various functions it had in the library. Any functional digital library should following five main components (IBM DB2, 1998): It should provide for creating and capturing materials and support an array of industry standard and specification, able to define and import data in varied format, incorporate templates and authoring tools to help in the creation process. It should include an access and distribution module so that information can be distributed over public or private network. It should provide search and retrieval components so that the contents of the stored learning objects can be search effectively, utilising keyword searches, Boolean search and ranking relevant searches. It should provide authentication and rights management module that control user access and protect the library contents. It should incorporate the storage and management of contents that provides high-performance, scalable storage and efficient digital learning object management. ILMU provide some modules in library activity and operation such as acquisition, cataloguing, authority, circulation, infotrack, IRS, and accounting that can be implement by the customers. CATALOGUING Cataloguing module provides user friendly, and established data entry templates. Ability to interface with on-line bibliographic databases that can store hundred thousand bibliographic at the same time. With its locally established data-entry templates, assist libraries in the management of bibliographic information retrieval. This module provides searching method to the customer in retrieving certain information needed. It also provides customer accurate calculation about the total of the item that have been stored in the database. Using this module, customer can modify texts to conform to local cataloguing requirements, and import selected records to ILMUs database. As such, custom tailored records are produced. This module also permits the generation and arrangement of lists, such as Shelf lists and Accession lists, according to the libraries needs. Cataloguing module allows customers organized different kinds of library collection with very systematic way and can easy accessing. It gives very good solution for various kind of problem occurs and bibliographic operation such as bibliographic maintenance, accession maintenance, release for circulation, deleted bibliographic records, and batch indexing. BIBLIOGRAPHIC MAINTENANCE Customers in the management of bibliographic information can use Bibliographic Organisation to locally establish data-entry interfaces. It allows the customer to enter a new record and index the record so that it can be used by other customer. This feature also enabling the customer to edit, modify or delete the existing records. ACCESSION MAINTENANCE Accession Maintenance is the process allows the customer to record all the details of accession for every item in library. At the same time, it allows the customer to create a new accession record, edit or modify the existing accession record and also can deleting the records. RELEASE FOR CIRCULATION Release for Circulation is the last function can be done in Cataloguing Module. After this function, the item can be manipulated in Edaran unit of a library. Customer can borrow, return and also can reserve the item. The status for the item will be changed from Final Processing to Available after the function. DELETED BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS All the deleted items in Cataloguing module are stored in Deleted Bibliographic Record. Customer can use Deleted Bibliographic Records function to permanently delete a record. BATCH INDEXING The Batch Indexing used to indexing the buffer record which is temporary stored in batch. It enables customer to register the records into particular type of indexing. This process will keep the records into database for retrieving purposes. AUTHORITY MAINTENANCE ILMU authority modules provide valuable assistance to term reference. It allows users to submit terms that can be used by a library system to ensure the data consistency. For example, the author Kamaludin Muhammad uses his pen name Keris Mas for his writings. When a work written by the author is catalogued into the system, a user may key in Keris Mas or Kamaludin Muhammad as the author. When used in conjunction with the Cataloguing module, users are able to search for specific information through customized search keys derived from a variety of MARC tags. This mechanism ensures that when a user performs a search, it is possible to obtain consistent results. CIRCULATION Facilities tracking of check-in, check-out, renewal, recall, fines payment, generation of predetermined notification and a host of reports. Circulation is used by the librarians at the counter to perform activities such as borrowing items, returning items, booking, renewal, etc. the patrons activities will be recorded by the system and displayed in the enquiry screen. The functions of Fast Discharging are similar to Discharging. When there is scanner connected to the system, discharging will be executed automatically once the item is scanned. This will increase the efficiency of the librarian, especially when there is a long queue. The Item Recall is a request by the customer to the library to ask another customer who has an item checked out to bring it back to the library by specific date. Modify item status: Used by the librarians to modify the item status and able to displaying the related items. Reservation Scrutiny: Used by librarians to search the reserved item