Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Marketing Intelligence in the Vineyard Limited Company Assignment
Marketing Intelligence in the Vineyard Limited Company - Assignment Example Here, I can obtain valuable information about the status of the company at present. The most efficient and easy way would be accessing the data on the internet by typing the trade name â€Å"Vineyard Limited Alternatively, I would simply Google, â€Å"industry research reports†to receive a lot of information on the company’s current status as well as uncovering various marketing analysis information. My next step would be to carry out a formal research project. This would make it possible for me to identify the perceptions of customers about behavior patterns of the company. I can do this by observing customers and the way they purchase foods and drinks from the company as well as using questionnaires. From the forester reports, I learned that Emails connects everything in the process of an interactive mix (VanBoskirk 10). I would, therefore, use simple and easy-to-follow mail questionnaires to get an extensive knowledge of current issues in Vineyard Limited and to enable respondents to complete the quizzes conveniently. They will be more willing to give family and personal sensitive issues for the reason that the mail feedback can be anonymous. Data analysis and interpretation would be my critical step in analyzing the company’s current state. I would use computer-based statistical packages to analyze the data. My last step would be to use the results to make a marketing conclusion about this company. Given that I have already obtained information from customers as outlined above, I would come up with a process to guide the company in the desired direction. For instance, I would constantly develop new breakfast cereals, where the product element is this new foodstuff itself.Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Renaissance Artemisa Gentileschi Essay Example for Free
Renaissance Artemisa Gentileschi Essay My idol of the Renaissance period is the famous woman artist named Artemisia Gentileschi. She was born in Rome on July 8, 1593. Her father was a well-know Roman artist named Orazio Gentileschi and my mother was named Prudentia Monotone. She died when Artemisia was twelve. Most women artists in this post-Renaissance era were limited to portrait paintings and poses. She was the first woman to paint major historical and religious scenarios, such as her painting, Judith Beheading Holofernes, c. 1620. At an early age she experienced loss. Two of her brothers died during childhood and her mother died while giving birth. Showing some artistic skill, Artemisia received some early training from her father. After art academies rejected her, her father hired his friend, Agostino Tassi, to teach her. In 1612, she was sexually assaulted by him. The trial was seven long months. Artemisia was tortured with thumb screws in order to make her tell the truth of her claims. He was ultimately convicted, but Artemisa had a tarnished reputation after. She had been publicly humiliated and was severely criticized then and in her life forward. Artemisia’s first painting was named, Susanna and the Elder, c 1610. She was seventeen when she painted it. Michelangelo had a major influence on her style. The painting depicts the biblical story of Susanna, a young wife who was sexually harassed by the elder of her community. She shows her as vulnerable and frightened, while the men are conspiring behind her. This painting was completed before the rape, but it might be a depiction of the harassment from Tassi. The trauma of the rape impacted how she painted; she often painted graphic depictions of people dealing with pain. In 1612, she came to Florence, Italy where her father arranged for her to marry a Florentine artist name Pietro Antonia di Vincenzo Stiattesi. They became official members of the Academie del Disegno (Academy of Design) in 1616, which was a prestigious honor for me, a woman. Her first child, Giovanni Battista was born in September of 1613. Her second son, Cristofano, was born in November of 1615. Her husband is starting to prefer gambling over working. They are in much debt. In August of 1617, she gave birth to a daughter named Prudentia; sometimes called Palmira. She continued to live with Pietro even though it was loveless. He left me 10 years later. She had a second daughter in October of 1618, but she died in June of 1619. It was a difficult time and unbeknownst to Artemisia, they are even in more serious debt than I had originally thought. In 1621, she returned to her hometown in Rome as ordered by Cosmo II de Midici. She was supposed to return in order recover from an illness and her family problems. She also spent time in Venice from 1627 to 1630. She never returned to Florence. She went to Genoa for a short time with her father and painted, Jael and Sisera. Some of her patrons while back in Rome were cardinals Francesco and Antoni Barberion, both wealthy and influential prelates. By 1630, she moves to the city of Naples. Charles I of England and the Duke of Modena also purchased her paintings. Naples was the wealthiest city in southern Europe at this time. She also worked in England for a while beginning in 1638 where her father had a position at the court of Charles I. She returned after her father death in 1639. As noted above, her most famous painting, Judith Beheading Holfernes, illustrated an event from the Old Testament Book of Judith. Holofernes, the Assyrian general, was preparing to destroy the land of Judah. Judith then goes to a maidservant, Abra, to the Holorenes’ camp. She poses as a deserter from the Hebrews. Judith seduces him with her beauty, gives him alcohol, and then severs his head! After her death, her grave marker was lost during church renovations and the inscription on her headstone, rather than mentioning her artwork, remembered her sexual scandal instead. In time, Artemisia was often forgotten about in the Art world and her paintings were often wrongly attributed to her father or other artists. Centuries later, renewed interest in Artemisia uncovered her story, properly attributed her work and finally restored her reputation as one of the world’s most important female artists and a major artist of the Italian Baroque period. Gentileschi often chose historic and biblical subjects that featured a female protagonist: Susanna, Bathsheba, Esther, Judith. Her style was heavily influenced by dramatic realism and marked contrasting light and dark of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1573 – 1610). The first book devoted to her, Artemisia Gentileschi The Image of The Female Hero in Italian Baroque Art. by Mary D. Garrard, was issued in 1989; her first exhibition was held in Florence in 1991. A TV documentary, a play, and more recently, a film have advanced her visibility as an important artist. As noted above, Artemisai Gentileschi, was inspired to paint by her father and by famous artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Today she is regarded as one of the most progressive and expressionist painters of her generation. After moving back to Rome French artist, Pierre Dunostier le Neveu, made a drawing of her hand holding a paintbrush. She along with her father were one of many artists invited by King Charles I of England to decorate the ceilings of the Queen’s house in Greenwhich. I am inspired by her because she chose to stand up and compete against the men of that time. Woman of that era had such difficulties trying to gain recognition for their work. She is one of the first women who eventually overcame adversity. Her technical skill showed human emotion from a â€Å"woman’s†perspective which some say is a breakthrough in art. In the words of Mary D. Garrard, she has suffered a scholarly neglect that is almost unthinkable for an artist of her caliber. [pic] Susanna and The Elders c 1610 [pic] Judith Slaying Holfernes Cited Work
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Inspiration :: essays research papers
Subject: Inspiration Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Christ. Allow God, to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc., we should give the same respect to this prayer. Friends that pray together, stay together. Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness. Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You. Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. Let me continue to see sin through God eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God. And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example -- to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It's the best response w hen I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank you that I believe. I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Retirement Revamping Essay -- essays research papers fc
Social Security is a major concern in American society today. Social Security first started in 1935 under President Roosevelt when he signed the Social Security Act that provided the elderly with guaranteed retirement income. In 1939, benefits for spouses, dependent children of retirees, and survivors of workers who die before retirement were implemented by congress. In the 1950’s, disabled workers were also given benefits. Now days, Social Security is under close scrutiny. Funds are depleting, and Social Security is in need of some serious revamping. Many solutions have come forth, but the most workable plan is to create privatized investment accounts that allow individuals to have more influence over their own money for retirement. (Weisman) In 2000, $402 billion dollars were spent to give over 45 million people benefits from Social Security. 