which has been given notifications. Item Branch Reassignment: The module will be released to satellite enabled site only. Batch Renewal: Gives the customer a flexible way to renew the items. By using this application, the customer can renew the items by grouping or one by one for same person. ACQUISITION Enables librarian to process users requests, create orders, and generate claim and cancellations. It also enables librarians to process customers purchase requests, to create orders, to generate claims and cancellations, and to record full and partial receipts. Librarians can import records from existing bibliographic databases or perform pre-ordering searches against the Cataloguing database for re-ordering purposes, thus reducing the ordering of duplicates On-line links with the Library Fund Accounting databases enable libraries to track all expenditures. INFOTRACK Enables customers to keep abreast with the latest events at the library as well as perform searches via features such as Library Map, Library Messages, Library Information, Library Calendar, looking for particular books, and journal in OPAC. Customers can browse through the latest news headlines or books and journals through the Newspaper Headlines and New Arrivals functions respectively. Also has an OPAC function, which permits quick information retrieval, and the sorting and printing of this information. Other facilities include Suggestion Box for obtaining users feedbacks, Patron Enquiry to allow individuals to browse through their personal information, Library Collection and Top 10 listings for librarians. IRS This module provides features such as creating a thesaurus, profile of patron, generating SDI listings, searching IRS database such as theses, articles in seminars etc. FUND ACCOUNTING This module is integrated with the Acquisitions and Serials modules respectively which allows transactions from the above-mentioned modules to be automatically transferred to the accounting database. SERIAL This module handles ordering, automatic prediction patterns, check-ins, claims, cancellations and reporting functions. Ilmu features In the ever-evolving world of library automation, ILMU provides organization with the perfect library solution: Open-Based on industry standards such as OpenURL, XML and ODBC. ILMU offer the ultimate in resource-sharing capabilities, full connectivity, and seamless interaction with other systems and databases. Reliable-The inherent multi-tier client/server structure guarantees that ILMU will meet your needs today and in the future. Flexible- Modular components can be tailored to accommodate the requirements of your institution or consortium. Easy to use- User-friendly workflows and intuitive graphical interfaces increase staff and patron efficiency. Customizable-Modifiable components enable libraries and consortia of any size to create unique management systems. Multilingual-Full Unicode support provides multidirectional and multiscript text capabilities. Â L. Candela et al.: The DELOS Digital Library Reference Model Foundations for Digital Libraries. Version 0.98, February 2008 (PDF)
Monday, August 19, 2019
Loyalty and Ignorance of Emilia In Shakespeares Othello Essay
Emilia is a minor but necessary character in Shakespeare’s Othello. She battles playing the role of a loyal wife and caretaker, while possessing inner strength to rebel against society and man’s invisible reign on woman. Emilia is a wife to Iago, a caretaker to Desdemona but most importantly she is a lady of potency and character. Through these qualities Emilia unwillingly follows her wifely obligations to Iago, but additionally develops a strong relationship with Desdemona. This connection between the two women, allows Emilia to hold Shakespeare’s key to the entire tragic plot. For she is the only character who possesses the knowledge of the surrounding events. This ignorant yet known knowledge results in the catastrophic ending of the play where Emilia defends Desdemona by demanding justice and truth over her husbands deceiving lies. â€Å"Honest Iago†then shows the true villain that he is and tragically ends his wife’s life. By which then placin g truth on what Emilia had so long believed, that men are vulgar, immoral and corrupt and that her intuition through out the play was then proven just. The act of loyalty from a woman to a man in Othello includes the two utter most important terms of being silent and obedient. Emilia chooses to practice these traits with her husband in hopes of gaining admiration and affection from a man completely incompatible for her but regrettably bound to her by marriage. Readers are first introduced to Emilia in Cyprus when Iago speaks poorly of her to Cassio, by declaring, â€Å"Sir, would she give you so much of her lips as of her tongue she oft bestows on me, You would have enough†, which can also be interpreted that he takes no appreciation in his wife’s wisdom and wishes her more to be a mute than to... ...nstead displays ever so respected strong characteristics that readers throughout centuries can continue to be captivated by. When Emilia decides to deny herself to conforming to social norms, she boastfully follows her beliefs that Desdemona is innocent, irregardless that there are indeed some women, including herself, who are not pure but only because it is their husbands faults that cause women to commit adultery. Today, vast amounts of individuals admire the woman that Emilia exemplifies in her last tragic moments on earth. For it is here that she blesses women in society for ages and ages to come the utter most essential qualities of strength and bravery. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Othello, The Moor of Venice. Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, poetry and Drama. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New York: Longman, 2006. 661-770 Loyalty and Ignorance of Emilia In Shakespeare's Othello Essay Emilia is a minor but necessary character in Shakespeare’s Othello. She battles playing the role of a loyal wife and caretaker, while possessing inner strength to rebel against society and man’s invisible reign on woman. Emilia is a wife to Iago, a caretaker to Desdemona but most importantly she is a lady of potency and character. Through these qualities Emilia unwillingly follows her wifely obligations to Iago, but additionally develops a strong relationship with Desdemona. This connection between the two women, allows Emilia to hold Shakespeare’s key to the entire tragic plot. For she is the only character who possesses the knowledge of the surrounding events. This ignorant yet known knowledge results in the catastrophic ending of the play where Emilia defends Desdemona by demanding justice and truth over her husbands deceiving lies. â€Å"Honest Iago†then shows the true villain that he is and tragically ends his wife’s life. By which then placin g truth on what Emilia had so long believed, that men are vulgar, immoral and corrupt and that her intuition through out the play was then proven just. The act of loyalty from a woman to a man in Othello includes the two utter most important terms of being silent and obedient. Emilia chooses to practice these traits with her husband in hopes of gaining admiration and affection from a man completely incompatible for her but regrettably bound to her by marriage. Readers are first introduced to Emilia in Cyprus when Iago speaks poorly of her to Cassio, by declaring, â€Å"Sir, would she give you so much of her lips as of her tongue she oft bestows on me, You would have enough†, which can also be interpreted that he takes no appreciation in his wife’s wisdom and wishes her more to be a mute than to... ...nstead displays ever so respected strong characteristics that readers throughout centuries can continue to be captivated by. When Emilia decides to deny herself to conforming to social norms, she boastfully follows her beliefs that Desdemona is innocent, irregardless that there are indeed some women, including herself, who are not pure but only because it is their husbands faults that cause women to commit adultery. Today, vast amounts of individuals admire the woman that Emilia exemplifies in her last tragic moments on earth. For it is here that she blesses women in society for ages and ages to come the utter most essential qualities of strength and bravery. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Othello, The Moor of Venice. Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, poetry and Drama. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New York: Longman, 2006. 661-770
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Henry James, Principled Realism :: Henry James
Henry James, Principled Realism I read a critical essay by Michael Kearns entitled, "Henry James, Principled Realism, and the Practice of Critical Reading." In it, Kearns invents the terms "principled reality" and "naà ¯ve reality" and how to apply these perspectives when reading Washington Square. As Kearns explores these two types of realities, he states that the readers should take a stance of "principled realism" which he defines as follows: "principled realism, like pragmatism, is a method which holds that no objective truths or transcendentally privileged perspective can be found but that we can understand enough about a situation or event to be able to act responsibly towards all persons involved." We can achieve this, according to Kearns, by understanding that the characters are fully dimensional. We must look at their strong points, their positions on certain issues, and we might speculate what their downfall might be. Although Kearns thinks that we who read Washington Square with a principled realistic perspective should remain ethically neutral, he does urge that we also become emotionally involved. He states: " Principled realism recognizes the importance of emotional as well as rational responses; to the extent that readers come to care about the novel's characters, they are in a position to perceive and share the fundamental ethical stance of James's fiction." On the other hand, Kearns defines his term "naà ¯ve realism" as characteristic of "someone who mistakenly elevates socially constructed and verbalized knowledge over the individual and inarticulate rather than accepting both as valuable." Kearns believes that Dr. Sloper and the narrator both practice naà ¯ve realism and this, he contends, is dangerous thinking. He continues: " Sloper's naà ¯ve realism manifests itself in his belief that he can build a valid theory on facts†¦he has reduced to propositions." Kearns implies that James creates fictional characters (such as Dr. Sloper) to help his readers form the correct ethical judgement about the novel. The doctor is so cold, so calculating, the readers naturally would want to take the opposing position. He is not the only one that Kearns believes uses naà ¯ve realism. The narrator does as well: "as the story develops and Catherine's experience expands, the narrator remains superior; in particular, he grants the young woman no depth of inner life.