63%, or $348 billion dollars, went to retired workers while the other 37%, or $54 billion dollars, was distributed among disabled workers and their families. As of 1950, there were 16 people paying Social Security taxes to every one retiree receiving benefits. Now, the ratio is at a dismal 3.4 tax payers to every one recipient. (Clayton) Projectionists are saying that with the current taxes and the current spending, more money will be paid out than brought in by the year 2016. In fact, some say the deficit will reach numbers totaling $17.4 billion in 2016. More over, if this trend continues, debt will reach $99 billion by the year 2020 and $271 billion in 2030; projections show that funds will be completely dried up by 2038 if nothing has still been done. (Weisman) Economists have several different proposals for how to fix the problem. Some say that individuals should have complete control over their money to invest in the stock market as they choose. They see investing some of Social Security in the market as the only way to eliminate the deficit. They say the deficit will soon increase with the baby boomers generation primed to retire in the next 12 years, and they believe the market is the country’s best bet to keep Social Security afloat. (Weisman) Others believe that just a few minor adjustments are needed to fix the problem. Ideas, such as the raising of maximum wages subject to a payroll tax and investing 15% of Social Security’s surplus in stocks, have been proposed to combine in the aid of eliminating the de... ...e implemented in the younger American generation. This will save social security for its future recipients and create a better foundation for the upcoming generation. The fact of the matter is, Social Security will change, and it must change or else retirement for all will cease to exist. Works Cited Clayton, Gary E. Economics Principles & Practices. Columbus, OH: Glencoe McGraw      Hill. 2003. Feldstein, Martin. â€Å"Privatizing Social Security: The $10 Trillion Opportunity.†Social Security Privatization. 11 Nov. 2004. . Ferrara, Peter. â€Å"A Plan For Privatizing Social Security.†Social Security Privatization. 11 Nov. 2004. . Ferrara, Peter. â€Å"The Failed Critique of Personal Accounts.†8 Oct. 2001. 11 Nov. 2004. . Orszag, Peter R. â€Å"Costs of Voluntary Individual Accounts for Social Security.†5 May 2000.     15 Nov. 2004. Rechtman, Yigal. â€Å"The Idea of Privatization.†Social Security and Privatization. 11 Nov. 2004 â€Å"Strengthening Social Security.†The White House. 11 Nov. 2004      Weisman, Jonathan. â€Å"Bush Pushes for Overhaul; Others Say Go Slow, If at all†. USA      Today.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Never judge a person by external appearance Essay
I believe that judging about anyone by his external appearance, we perform a tremendous mistake. I have numerous examples in my life when I didn’t like the people at first site but eventually they have become my friends. The culture and subculture determine the appearance of their followers, but they don’t determine the entire consciences and qualities of the representatives. There are manifold types of clothes all over the world and if the woman wears in Arab headscarf it doesn’t mean that she is a terrorist. It’s most probably the part of her culture, but unfortunately we have in mind stereotypes from a TV. Even in one country numerous subcultures represents the different types of the appearances yet good and bad people are everywhere. As a matter of fact people have bad and good days and they look and behave accordingly to their moods. It’s quite common when a person, having temporary money problems, wears and looks not too exquisite and, even he’s a good specialist, it will be hard for him to find a job. Sometimes a person don’t have enough time to maintain the glamorous appearance, what obviously doesn’t signify that he is worse than another, spending his time in a beauty shop. Someone, who doesn’t have excellent exterior, could have other, more important qualities. Will you be friends with the beautiful but stupid and selfish man? Certainly will not. He could be a good musician, awesome orator and perfect sportsman, but you wouldn’t give him a chance to show all these talents if you paid attention only to the imperfect appearance. Also, we could have some bad remembrances relating with the certain appearance and sometimes it’s difficult to overcome them. I believe it’s not right to judge people by their exterior because you could miss the chance to meet with very interesting humans and make useful acquaintances.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How To Form Compound Nouns in Spanish
How To Form Compound Nouns in Spanish A puzzle in Spanish is a head-breaker (rompecabezas), and someone who reads books a lot is a book-warmer (calientalibros). These two words are among the more colorful compound words that have entered the Spanish vocabulary. Most compound words are more mundane and self-explanatory (a dishwasher, lavaplatos, for example, is just that). Compound words, known in Spanish as palabras compuestas, are quite common. They are frequently coined, sometimes for humorous effect, although not all impromptu compound words survive or become widely known. An example is comegusanos, a worm eater, which you wont find in a dictionary but will find in occasional use through an Internet search. How To Form Compound Words As you may have noticed, the compound words being discussed in this lesson are formed by taking a verb in the third-person singular indicative and following it with a plural noun (or, rarely, a singular noun when it makes more sense to do so). For example, cata (he/she tastes) followed by vinos (wines) gives us catavinos, a winetaster or barhop, depending on the context. Often, these words are the equivalent of the English verb followed by a noun and -er, as in rascacielos, skyscraper. (Rascar means to scrape, and the skies are the cielos.) In English, such words can be written as one word, a hyphenated word or two words, but in Spanish these compound words always form one unit. Words formed in this way are masculine, with rare exceptions, although they are sometimes used in the feminine if they refer to women or girls. Also, the plural of these words is the same as the singular: a can opener is un abrelatas, but two or more are los abrelatas. If the noun part of the word begins with an r, it is typically changed to an rr, as in quemarropa from quema ropa. Although no collection of compound words can be complete, on the following page is a list of some of the most common along with many that have been included merely because theyre humorous or otherwise interesting. Where the English translation doesnt convey the origin of the Spanish word, a literal translation of the Spanish is included in parentheses. Note that in some cases not all possible meanings of the Spanish words are included. List of Compound Words These are among the most common (or, in a few cases, humorous) compound words in Spanish. It is far from a complete list. abrecartas - letter openerabrelatas - can openerapagavelas - candle snufferbuscapià ©s - firecracker (it looks for feet)calientalibros - bookworm (he/she warms books)calientamanos - handwarmercalientapià ©s - footwarmercalientaplatos - dish warmercascanueces - nutcrackercomecocos - something that confuses or brainwashes (it eats coconuts)cortacuitos - circuit breakercortalpices - pencil sharpener (it cuts pencils)cortapapel - paper knife (it cuts paper)cortaplumas - penknife (it cuts feathers)cortapuros - cigar cuttercuentagotas - medicine dropper (it counts drops)cuentakilà ³metros - speedometer, odometer (it counts kilometers)cuentapasos - pedometer (it counts steps)cuentarrevoluciones, cuentavueltas - counting machine (it counts revolutions)cuidanià ±os - babysitter (he/she cares for children)cumpleaà ±os - birthday (it fulfills years)dragaminas - minesweeper (it dredges mines)elevalunas - window openerescarbadientes - toothpick (it scratches teeth)esc urreplatos - dish rack (it drains dishes)espantapjaros - scarecrow (it scares birds)guardarropas - clothes closet (it keeps clothing)lanzacohetes - rocket launcherlanzallamas - flame throwerlanzamisiles - missile launcherlavadedos - finger bowl (it cleans fingers)lavamanos - bathroom sink (it washes hands)lavaplatos, lavavajillas - dishwasherlimpiabarros - scraper (it cleans mud)limpiabotas - shoeshine (he/she cleans boots)limpiachimeneas - chimneysweep (he/she cleans chimneys)limpiacristales - window cleanerlimpiametales - metal polish (it cleans metal)limpiaparabrisas - windshield wiper (it cleans windshields)limpiapipas - pipe cleanerlimpiauà ±as - fingernail cleanera matacaballo - at breakneck speed (in a way that it kills the horse)matafuegos - fire extinguisher (it kills fires)matamoscas - fly swatter (it kills flies)matarratas - rat poison (it kills rats)matasanos - medical quack (he/she kills healthy people)matasellos - postmark (it kills stamps)pagai mpuestos - taxpayerparabrisas - windshield (it stops breezes)paracaà das - parachute (it stops falls)parachoques - bumper (it stops crashes)paraguas - umbrella (it stops water)pararrayos - lightning rod (it stops lightning)parasol - sunshade (it stops sun)pesacartas - letter scale (it weighs letters)pesapersonas - scale for people (it weighs people)picaflor - hummingbird, lady-killer (he/she pecks flowers)picapleitos - shyster lawyer (he/she encourages lawsuits)pintamonas - bad painter, an incompetent person (he/she paints copycats)portaaviones - aircraft carrier (it carries aircraft)portacartas - letter bag (it carries letters)portamonedas - purse, handbag (it carries coins)portanuevas - one who brings newsportaplumas - pen holdera quemarropa - at point-blank range (in a way that burns clothing)quitaesmalte - enamel or nail polish removerquitamanchas - dry cleaner, stain remover (it removes stains)quitamotas - flatterer (he/she removes defects)quitanieve, qui tanieves - snowplow (it removes snow)quitapesares - consolation (it takes away sorrow)quitasol - sunshade (it removes the sun)quitasueà ±os - anxiety (it takes away sleep)rascacielos - skyscrapera regaà ±adientes - unwillingly (in a manner that causes the snarling of teeth)rompecabezas - puzzle (it breaks heads)rompeimgenes - iconoclast (he/she breaks icons)rompeolas - jetty (it breaks waves)sabelotodo - know-it-all (he/she knows it all)sacabocados - punch tool (it takes out bites)sacaclavos - nail removersacacorchos - corkscrew (it pulls out corks)sacadineros - trinket, small scam (it takes money)sacamanchas - dry cleaner (it takes away stains)sacamuelas - dentist, quack (he/she pulls teeth)sacapotras - medical quack (he/she removes hernias)sacapuntas - pencil sharpener (it sharpens points)saltamontes - grasshopper (it jumps hills)salvavidas - certain safety devices (it saves lives)secafirmas - blotting pad (it dries signatures)tientaparedes - one who gropes his/her way (he/she feels walls)tirabotas - boot hook (it stretches boots)tiralà neas - drawing pen (it draws lines)tocacasetes - cassette playertocadiscos - record playertrabalenguas - tongue twister (it ties tongues)tragahombres - bully (he/she swallows men)tragaleguas - long-distance or fast runner (he/she swallows leagues; a league is a little-used measurement of distance, equal to about 5.6 kilometers)tragaluz - skylight (it swallows light)tragamonedas, tragaperras - slot machine, vending machine (it swallows coins) Key Takeaways A common type of compound noun is formed in Spanish by using a third-person singular indicative present-tense verb and following it with a plural noun attached to the verb.Such compound nouns are often the equivalent of noun verb -er in English.Such compound nouns are masculine, and the plural form is identical to the singular.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The eNotes Blog 5 Games to Encourage SummerReading