The Dictators Essay -- History, Politics, War
The twentieth century, unlike any other before it, saw dramatic changes in many different areas such as science, technology, politics, religion, and society. One of the most important and definitely the most obvious change is the increasing deadliness of war. Granted, people have died in wars from the very beginning, but in the twentieth century wars began to generate much higher body counts both among the contending armies and among civilian populations, the latter being the most drastic change in number of casualties. Similarly, in the twentieth century, two opposing dictatorships arose. Although both had many similarities, they represented the culmination of two different political ideologies that had flourished in Europe since the mid-nineteenth century. It all stems back to World War I, which produced a disillusioned public that increasingly sought to change their circumstances in life but attempted to do so outside of the established system. The two regimes are simply th e two exact extremes that were produced in this reaction. National Socialism represents an ultra-conservatism that goes way beyond the boundaries of conservatism as known today, whereas Communism represents ultra-liberalism. Because these two were so ideologically extreme on the right and left ends of the political spectrum respectively, in fact, the wrapped all the way around, so to speak, so that they were not actually that far from each other ideologically after all. So, the question is: if the ideology of the two regimes was so different, why then were there so many similarities? What really tied them together was the rejection of the same prevalent doctrine: liberalism (Overy 639). Both preached against the bourgeoisie and praised the common ... ...ent a similar occurrence in the future. It is important to look at these as archetypal examples of repression born from paranoia and ideologies twisted into bizarre shadows of their former intent. Although they are the two most studied and famous, there are other regimes throughout global history that can be approached in much the same way. For example, in terms of ideology, an historian could approach communist China or, in terms of genocide, one could approach the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia using the knowledge gleaned from the study of National Socialism and Communism. Similarly, it may be possible to use that same knowledge to foresee when a country might be headed towards such a regime and to attempt to prevent it from doing so. That way, the legacy of these regimes is not one of terror and bloodshed but instead one of helping to prevent more bloodshed.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Impact of Product Price and Brand Name on Quality Perception Essay
In ordinary usage, price is the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for goods or services. In modern economies, prices are generally expressed in units of some form of currency (For commodities, they are expressed as currency per unit weight of the commodity, e.g. Tshs per kilogram.) Although prices could be quoted as quantities of other goods or services this sort of barter exchange is rarely seen. Prices are sometimes quoted in terms of vouchers such as trading stamps and air miles. Brand is the â€Å"name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.†Initially, Branding was adopted to differentiate one person’s cattle from another’s by means of a distinctive symbol burned into the animal’s skin with a hot iron stamp, and was subsequently used in business, marketing and advertising. A modern example of a brand is Coca Cola which belongs to the Coca-Cola Company. A brand is the most valuable fixed asset of a Corporation. In general, the product is defined as a â€Å"thing produced by labor or effort In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. 2.0 PROBLEM ANALYSIS 3.0 OBJECTIVES 3.1 general objectives name on customer’s quality perception of product To assess the effect of price and brand 3.2 specific objectives * To assess the effect of price on quality perception * To assess the effect of brand name on quality perception HYPOTHESES Null hypotheses * There is negative relationship between price and quality perception * There is negative relationship between brand name and quality perception Alternative hypotheses * There is positive relationship between price and quality perception * There is positive relationship between brand name and quality perception LITERATURE REVIEW The consumer quality perception has been a debatable topic for the past so many years around the world; previously many researchers have studied this topic and found exploratory findings in different contexts. The central purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of product price and brand name on consumer’s quality perception of the product. The marketer must inspect the consumer buying behavior by consumer psychological behavior and social concerns (Shabbir 2012). According to Kurtulus et al. (2005) the influence of consumer psychographics on their tendency to purchase retailer brands, that must be valid and reliable so the consumers are more price conscious and prefer and purchase retailer brands. Most of the consumers need convenience and quality products that strongly motivate them to buy the same product more frequently in the future (Ahuja, Gupta, & Raman, 2003). Ahmad, & Vays, (2011) found that the pre-decision time of consumer purchasing behavior recognized solid link with the desire purchasing Behavior of the consumers. Product price The product price factor is always been an important factor in customer/consumer buying process in every context. They always examine price and brand name information differently when they are making judgments on the dimensions of quality: ease of use, usefulness, performance, durability, and status (Brucks, Zeithaml & Naylor, 2000). The marketing managers have to think broader to have a common on two factors such as capability control and strategic dynamic pricing policies (Moe & Fader, 2009). The customer must be facilitated with some packages in products. Bie & Chiao (2001) found that the marketing managers should highlight the service quality as well as but also price fairness in total consumer satisfaction program. According to Chang & Wildt (1998) the price has its significant influence on perceived quality when it is the only information indicated available. According the study of consumer prefers to have a price and quality rather than technical aspects in durable goods (Chui et al. 2006). Brand name Another benefit of branding , from the customer view point,is its ability to increase purchase confidence and enhance customer loyality (Aaker,1991 ; chaudhuri & holbrook ,2001).Brands work by facilitating the the customers buying decesions process.(Doyle,1990).In a competitive market customer face hundred of products and messages competing for attention.the buying decisions are reliant on their past experience and perception about a product and his habitual buying process is associated with brand loyalty
Friday, August 16, 2019
Cry Freedom Essay
Cry Freedom was a movie that took place in South Africa in the 1970’s. It is a movie about a journalist, Donald Woods, and a black activist, Steve Biko. While Woods was around Biko reporting what was happening, Biko invited Woods to go see one of the impoverished black township so he could see where black people in South Africa lived. When they arrived, Woods was shocked. The black people of South Africa were living in terribly poor conditions due to the government imposed restrictions on their lives. Woods realizes how wrong the government is by putting these restrictions in place and begins to agree with Biko and his beliefs. Biko was a very outspoken activist for the rights of the black people in South Africa. The government had already banned him from leaving King William’s Town, his hometown, due to his past efforts for the cause. Latter on in the movie, Biko ends up getting arrested after a political speech which is outside of the area in which Biko is supposed to stay banned to. After being arrested, Biko is beaten to death. Since Woods had been reporting on the story, him and Biko had become good friends. After the death of his friend, Woods decided to work to expose the government’s part in the beating of Biko. After meeting with the South African Minister of Justice, Woods is banned by the government just as Biko was when the movie began. After being banned, Woods and his family are targeted and harassed by the government. Woods manages to escape the country of Lesotho disguised as a priest and the rest of his family joins him latter on. Woods escapes to Botswana with the help of an Australian journalist. Cry Freedom really shows us the issues of South Africa from the past. Black people from South Africa were severely discriminated against and were forced to live in terrible conditions. These terrible conditions were forced upon the black community by the government. This was the time of the apartheid system, so the government was the cause of much of the discrimination of the black people of South Africa. The movie really shows us the true face of the government. We see how the government was behind the terrible things that happened to black people during that time. Not only did the government support this discrimination, but it also went as far as killing black people who were trying to speak out for their rights, just as they did to Biko. Cry Freedom shows us how horrible the government actually was in South Africa during the apartheid.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Cemex Case Study