5 Games to Encourage SummerReading With the school year ending, getting students to sit down and read can be challenging- not to mention the dreaded summer slide the following autumn. But, with these 5 fun approaches, reading can become more engaging for students. And for those who are less reading-inclined, get them involved with other means of learning! 1. Play Reading Bingo Create a Bingo sheet with reading challenges. This can mean books with certain themes, poems of a certain length, or short stories/plays from a list. When school resumes, students who have completed a row, column, or diagonal on their Bingo sheet get a prize. Anyone who successfully completes a blackout (all squares completed) gets a prize. Here are some suggestions for your Bingo squares: Romance novels Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, Jane Eyre Stories with a mystery A Jury of Her Peers, Dà ©sirà ©es Baby,The Black Cat Stories with a moral lesson A Christmas Carol, The Devil and Tom Walker, The Necklace Suspenseful stories Bernice Bobs Her Hair, The Metamorphosis, The Tell-Tale Heart Poetry Goblin Market, The Road Not Taken, Spring 2. Have a Goodreads Competition If youre willing, have students friend you on Goodreads. The goal of the game is to read as many pages as you can all summer. Each milestone reached equals one prize (i.e., 100 pages, 500 pages). Give certificates to students who participate in the challenge. Have students mark their progress every Friday all summer Award medals (bronze, silver, gold) to students who reach certain benchmarks Give big prizes to those who out read the teacher! 3. Host a Movie Reading Challenge If you have a particularly friendly or opinionated class, this works really well. Use a list of books that have been adapted into movies. Some examples include Black Beauty, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and The Scarlet Letter. Students can watch the movie of their choice and read the book in any order they choose. Then ask them to respond to the following questions: How is the book different from the movie? Which one, in your opinion, was better? Set up a Google survey where students get to rank if they like the book or the movie more. The top movie can be watched in class with popcorn come autumn! This is not a school assignment- opinions can run free! 4. Create Lifelong Learners Students learn in different ways, and summer reading competitions can be difficult without differentiated instruction and alternative learning approaches. Instead of just emphasizing reading, tell them about other great educational opportunities. They’re all around us, especially during the summer. Those who like to listen to things can try podcasts, Shakespeare in the Park, plays, or TED Talks Those who are visual learners can read comics, visit an art museum, or watch documentaries 5. Have a Summer Reading Relay Have students create groups of 3-5 people. The goal is for each group to read the most books, collectively. These groups can decide whether they will each read different books or different chapters of the same books. Ideally, this will get students talking about what they’re reading to each other, encouraging social reading as a habit that will continue to grow. The group that reads the most books together wins a small prize. If the class collectively reaches a reading goal, the whole class gets a MEGA prize. To defend students from getting stuck with all of the group work, individuals who read the most books can also win a small prize. Remember that this is not an assignment! Depending on what each students is interested in, there are a variety of prize options that include (but aren’t limited to) the following: A free book Bookmarks Certificate, medal, etc. A pizza party for all the participants Independent reading/work day A bookstore gift card Do you like these ideas but dont like our examples? Check out our full collection of expert-annotated texts for a rich reading experience.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Memory s Biology
The Memory s Biology Abstract Memory is a term used in cognitive psychology to describe the process by which information is coded, stored and retrieved. Encoding involves the conversion of sensory stimuli into forms that can be stored. Storage is the process of forming long term mental records of the information.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Memorys Biology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Retrieval is the process of extracting information from memory. Memory can be classified into sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory. Memory can be enhanced using techniques such as rehearsal, paying attention, use of mnemonics, and active participation. Active participation is thought to be better than rehearsal. Memory can be tested using techniques such as operant conditioning, recognition, free recall, and detection paradigm. Memory Memory is a mental function that enables humans to keep information for later use. I t can also be described as a term used in cognitive psychology to describe how people encode, store and retrieve information about the environment (Gazzaniga, Ivry, Mangun, 1998). This essay will begin with a discussion about memory processes. This will be followed by a section on classification of memory into sensory, short term, and long term memory. The various types of memory will be discussed in detail. Methods of studying memory will also be examined in this paper. Finally, it will end in a section on personal reflection. The stages of memory formation include encoding, storage, and retrieval. Information passes the three stages sequentially. Encoding generates information that can stored. Stimuli reaching the brain are received and processed into forms that can be used to represent the stimuli. Encoding generates verbal, acoustic, and image codes. These codes provide avenues by which information can be retrieved. Therefore, it can be said that retrieval relies on encoding. I nterpretation of the codes is a function of memory. Storage Storage can be described as creation of a long term record in the brain. Storage is a complex stage of memory formation that involves other subs of sensory memory include iconic memory and echoic memory. Iconic memory carries visual information and lasts for almost 25 seconds. It is a temporary storage for visual information. Echoic memory is a temporary storage for information coming from the ears. Echoic memory lasts for several seconds. Haptic memory is creates a temporary record of tactile information. Information coming from the sensory system is rich in content. However, human beings cannot convert all the information into memory forms. Short term memory Short term memory also known as working memory is a form of memory that lasts for several seconds to a minute. Rehearsal can improve short term memory. Short term memory can store a limited amount of information at a time. It can store up to five distinct items at any given time (Cowan, 2001). However, it has been found out that grouping items like numbers can improve short term memory. Short term memory enables the manipulation of information when attending to activities like decision making and problem solving. It is the form of memory that is constantly in use and allows an individual to interact effectively with the environment. Short term memory may rely on acoustic codes. However, this is not true for all types of information. Long term memory Long term memory is a relatively long term form of memory where vast amounts of information are stored. Its capacity is thought to be limitless. Long term memory enables us to recall events that took place several years back. Long term memory is our main repository of information. It shapes our understanding of the environment. Types of repositories in the long term memory include declarative, procedural, and flash back memories. Declarative memory also known as explicit memory is a form of long term memory that requires the conscious recall of information that can be verbalized. For example, describing the process of neurotransmission to students. Declarative memory is further classified into episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory involves storage of information regarding events that were personally experienced. It enables an individual to recall events that happened at a certain time in the past. It is a form of memory that stores personal experiences. Semantic memory is personalized. It stores general, factual, and abstract information. Information about ones area of expertise, academic knowledge, knowledge of places, knowledge of people, and knowledge about meaning of words is stored in semantic memory. Learning relies on semantic memory.