Mexico’s largest cement manufacturer, Cemex, has become a global powerhouse in the cement and construction industry. It currently controls 60 percent of the cement industry in Mexico (Hill 2009). Cemex’s success is a result of a combination of efficient technology such as radio transmitters, satellites, and computer hardware that allow the company to anticipate changes in supply and demand and reduce waste.Cemex’s success is also a result of an attempt to dominate the industry by acquiring and buying out competitors worldwide in order to expand. a.Which theoretical explanation, or explanations, of FDI best explains Cemex’s FDI? I believe that internalization theory best explains Cemex’s FDI because Cemex has taken the initiative to enter into many countries and instead of licensing; they bought domestic cement businesses and have grown into a worldwide powerhouse.According to the textbook, internalization theory explains why firms often prefer forei gn direct investment over licensing as a strategy for entering foreign markets (Hill 2009). With the advanced technology that Cemex uses, so licensing would not be the greatest avenue for the company to take in order to protect it’s â€Å"technological know-how†(Hill 2009). b.What is the value that Cemex brings to the host economy? Can you see any potential drawbacks of inward investment by Cemex in an economy? Cemex is the third largest cement company in the world, and a powerhouse in Mexico where it controls 60 percent of the market.Cemex is highly focused on efficient manufacturing and customer service. Distributors are rewarded for their sales, as are users. The primary benefit Cemex brings to host countries involves these competitive advantages. Cemex acquires companies and then transfers technological, management, and marketing know-how to the new units, improving their performance. The company has brought several acquired companies back to full production, incr easing employment opportunities in the host country as well. c. Cemex has a strong preference for acquisitions over greenfield ventures as an entry mode. Why? Cemex has successfully acquired established cement makers in many countries.By acquiring companies rather than establishing them from the ground up, Cemex can avoid some of the delays that could occur in the start-up phase, while at the same time, capitalize on the benefits of an established market presence. Acquiring other businesses is effective because the host economy already knows the demographics and the market. Cemex would be able to make the business better with their technology and research. A Greenfield venture would be risky and not cost effective. d. Why is majority control so important to Cemex?Majority control is important to Cemex because of the ability to implement its policy of transferring resources. When it does not have majority control it may not be able to transfer its own managing resources to newly a cquired companies. Also, Cemex might want to take advantage of differences in factor costs across countries, so it will be allowed to import parts from other places to reduce costs.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Interpersonal Communications in Sweet Home Alabama
In Interpersonal Communications, it is important to understand how stereotyping can affect close relationships. When an individual uses stereotyping in a negative way, this in return negatively affects the relationship. This can lead to major problems in the long run. In Sweet Home Alabama, it is easy to see that false stereotypes lead to judgments reflecting badly on relationships. The clip shown of Sweet Home Alabama starts off with Melanie Carmichael, a fashion designer who is about to have her first runway show.After the runway show she has to go with her boyfriend, Andrew, to an event involving his mother, the mayor of New York City. On the way, Andrew surprises her with an engagement proposal. Although she says yes, she asks to keep it a secret until she can visit her parents. He agrees to let her visit home by herself to break the good news to them, before letting it become a public announcement. This is until his mom notices the engagement ring on Melanie’s finger and freaks out. Pictures of the three of them spread to all of the tabloids saying they’re engaged!She takes the first plane back to Alabama. This is when we find out that she actually has a husband, Jake, who refuses to sign the divorce papers. Although she is determined to get him to sign the papers, he still turns her down. He calls the sheriff and Melanie gets sent to jail where she has to call her parents. Her dad picks her up, and she tells them about the engagement. Melanie’s parents do not seem to approve, as they have not seen her since she left Jake seven years ago. They still think that her and Jake should be together. Many things can lead to a false judgment on another person.One term in particular that often leads to judgment and interpersonal communication problems is stereotyping. Stereotyping is to take a general characteristic of a certain group, and assume that every individual that belongs to that group takes on that characteristic. People stereotype bec ause it simplifies the process of perception. Once you find out that a person belongs to a certain group, it’s