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Memorys Biology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Procedural memory is memory that stores psychomotor skills. Inf ormation needed to execute certain skills like driving and playing a musical instrument are stored in procedural memory. It stores knowledge that cannot be verbalized but is important in the performance of some activities. It has been described as memory that stores information about how to do things. Flash back memory stores information that is associated with emotional moments. Events that are linked to certain emotions can be recalled quickly and more accurately. For example, asking people where they were when a close family member passed away. Flash back memory is concerned with storage of unusual events. It tends to be personal in nature. Retrieval Retrieval is the process of accessing and taking information out of storage. Typically, information is pulled out of storage when it is needed. Retrieval can be complicated by factors like lack of concentration and interference. Retrieval is associated with certain recall states like tip of the tongue, and serial position effect. Tip of the tongue refers to a state in which one cannot recall all the information. In such a case an individual is able to only retrieve or recall some characteristics of the information. Serial position effect refers to a situation in which an individual can recall either the first few items (primary effect) or the last items of a list (recency effect). Recall can be prompted using either specific or general retrieval cues. Memory problems Forgetting is described as difficulty in retrieving information. Inability to recall information has been linked to some factors like decay, interference, lack of cues, and presence of disorders like amnesia. Decay refers to inability to recall due to disappearance of information over time. This happens when information is not frequently rehearsed or used. Information that is not needed can interfere with retrieval of information (Ellenbogen et al, 2006). This can occur when retrieval cues are no longer specific. Factors facilitating memory Rehears al: repeating and reciting information enhances the number of meaningful associations that can be formed. Memory improves with the number of rehearsals. Self-questioning strategies can be used to enhance this technique. Self-questioning strategies increase the number of associations that can be formed by learners. Organization: information can be arranged in a particular way to enhance memory. Chunking is one of the strategies used to organize information. Meaningfulness: this strategy encourages students to personalize information by giving personal meaning to it. This strategy is superior to reciting and rehearsing. It is easy to recall information that has meaning. This strategy enables a learner to relate what is being learned with real life situations thus forming long term memory.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mnemonic devices: these memory aids include loci, acronyms, and key words. Loci method involves positioning of items to be remembered in specific areas of the house. An individual will use a mental map to locate the items in the house thus aiding memory. Activity: this strategy is used to enhance memory by encouraging students to actively participate in their learning. Attention/concentration: attention and elimination of distractions enhances learning and the formation of memory. Methods used to study memory Techniques used to study memory differ for infants and adults. The methods used to study infants are unique because infants cannot report on what they have learned. Methods used to study infants’ recognition memory are: operant conditioning and visual paired comparison procedure. The methods used to study infants’ recall memory are: deferred imitation technique and elicited imitation technique (Barr, Dowden, Hayne, 1996). Methods used to study adults: paired asso ciate learning, recognition, free recall, and detection paradigm. Paired associate learning is a technique that involves learning to associate one item with another. Free recall involves asking subjects to learn some words. The subjects are then asked to recall the items. Detection paradigm tests the ability to remember visual information. This paper discussed memory in detail. Memory is a term used in cognitive psychology to describe the process by which information is coded, stored and retrieved. Encoding involves the conversion of sensory stimuli into forms that can be stored. Storage is the process of forming long term mental records of the information. Retrieval is the process of extracting information from memory. Memory can be classified into sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory. Long term memory is the storehouse of knowledge about our surroundings. Memory can be enhanced using techniques such as rehearsal, paying attention, use of mnemonics, and active pa rticipation. Active participation is thought to be better than rehearsal. Memory can be tested using various techniques. The techniques used to test infants are different from those used to test older children and adults. This is due to the fact that infants cannot verbalize what they have learned. In infants, recognition memory and recall memory are tested separately. Therefore, it is difficult to study children. References Barr, R., Dowden, A., Hayne, H. (1996). Developmental changes in deferred imitation by 6- to 24-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 19, 159–170. Cowan, N. (2001). The magical number 4 in short-term memory: a reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behav Brain Sci, 24(1), 87–114. Ellenbogen et al. (2006). Interfering with theories of sleep and memory: sleep, declarative memory, and associative interference. Curr. Biol., 16 (13), 1290–4. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2006.05.024 Gazzaniga, M., Ivry, R., Mangun, G. (1998). Cognitive n euroscience: The biology of the mind. London: Norton.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Questions Concerned International Business Law Research Paper
Questions Concerned International Business Law - Research Paper Example It is to be remembered that Coca is not to be misconstrued with cocoa, which emanates from cacao seeds and is being mainly used in making cocoa butter, cocoa and chocolates. (Index Mundi 2010). Even if you travel to the UK or some other destination through UAE or Dubai, it is advisable not to carry Coca with you. For example, if one is found to be carrying a packet of Khas Khas which is a generally used as a spice in some Indian sweets and curries, then it will be considered as a serious offense in UAE. Khas is also notoriously called as poppy seed, which can be germinated to grow narcotics (afeem etc.). (Index Mundi 2010). Thus, one should aware recent developments in the laws in UAE about Coca, and the exporter should clearly distinguish it from cocoa ( ingredients for Chocolates) and in other Gulf countries also which have been declared that carrying Coca is punishable with even worse with the death penalty or minimum 20 years of imprisonment. If a case has been booked by mistreating Cocoa as Coca, then the exporter has to incur huge legal fees as lawyers are demanding heavy fees for appearing in the court which may be amounting to AED 100,000 to plead for any innocence in Coca offenses. Everyone who is having business dealing with UAE should consider the significance of this issue and should never ever carry even minutest quantities of the following items when traveling or exporting the same to UAE or other Gulf countries. 2. For Ultra Educator Software Limited you have to assess what is the best form of corporate entity that I ideal for them in the United Arab Emirates? is it best if they have a branch or should they have a wholly owned subsidiary.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Alcan Operates Based on the Case Facts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Alcan Operates Based on the Case Facts - Essay Example It is one of the world famous cutting-edge enterprises having a remarkable combination of skilled and talented workforce with advanced technology, innovative products, as well as a decidedly focused customer-culture. The enterprise has operating facilities across 61 countries with a work force of about 68,000 employees. The organization takes the leading position in production of raw materials, fabricated products and primary metals. Its four principal business groups include Bauxite and Alumina, Primary Metal, packaging and the engineered products. The four business groups are the main revenue contributors for the organization (Binet, GUALARD, and JACLOT, 2000). The associated products of the business groups include Aluminum sheets for beverage cans, automotive systems, mass transportation markets, personal care industries and the pharmaceutical products. The enterprise is involved in creating and selling of a variety of products, which include bauxite, automobile iron, sheet ingot, aluminium recycling services, forging stock. It is extremely vertically integrated having eight mines and deposits, a transport network with ports and facilities, seven alumina plants, 26 aluminium smelters, 17 laminated products plants, 12 electric power plants, seven alumina refineries, 180 packaging materials plants and 49 engineered products plants. Organizational Structure. ... His services are shared at the bottom of the ladder. The senior management in Alcan Company is made up of a CIO and four associates. These associates include: Strategic IT-Program director, Chief information-security- officer director, performance-management director, and the Enterprise Architectural director. At the bottom of the ladder, two services that are shared exist. One service is for the application, and the next is for infrastructure. All these are directed towards the senior management. In the centre of the ladder, there are different business groups of IT Directors. In this organization, the policy of decentralization ensures that each group is headed by an IT director normally referred to as VP. This director is concerned with the management of the IT in his specific group. He is also accountable for the top management of his group (Dube, Bernier, & Roy, 2009). Normally, the four IT VPs reports 75% of their group to the top management. They also report a 25% of their gro up to the CIO. These directors, therefore, are responsible in attaining the global objectives of the company. On the other hand, the shared services act as the business group internal consultants. Challenges Faced by Alcan Organization. Alcan organization like any other large organization is faced with various environmental, economical, social as well as technological challenges. Environmental challenges. The greatest environmental challenges affecting Alcan Organization are sustainable raw material development, industrial waste, air emissions, and water. These challenges have affected this company since laws requested organizations to change procedures and equipments so as to meet standards imposed to them. This change was to cause any company a substantial amount of money. The
Segmentation and Target Market Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Segmentation and Target Market Paper - Essay Example It is the process of splitting customers in a market into different groups (McDonald and Dunbar, 2012). Industries can segment the target market according to either large or small consumer numbers, or their geographic location. A target market refers to a group of organizations or people, for which and industry develops and implements strategic plans so as to meet the group’s needs. The essay that follows discusses on segmentation and target market within the Nike Company. Nike Company is one of the largest athletic sport equipment companies in the world. It was founded by Phil Knight, a former Oregon University coach, and has its headquarter Oregon, Beaverton (Hill and Jones, 2010). It is one of the companies that have had a tremendous growth over the past years. It has segmented markets in different areas, which include Oregon, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Europe and Japan (Porter and Norton, 2013). Its inclusion of services in other areas results from the company’s grow th and increased service need in the areas. Market Segmentation in Nike Company Demographic Characteristics This is dividing a company’s service provision according to age, race, gender, and social class, among others (Gitman and McDaniel, 2009). ... Nike’s segmentation of business in the various locations aims at meeting the same need for sport wears both to the young and the aged. Income also contributes to Nike’s market segmentation to other areas. For example, Japan is a country whose income is high due to automobile and other industries. However, it might not have the ability to produce wears suitable for sporting as those Nike Company produces. The need for proper sport wears gives Nike to expand its services to Japan. The company also produces wears for all genders where different clothes exist for women and men players. The target market in this market segment is both male and female athletes who exist in the regions around Nike Headquarters, and those in other countries like Japan. Psychographic Characteristics This involves segregating market in terms of people’s common activities, interests, and opinions (Gitman and McDaniel, 2009). Nike Company’s headquarter is in a location where people ha ve a common interest in sporting. The founder aimed at providing state-of-the-art athletic shoes that convince customers that they are the best-suited and necessary for sporting and athletic interests in the region (Hill and Jones, 2010). The psychographic segmentation by Nike targets sales from athletes from the Oregon region who have an interest in sports and need comfortable shoes to support them in their sporting activities. As Hill and Jones (2010) point, in the past Nike concentrated on making shoes for basketball and track market segments more than other sports like golf and soccer among others, but later realized that engaging in the making shoes for other sporting activities can bring a lot of profits. This made the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Career Research Paper (Mechanical Engineering at BMW M model) Part 2
Career (Mechanical Engineering at BMW M model) Part 2 - Research Paper Example Mechanics is associated with designing and working of machines and can be ascertained as the main department of all other branches of science. A degree in mechanical engineering can be helpful to obtain a job in automobile industry, wherein an opportunity to design cars and other vehicles along with conducting various research and development activities can be gained. As a mechanical engineer, students may get assistance in planning and designing vehicle parts. Therefore, it can be stated that mechanical engineering profession is of great importance in the automobile sector (Murthy 1-18). With this concern, the research paper intends to analyze the current demand for new hires in entry-level jobs relating to one of the companies operating in the automobile industry i.e. BMW Group. The company is regarded as one of the biggest manufacturers of cars, which provides job opportunities to those students who are pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering or searching job in the respective field. The various methods followed by the students in finding jobs in automobile sector have also been discussed in this research paper. Apart from this, utmost focus has been levied upon depicting the possible career growth path along with the compensation expected by the students at the entry level job and expected pay after gaining experiences (BMWGroup â€Å"A World of Opportunities†). The demand for mechanical engineers is high in automobile industry, as they possess the ability of playing the role of automotive engineers as well. A mechanical engineer can cover the entire job roles of an automotive engineer. Both mechanical and automotive engineer are required to design vehicles for the concerned companies to whom they are employed. A mechanical engineer has the skill to design various components and parts of the vehicles and above all, they also perform additional roles of ensuring greater safety
Week 7 didcussion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 7 didcussion 1 - Essay Example The lower level sexual offenders register for short periods, while more violent sexual assault offenders register for life. Many states have stiffened the punishments regarding sexual offenses, where some have attempted evaluating the death penalty for particular sexual assaults. Enforcement and convictions might be improved through capacity of the DNA analysis within the public crimes laboratories. Provide finances to local and state crime labs to help eradicate casework backlogs. The funding should abolish the database of the convicted offender and initiate aggressive programs to amass exhibits from the convicted offenders. Failure to comply with the requirements of registration should result in the filing of new charges. The sexual battery or sexual assault information should be posted online to enhance publicity (Buzawa, 2002, p. 78). The use of sexually explicit materials such as films, photographs, computer, videos, and other visual depictions is sexual abuse, which can cause psychological or physical harm to the minors involved. Besides shielding individual minors, regulating the child pornography, which gets produced by self, helps the state and congress to regulate child pornography to protect society and children (Zhang, 2010, p. 257). The fact is that, sexting of minors via any form of pornographic images affect all children deleteriously through a perception that children are sex objects. This can lead to further sexual exploitation and abuse of children. Sexting of minors generates an unwholesome atmosphere. The mental, emotional, and psychological development of children gets affected, thus destabilizes the parent’s efforts to encourage the sound, emotional, moral, and mental development of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Career Research Paper (Mechanical Engineering at BMW M model) Part 2
Career (Mechanical Engineering at BMW M model) Part 2 - Research Paper Example Mechanics is associated with designing and working of machines and can be ascertained as the main department of all other branches of science. A degree in mechanical engineering can be helpful to obtain a job in automobile industry, wherein an opportunity to design cars and other vehicles along with conducting various research and development activities can be gained. As a mechanical engineer, students may get assistance in planning and designing vehicle parts. Therefore, it can be stated that mechanical engineering profession is of great importance in the automobile sector (Murthy 1-18). With this concern, the research paper intends to analyze the current demand for new hires in entry-level jobs relating to one of the companies operating in the automobile industry i.e. BMW Group. The company is regarded as one of the biggest manufacturers of cars, which provides job opportunities to those students who are pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering or searching job in the respective field. The various methods followed by the students in finding jobs in automobile sector have also been discussed in this research paper. Apart from this, utmost focus has been levied upon depicting the possible career growth path along with the compensation expected by the students at the entry level job and expected pay after gaining experiences (BMWGroup â€Å"A World of Opportunities†). The demand for mechanical engineers is high in automobile industry, as they possess the ability of playing the role of automotive engineers as well. A mechanical engineer can cover the entire job roles of an automotive engineer. Both mechanical and automotive engineer are required to design vehicles for the concerned companies to whom they are employed. A mechanical engineer has the skill to design various components and parts of the vehicles and above all, they also perform additional roles of ensuring greater safety
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Dealing with Moral Issues in Health Care Assignment
Dealing with Moral Issues in Health Care - Assignment Example As the report stresses there was a belief that spirits cure diseases, which are caused as a result of divine punishment. Although, this concept is no longer accepted in the modern world, some of the religious beliefs and ideologies are observed to still hamper the moral issues in health care, wherein spirituality persists in contrast to morality. Some Muslim patients still convey strong religious or cultural issues about ‘modesty’, especially when being treated by the opposite sex, as commonly observed among the followers of Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. From the discussion it is clear that a major proportion of Buddhists and Hindus can be observed as very rigidly ‘vegetarian’. For such patients, medicines produced from animals, is very much likely to cause problems, owing to the fact that such practices might be considered contradictory to their religious beliefs. The ‘dietary’ problem is also very much likely for Muslims and Jews, a s they refuse to accept pork or gelatin in their medicines. The Muslim patients may also question about alcohol based medicines and hand-rubs, which is strictly prohibited in their religion. Suggestively, religious concepts, hampering the moral issues in health care can be minimized or even made negligible by adapting certain changes in actions and thoughts of patients, motivating them to become more flexible and rational towards medication. Social media networks can also be major tool to generate awareness among patients and deal with the above discussed moral issues.