easier to just assume they take on the implied characteristics that go with that group to form an easier impression. This often leads to problems, because it â€Å"leads us to form flawed impressions of others†(McCornack, 2010, p. 00). An example of this is the idea that all African Americans are criminals. A person that is stereotypical would see an African American on the street and be scared that they are going to mug them. As you can see, this hurts the process of interpersonal communication. It hurts the process because if someone judges everyone they meet based on a stereotype, it will be hard for them to connect with anyone. It will also be difficult to for interpersonal relationships with others. In one specific scene of Sweet Home Alabama, Melanie has just arrived at Jakes house to ask him to sign the divorce papers.After she says that she needs them signed so that she can get on her way and go home, he refuses. He tells her to go home and see her parents before he even will consider talking about signing the papers. He then goes inside as she replies, â€Å"Jake, you dumb stubborn redneck hick, the only reason you won’t sign these papers is because I want you to! †He exclaims, â€Å"WRONG! The only reason I ain’t signing is because you’ve turned into some hoity toity Yankee bitch, and I’d like nothing more than to piss you off! †Throughout this whole ordeal, the two are making facial expressions depicting anger and annoyance.Also they are extremely verbally aggressive towards each other. In this scene, both Melanie and Jake use stereotypes against each other. Melanie calls Jake a redneck hick, saying that he is stubborn and stupid. This could be considered a stereotype because the label redneck hick is often associated with being stupid and hard headed. In the heat of the moment, she uses this to relieve anger and insult Jake. He then rebuttals by calling her a Yankee bitch and saying she has become hoity toity. People from the north or â€Å"Yankees†often have the reputation of being arrogant and rude.Jake is calling her a hoity toity Yankee bitch because he thinks that since she moved away she has become someone she’s not. Although they used to be in love and married they use these hurtful stereotypes to get their point across. The point of the stereotype usage is to hurt the other and the outcome is anger and even a little hurt. Melanie and Jake’s communication was competent in some areas, while incompetent in others. When it comes to appropriateness, they would both be incompetent. In the situation that they are in, both should be calm and acting like adults.Although many divorces get ugly, initially signing the papers should generally be done in a civilized manner. Instead they both would be considered as having low- self monitors bec ause they are just stating exactly what is on their mind. However, in terms of effectiveness they were both competent in their instrumental goal. Melanie gets it across very clearly that she wants Jake to sign the papers, while he makes it clear that he doesn’t plan on signing them. For the couple’s self-presentational goals they are clear that they do not like each other very much when they begin fighting.Melanie shows that she wants Jake to sign the papers so she can get on with her life. She wants to break the connection between them and she attempts to, but fails at her relational goals when Jake won’t sign the papers. He succeeds at his relational goals in that he does not want to give in and sign the papers ending their marriage. When it comes to ethics, they were both extremely hostile and over exaggerated leading to incompetency in this category of interpersonal communication. In order to have had more competent communication, Melanie should have been ca lm and composed when asking Jake to sign the papers.When he began to refuse, she should have reasoned with him and gotten him to agree without using judgmental words towards each other. As shown in Sweet Home Alabama, stereotyping others can lead to false judgments and even hurt feelings. This portrayed in the scene that I chose to analyze. Melanie and Jake made false stereotypes about each other by calling one another hurtful names that did not apply. This taught me that although it is just easier to assume stereotypes are true, you should not always be so quick to judge. paper 1 grade sheet introduction (4 pts. ) Did you describe the purpose of your paper?Did you mention the concept you will be analyzing? Did you adequately describe what happened in the movie excerpt? introduction4 pts. possible_____ body (28 pts. ) Did you clearly and correctly define and explain the course concept you selected? Was your explanation complete enough for the sake of understanding the later analysis ? course concept explanation7 pts. possible_____ Did you give a concise, yet vivid, description of the relevant scene(s) you selected for analysis? Was your explanation of the communication behaviors accurate and detailed with respect to the relevant verbal