Botanical gardens Essay Example for Free
Botanical gardens Essay Last summer, my two friends rekindled an idea we had for a long time of going for a short excursion to a nearby lake where we would camp for three days. First we informed our parents of our intentions which they supported without any objection. We intended to use this opportunity to help in bonding our relationship even more. After this approval, we did a good budget of all the things that we required for the three days of our camping. After drawing the budget, we sourced for the required money most of which came from our pocket savings with a little help from our parents. We chose to set our camping dates within a weekend as these are the days when most of us had free time. After an informative consultation, we also found out that the camp is only open during the weekends so as to give the camping ground vegetation enough time to regenerate. When the day came, we all set off during the morning so that we could get to our destination in time. This also gave us an opportunity to select the best site to set our camps before other people could take up the available sites. After setting our tents, we embarked on a trip along the shores of the lake and the adjacent flower and botanical gardens. We spent the second day canoeing and swimming as well as participating in some of conservational activities that are a mandatory practice for every camper. By the dawn of the third day, we could not believe that the day had come for us to pack our belongings and head back home. The camping experience proved to be a worthy exercise by providing a refreshing moment in our life.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Determining The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Biology Essay
Determining The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Biology Essay The basic structure of penicillin.The first two steps in cell wall synthesis specifically the formation of acetylglucosamine to from peptidoglycan chains, cannot be inhibited by penicillin. However, in the final step where the crosslinking between peptidoglycan by side peptide chains, the penicillin inhibits this process. This is because penicillin has similar structure to the terminal D-alanine-D-alanine if the pentapeptide, which binds covalently to the active site of the transpeptidase enzyme (Gorbach et al., 2003). Chloramphenicol is another antibiotic and it has the ability to penetrate though cellular membranes and be easily in engagement with the bacteria colonising in human cells to allow its antimicrobial characteristics to take place. Chloramphenicol has a simple structure and the mechanism depends on the propanoeidol moiety and dichloracetamide chain. C:Usersctlee11Desktop12.jpg Figure 2.0: The basic structure of chloramphenicol.What chloramphenicol does is that it inhibits protein synthesis in bacteria, however nucleic acid synthesis in unaffected. Chloramphenicol binds reversibly to the larger 50S ribosome subunit of the 70S ribosome. This inhibits the protein synthesis by preventing aminioacyl-transfer RNA from attaching to the 50S binding site (Gorbach et al., 2003). However, it has been recorded that chloramphenicol affects the mitochondrial protein synthesis. This is because the mammalian mitochondrial protein has strong similarity to bacterial ribosome where both are of 70S, with the mitochondria of the bone marrow especially susceptible (Riviere Papich, 2009). Protein synthesis plays a major role in bacterial growth as there are various cofactors and enzymes needed for multiple metabolic pathways. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is the minimum concentration of a drug which inhibits bacterial growth, but does not kill the microorganism. Minimum bacteriostatic concentration (MBC) is the minimum concentration of a drug which kills the bacterial and thus, no longer grows. AIMS This investigation was done to determine Minimum inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and the Minimum Bacteriocidal Concentration (MBC) of Penicillin and Chloramphenicol of Escherichia coli as well as; to determine the antibiotics sensitivity against the Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. METHODS AND MATERIALS The methods and materials are as per laboratory manual of Medical Microbiology BTH3722 of Monash University Semester Two, Year 2012 of pages 17 20. RESULTS SESSION/DAY ONE There are two sections to this investigation, where there is (i), the MIC and MBC determination of antibiotic Penicillin G and Chloramphenicol against Escherichia coli, and then there is (ii) antibiotics testing towards two microorganisms which are Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In the determination of MIC, serial dilutions of antibiotics are done with known concentrations. Then, each tube containing different antibiotic concentration is the inoculated with bacterial culture and incubated overnight. This goes the same for the determination of MBC. Then, for each serial dilution of antibiotic, there would be two control tubes, one positive where the tube is inoculated with bacterial culture and the incubated without antibiotics and then, negative control where the tube is not inoculated but theres presence of antibiotics. For the antibiotic sensitivity testing, there are two Mast rings used and both of them are ready-made device that can simultaneously test for antibiotic susceptibility testing using 8 types of antibiotics. The Mast Rings used in this investigation is MAST M43 to test against MG8 culture: Staphylococcus aureus and MAST M14 to be used to test against MG53 culture: Pseudomonas aeruginosa. All these are done on the MHA plate using spread plate technique. SESSION/DAY TWO The MIC and MBC for each antibiotic type (Penicillin G and Chloramphenicol) is determined by observing the turbidity in the test tube. A turbid medium signifies for bacteria growth. Then all the tubes that are sterile are then poured into respective Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) bottles including the tube that has the minimum positive bacteria growth to determine the MBC. These bottles are then incubated overnight. Results are on Table 1.0. For the antibiotic susceptibility testing, the annular radii of the clear zones are measured for each antibiotic type and these measurements are recorded. The measurements and interpretation are on Table 2.0 and Table 3.0. Tube Concentration of Antibiotics (c),  µg/ml Growth of Escherichia coli Penicillin G Chloramphenicol 1 125.00 + 2 62.50 + 3 31.25 + + 4 15.63 + + 5 7.81 + + 6 3.91 + + 7 1.95 + + 8 0.98 + + 9 0.49 + + 10 0.24 + + 11 0.12 + + 12 (+ CTRL) 0.00 + + 13 (- CTRL) 0.00 Table 1.0: The table below shows the results of the from the MIC determination of Penicillin G and Chloramphenicol on E. coli. In Table 1.0, it is shown that there are 13 tubes where the 12th and 13th are controls, 12th as the positive (+) and the 13th as negative (-). Positive control is the control which is inoculated without antibiotics and Negative control as the control which not inoculated. On the growth column, + signifies theres growth and thus turbidity in the tubes, while (-) signifies negative growth. It is also that has been determined that the MBC value is 125  µg/ml for Chloramphenicol. Table 2.0: The table below shows the annular radius that was measured form the MHA plate cultured with Pseudomonas aeruginosa using MAST Ring M43. MASTRING ANTIBIOTICS M43 Antibiotics Abbreviation Annular Radius Sensitivity PG Penicillin G 0 R CD Clindamycin 1 R GM Gentamycin 10 S FC Fusidic Acid 20 S E Erythromycin 0 R TM Trimetroprim 0 R SMX Sulphamethoxazole 0 R T Tetracyclin 0 R The general rule is that if the annular radii are more than 6mm in length, then the bacteria are susceptible to that particular antibiotic. However, if the annular radii are 6mm or less than, it is considered resistant to the particular antibiotics. Table 3.0: The table below shows the annular radius that was measured form the MHA plate cultured with Staphylococcus aureus tested using MAST Ring M14. MASTRING ANTIBIOTICS M14 Antibiotics Abbreviation Annular Radius Sensitivity AP Ampicillin 0 R KF Cephalothin 1 R CO Colistin Sulphate 7 S GM Gentamycin 8 S S Streptomycin 8 S ST Sulphatriad 1 R T Tetracyclin 0 R TS Cotrimoxazole 0 R The general rule is that if the annular radii are more than 6mm in length, then the bacteria are susceptible to that particular antibiotic. However, if the annular radii are 6mm or less than, it is considered resistant to the particular antibiotics. DISCUSSION The MIC and MBC value of penicillin G cannot be determined as at all concentrations of the serial dilutions, the bacteria is resistant to the Penicillin G (PG) even from the concentration of 125  µg/ml. This is because there was growth observed from the turbidity of all the serial dilution tubes. However for the antibiotic Chloramphenicol, the MIC is at 31.25  µg/ml while the MBC is at 62.6  µg/ml. At these concentrations, in treating infections that are E. coli related, a rather heavy dosage of PG is needed to be administered. Thus, PG is not really effective in killing E. coli. Besides, the MBC value is always expected to be higher than the MIC value is higher dosage is needed to kill a microorganism (Prescott et al., 2005). As it has been previously mentioned, PG targets the peptidoglycan structure of the cell wall. If the bacteria were able to resist PG, it would be because that the bacteria have a mechanism to counter such actions. True enough, E. coli could be resistant t o PG because it could produce beta-lactamase that inactivates penicillin (Sorbo Marshall, 2006). Beta-lactamase which is also known as penicillinase, acts by hydrolysing the CO-N bond in the beta lactam ring of the penicillin molecule and then the amidase group cleaves the CO-NH bond found within the side chain and the six amino acid groups of penicillic acid group of the penicillin molecule (English et al., 1960). However, not only E. coli is not the only one bacteria that possesses the beta-lactamase gene which can caused by the fact that certain bacteria passed on their DNA to another bacteria during conjugation, or from a virus to a bacteria during transduction or also that the bacteria can take in foreign DNA from their surroundings (Karp, 2009). In the antibiotic testing on the bacteria lawn, it is found that the Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is less resistant than Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) as S. aureus is susceptible to three kinds of antibiotics (susceptible: CO, GM and S; resistant: AP, KF, ST, T and TS) compared to P. aeruginosa which is susceptible to two types (susceptible: GM and FC; resistant: PG, CD, SMX, T and EM). The reason P. aeruginosa is so particularly so resistant is to most of the modern antibiotics is because of its intrinsic resistance that arises from the permeability and secondary resistance mechanisms such as energy-dependent multidrug efflux and chromosomally encoded periplasmic ÃŽÂ ²-lactamase. At such level of natural resistance, mutational resistance to most classes of antibiotics can readily arise (Hancock Speert, 2000). For instance, the resistance of P. aeruginosa towards PG is because of de-repression of chromosomal ÃŽÂ ²-lactamase and also the overexpression of the MexA B-OprM multidrug efflux pump due to a NalB mutation. Specific plasmid-mediated ÃŽÂ ²-lactamases also infer that the resistance to PG could be a form of introduction of foreign DNA from surroundings or via conjugation with other bacteria (Hancock Speert, 2000). As for S. aureus, the bacteria is resistant towards ampicillin and that would probably due to the act that most strains of S. aureus are able to produce ÃŽÂ ²-lactamase to breakdown the beta-lactam ring of the penicillin-derivate antibiotics. CONCLUSION The MIC and MBC values are important in determining the correct dosage of antibiotics that is supposed to be administered to the patient. However, E. coli was particularly resistant to Penicillin G and thus, was unable to produce any MBC or MIC values. In such cases, an AST can be ran first before testing E. coli against its susceptible drug for MIC and MBC values. IX. REFERENCES English, A.R., McBride, T. J. and Huang, H. T. (1960). Microbial Resistance to penicillin as related to penicillinase or penicillin acylase activity, Proceedings of the Society or Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 104, pp. 547 549. Gorbach, S.L., Barlett, J.G. and Blacklow, N.R. (2003).Treatment of Infectious Disease, Infectious Disease, Lippincott Williams Wilkins, pp. 184 186. Hancock, R. E. W. and Speert, D. P. (2009). Antibiotic Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: mechanisms and impact on treatment, Drug Resistance Updates, 3, pp. 247 255. Karp, G. (2009). The Growing Problem of Antibiotic Resistance, Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments, John Wiley Sons, pp. 105 106. Riviere, J.E. and Papich, M. G. (2009). Chemotherapy of Microbial Diseases, Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, John Wiley Sons, pp. 944 946. Sorbo, L. D. and Marshall, J.C. (2006) Antibiotic Resistance in the Intensive Care Unit, Intensive Care Medicine: Annual Update 2006, Springer, pp. 582 583.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Phases :: Real Reality Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Phases Phases Reality is a difficult term to comprehend. The meaning itself is quite simple: What is real? The idea of reality is significantly more complex: What makes something real? This is the sort of question that depends greatly on the individuals interpretation of the reality that surrounds them. In the novel Blood Music, Greg Bear shares his thoughts on how people within a rapidly changing reality are affected. Bear explores several theories that help answer questions like: What if reality as we know it could be altered? How would this changing reality affect the people involved? Also the fundamental question, what is real? Bear uses quite a large assortment of actual facts in this novel. His research in the subject of biology helps to add a greater feel of realism to the story. Bear even went as far as to break the novel up into phases to help the reader further understand the happenings in the novel. The phases as a whole can be thought of as a sort of outline for the reader, a st ep-by-step guide to the transitions from one reality to another. Each phase can be thought of as a matrix. A matrix is a place in space and time that is constant and stable enough to be considered a reality. The words matrix and reality can consistently be used interchangeably since their meanings are basically the same. Bears choice in phases is no coincidence. Since Blood Music deals with the topic of developing biological change in human beings, Bear appropriately chose the five phases of cell development also known as the cell cycle. The novel follows these five phases to a tee. It is as though he resolved to create a story that was led by the predetermined phases. This discovery would lead many readers to think more likely than not, Greg Bear sat down with the phases in mind long before a single sentence of the story was ever written. The five phases or realities of the novel are: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In the very beginning of the book, the first and last thing the reader will come across is the interphase. Very much like this terms biological meaning, the interphase can be thought of as a state of uninterrupted being. In other words, there is no change happening in this phase. This phase appears twice in Blood Music, in the beginning and at the end, yet they only make up a total of two and a half pages.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Fantasy of Womens Sports in Primetime TV Slots :: Womens Issues Essays
The Fantasy of Women's Sports in Primetime TV Slots Gail, a dark, tiny, female reporter, is given the assignment of investigating Babe, one of the most talented female athletes of the twentieth century. Suggestions have sprung up that Babe was not a woman at all. These suggestions have come from beer corporations and radical right-wing opponents of a new growing opinion that men and women's sports should equally share primetime TV slots. Gail had never heard of Babe. Gail writes movie reviews and articles in the Arts section. Gail is a chain smoker. She used to cut gym everyday to smoke under the bleachers with her friends. She hasn't owned a pair of sneakers since the third grade. In high school she used to think there were three kinds of kids: the nerds, the jocks, and the freaks. She was some combination of the first and last group. She still held that opinion and liked to sneer at joggers in the park. She was, thus, unhappy about this assignment. Gail visits her parents who live in the suburbs. They are bohemian types. They eat a lot of gorp, have matching pottery wheels in a shed in the back yard, and would have never owned a television, but Gail begged them to get one in her freshman year of high school. When she graduated, it was the first thing that was unplugged and packed into the car, ready for her dorm room. She asks them if they ever heard of Babe. They say they vaguely remember a golf player named Babe. But they sneer. Golf is for the bourgeoisie, they say. Gail goes up to her old room. When she was in elementary school all of her friends had horseback riding ribbons and trophies. She looks at her room now, imagines the walls covered in tiny ribbons, and they dissolve into a Picasso poster and the graffiti she used to write when she hadn't fallen asleep yet. She goes over to one section of the wall, runs her finger over a phrase: JOCKS ARE DUMB. Gail goes back down stairs and asks her father why she never wanted to play sports. "Well, honey," he says, "You're small. And artistic. You're not an athlete." And she thinks to herself, I didn't know what the word athletic meant until I was in the third grade. And then I threw out my tennis shoes.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ideas And Issues In “The Visit†And “A Chronicle Of A Death Foretold†Essay
Many works of contemporary literature discuss ideas and topics which are seen in the world around us today. These themes are either directly demonstrated or implied. Two works as such are â€Å"The Visit†by Friedrich Durrenmatt and â€Å"A Chronicle of a Death Foretold†by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The issues raised in these two books are justice, communication, tradition, and moral values. Tradition is the ongoing obligation to commit to something, which is an act that has existed for many years. More often than not, tradition helps keep a community in one piece, much like laws do. In other cases, tradition obligates people and makes them do things they normally wouldn’t do. In â€Å"A Chronicle of a Death Foretold†, tradition is one of the forces that drives the Vicario twins to kill Santiago Nasar and therefore clean their family’s name. However, the Vicario brothers try to escape tradition. They had a debt which they greatly doubted and criticized. They know what the whole town expects them to do. But on the other side, their everyday life and friendship with Santiago Nasar, their victim, fills them with haste to fulfill tradition and do their pre-said duty. In â€Å"The Visit†, it’s tradition in the first place that brings the much anticipated lady Zachanassian to Guellen. So, in other words, tradition kills Ill as well as Santiago Nasar. Intertwined with the complications of tradition are the moral values behind any clearly human act. The only reason tradition has always been so difficult to adhere to is because of the moral issues behind the acts that tradition is composed of. This is seen in both pieces. In â€Å"A Chronicle of a Death Foretold†, the Vicario brothers are in a state of great misfortune not only because of the shame inflicted upon the Vicario family name but also because of the deed the have to carry out. However they also want their duty to be done. In an attempt to combine both, the twins unsuccessfully try to be caught whilst looking for Santiago Nasar. In other words, they seek someone to stop them by telling the whole town of their intentions. â€Å"†¦ ,in reality it seemed that the Vicario brothers had done nothing right with a view to killing Santiago Nasar immediately and without any public spectacle, but had done much more than could be imagined to have someone stop them from killing him, and they had failed†(p. 56). In â€Å"The Visit†, the town tries to hold its moral values despite the ironic reward the people and state will get if they do not. Later on in the book, even though Guellen has completely lost its morality and plans on doing Maddamme Zachanassian’s bidding and killing Ill, the townspeople will not admit, whatsoever that they have lost their towns values. Moreover, they blame Ill for not having any morality and tell him that if he had any values he would use a gun on himself outright. Ill, however denies the Mayor’s suggestion. â€Å"Mayor: Pity. You’re missing a chance to redeem yourself and be a more or less decent human being. †(p. 81) Tradition and the morality behind it are the two most ancient forms of justice. Today, justice is defined by laws and mainly is democratic and clear. But every person has their own form of justice for things, often acquiring either guilt or praise thereafter; or none of the two. Self-justice is reflexively self-justifying. In â€Å"The Chronicle of a Death Foretold†, the Vicario brothers want Justice. However, their morality, as discussed above, does not allow them to justify their family’s shame by killing Santiago Nasar. For the sake of tradition they kill Santiago anyway. Pablo