and nonverbal messages? cene & communication description7 pts. possible_____ Was your application and analysis of the course concept complete, thorough, and accurate? Did you discuss how the communication impacted relational outcomes between the characters? interpretation & analysis7 pts. possible_____ Was your evaluation of interpersonal communication competence insightful? Did you address appropriateness, effectiveness, and ethics in your analysis? Were your recommendations for improvement specific, accurate, and relevant to course material? IPC competence & recommendations7 pts. possible_____ conclusion (4 pts. Did you do a nice job of summarizing your paper and analysis? Did you explain what you learned from conducting the an alysis? Was your explanation insightful? conclusion4 pts. possible_____ general writing issues (4 pts. ) Is your paper well written? Is it free of typos, spelling errors, and other proofreading mistakes? Is your paper coherent, thorough, complete, and informative? writing4 pts. possible_____ concept approval (-4 points) Did you neglect to secure approval of your chosen concept by your TA’s specified due date? If so, 4 points will be deducted from your grade. TOTAL (out of 40 pts. )_____
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The impact of student misbehavior in reaching processes Essay
The impact of student misbehavior in reaching processes - Essay Example 3. Focus/scope Different student subgroups 4. Location & duration The study was carried out in UK between 1994-1998 5. Research design & method(s) Qualitative analysis: calculating differential attainment. 6. Key concepts and ideas Achievement gap exists across various student groups with diverse capabilities such as social status and mobility. 7. Key findings, recommendations & implications for your enquiry Students from middle class families have lower educational attainment as compared to the working class categories. More research needs to be done on the topic to prove the efficiency of social class and mobility. This research enables me to understand that educational achievement is normally influenced by sociological and physical issues. 8. Your critical evaluation of this paper: Although the paper offers scientific facts, it fails to go past the Middle Class and the working class population segments in regard to education. 9. Critical comparison (Paper 1 is better than paper 2 because it was done in many faces over a decade. However, the long period of time could have impacted the scope. Your student number: 2 Admiraal, W., & Wubbels, T. 2005. Multiple Voices, Multiple Realities, What Truth? Student Teachers' Learning to Reflect in Different Paradigms. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 11(3), pp315-329. 1. What is the study about? The study focuses on the challenges that student teachers experience during practice. 2. Purpose What are the main aims? The purpose of the paper is to provide a rare comparison of two reflective practices of teachers. 3. Focus/scope The scope of the paper is to offer readers a rich and balanced literature on the experiences of student teachers from different researchers. 4. Location & duration Utrecht University, UK (1990-2000) 5. Research design & method(s) Qualitative methodology and reflective reports 6. Key concepts and ideas The researcher based ontological, epistemological and methodological concepts upon ration al beliefs. 7. Key findings, recommendations & implications for your enquiry Student teachers saw numerous challenges related to practice but which were almost similar in the two studies analyzed in the paper. These include poor interaction with learners. 8. Your critical evaluation of this paper Although, the research provides a balanced approach to pertinent issues facing student teachers, it is based on secondary data which may be prone to some inaccuracies. 9. Critical comparison (This paper is better than the rest because, it offers real-time experiences of the student teachers in practice, however its focus on secondary data makes the findings less credible. Your student number: 3 Cooper, H., Robinson, J.C., & Patall, E.A. 2006. Does Homework Improve Academic Achievement? A Synthesis of Research, 1987-2003. Review of Educational Research, 76(1), pp1-62. 1. What is the study about? The study explores the academic importance of homework. 2. Purpose What are the main aims? This p aper explores the impacts of homework on students. 3. Focus/scope The paper focuses on the significance of homework to education in the USA 4. Location & duration United States since 1987 5. Research design & method(s) Quantitative analysis: sampling of various research designs 6. Key concepts and ideas Homework is a form of remedial work 7. Key findings, recommendations & implications for your enquiry Homework achieve relatively moderate learning achievements. The findings can form the basis for empirical research. This research enables me to
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