and Pedro Vicario tell everybody they come across that they will kill Santiago Nasar, hoping to get caught.. That way, they would have done their justice and duty as the brothers of Angela Vicario, the violated girl, by attempting to kill Santiago and not actually slaying him. They do not commit a crime the do not want to commit and which they consider immoral. Also, when Santiago appears to them, the Vicario twins do not face him head on. Instead they give him a chance of escape by remaining of the opposite side of the street and giving him a head-start through their body language. Clara Zachanassian in â€Å"The Visit†loses all of her moralities during her childhood as a prostitute and thus ends up defying the right and wrong of justice. Therefore, she goes ahead and offers money for an assassination. The townspeople of Guellen try to force back their moralities but fail to do so. As a result they take an alternative route to solving their problem. They masquerade the immorality of the crime of murder as justice. What follows is that they kill Ill with their bare hands. For justice and tradition to be enforced, a clear communication line must be drawn. Communication is what leads to the smooth flow of traditions and miscommunication to their collapse of justice. Morality has to do with a person’s ability to communicate to oneself what they truly consider right or wrong; in this case it is contributed to justice and questionable traditions. Pedro and Pablo Vicario’s failure to alert the whole town of Riochacha of their imminent crime is a result of poor communication. They misinterpreted the ability of the townspeople to pass on information and the rate in which the news would diffuse their way to Santiago Nasar or to the police. However they did not take one aspect of tradition into account: â€Å"But most of those who could have done something to prevent the crime and did not consoled themselves with the pretext that affairs of honor are sacred monopolies [according to tradition], giving access only to those who are part of the drama. †(p. 114). So, according to tradition, most people in town could not tell the authorities, nor anyone for that matter, about the Vicario twins and on top of that they could justify themselves by blaming it on the town’s ethics. â€Å"Destiny makes us invisible†(Quote, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 1928) The town of Guellen, on the other hand, had a level of communication between them far better than any other. They could communicate through the sub-conscious. It is not exactly stated that the Guelleners had actually decided upon killing Ill, so this could be assumed. They were very well organized and swift in killing Ill, as they were able to put many new products they wanted, more than needed, on account. As is clear, tradition, morality and justice are all connectable aspects which are usually bound together by a means of communication. Situations become elaborate and complications arise. â€Å"The Chronicle of a Death Foretold†and â€Å"The Visit†are two great examples of a situation that results from the combinations of those four issues.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Growing in Intimacy with God Essay
Introduction The beginning of our relationship with God is from the moment we accept and believe Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. As it gets personal, it grows daily until it becomes deeper and intimate. Intimacy generally refers to the feeling of being in a close personal association and belonging together. It is a familiar and very close affective connection with another as a result of a bond that is formed through knowledge and experience of the other. In this lesson, we will learn and understand the work of God in our lives for us to be intimate with Him, yet it doesn’t require full force of effort from us. The following insights will help us to set ourselves to submit in the Lordship of God until we reach personal intimate relationship with Him. How would you complete the following statement? The most essential ingredient to living the Christian life is to†¦ †¢Fill your heart and mind with Scripture †¢ Pray as much as you are able. †¢Attend Christian meetings for inspiration. †¢Get involved in ministry. †¢Choose to do what is right and Godly. †¢None of the above. Each of the above choices are important to living the Christian life, but none of them qualifies as the â€Å"most essential†because they all fail to adequately deal with the primary obstacle Christian must overcome. This obstacle not only makes the Christian life difficult to live, but impossible to live. Why we can’t live the Christian Life? The primary obstacle that hinders Christians is the Sin Nature. Contrary to the belief that we are all born innocent, Scripture teaches that we do not become sinners, but that we are already born sinners. Psalms 51:5 The following Scriptures describes this problem Romans 3:10-12 Mark 7:21-23 Romans 8:7-8 Because of our sinful nature, not matter how many Scriptures we know, not matter often we pray, no matter how many inspirational meeting we attend, no matter how involved we are in ministry, or no matter how strong will to do right, our best efforts will fail because we do not deal with the main problem. When done in our own strength, these activities simply produce Spiritual pride! But God has provided a solution for us. God’s Solution God’s Solution to our Sin nature is to give us a New Nature! He did this by putting His Holy Spirit in us at the moment we received Jesus Christ! The following Scriptures describe this miracle. John 3:5-7 Ephesians 4:23-24 God’s spirit imparts God’s nature and power in us! Ezekiel 36:26-27 Acts 1:8 Philippians 2:13 (TLB) God’s Spirit gives us the Desire (Ezekiel 36:26-27) and the Power (Acts 1:8) to do His will! God’s Spirit in Us The desire in you to please God is the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart. It is evident of the New Nature you inherited when you were born again by God’s Spirit. We are born into this world with a Sin Nature. But the moment we trust Jesus Christ for forgiveness, we are â€Å"born again†with a new nature, which is not only the new me but the real me! The sin nature, or Old me, can never please God and does not even want to, but our New Nature not only desires to please God, but it is able to by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Notice that the Christian’s Sin Nature will cease at the moment death, while our new nature will continue for eternity! The challenge we face in this life is the battle between these two natures to rule in our minds, our hearts and bodies. They are at war within us! The good news is that this struggle is temporary. Once we are free of Sin Nature, our new nature will be unhindered to do all that God desires. It is important to understand that the key to victory is God’s Spirit within us. Only by allowing His Spirit to live through us will we experience God’s Will and Power in us! Be Filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18 teaches us how to apply God’s provision to overcome sin. The word â€Å"filled†means to be filled to the full! A person â€Å"filled with the spirit â€Å"leaves no room for the Sin Nature to control his life. Command: This verb teaches that we are â€Å"filled with the Spirit†by an act of our will! God is not asking us to be filled with his Spirit if we feel like it. God is commanding us to be filled. No matter how we feel †¦ no matter what our circumstances, we can choose to be filled and allow God to rule in our lives! God’s Work: This verb also indicates that it is God who fills us. We simply make ourselves available to Him! As we yield our lives to God, His Spirit empowers us with His Desire and Ability! Present Tense: Finally, this verb commands us to continually allow God’s Holy Spirit to fill us ~ moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. No breaks and no allowance for the Sin Nature to reign! How can we be sure God will fill us with His Holy Spirit? Because He said He would, and God does not lie! 1 John 5:14-15 1. Is it God’s will for us to be filled with His Spirit? â yes â no 2. If we ask God to fill us with His Spirit, will He hear us? â yes â no 3. If we know God will hear us, can we be sure we are filled? â yes â no Application The following steps can help us experience God’s Power continually 1. Confess ~ Not being filled to the full with God’s Spirit is sin. Confess this to God and claim His forgiveness (1 John 1:9) 2. Be Filled with the Holy Spirit ~ Ask God to fill you with His Spirit! Filling of the Holy Spirit doesn’t end our relationship with God. Rather, it only set our condition with the Lord. Each of us can posses a spiritual relationship with Christ. Jesus is very well aware of our individuality and want to give us just what we want to grow in our walk with Him. The following presents a guide that may help you find time to spend with God.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Why so few men choose nursing as their profesion Research Paper
Why so few men choose nursing as their profesion - Research Paper Example This paper evaluates the reasons why men join nursing profession, analyzes the challenges they face and allays the misconceptions about male nurses, to show that men equally qualify as effective nurses. Introduction The professional roots of nursing could be traced back to the 20th Century when Florence Nightingale came up with professional schools for nursing (O’Lynn & Tranbarger, 2007). This professionalization of nursing by Nightingale that saw nursing rise in status as a women’s respectable profession saw men being marginalized in the profession. This has caused a minimization of the role of men and their history in nursing in spite of documented evidence of men in nursing dating back to as far as 250 BC (Wolfenden, 2011). This marginalization has since become a systemic issue and has become endemic to the nursing profession and education. However, it should be acknowledged that men equally provide care as women in nursing professions and the contrary stereotypes, m yths and beliefs propagated over years are misconceived. Previously, nursing was seen as a respectable profession for the women. Even though men were accepted into nursing profession, the medical model encouraged women nurses as the ideal position. This pushed men away from nursing into medicine, considered as a more socially acceptable profession for men (O’Lynn & Tranbarger, 2007). Whereas this approach is no longer being practiced, the nursing profession remains largely female dominated. Moore and Dienemann (2013) observe that the 2008 US Census identified only 5.5% as male nurses from the total nursing population. This replicates in many other parts of the world. The current trends in nursing indicate a shift from overtly denying men entry into nursing to a covert approach where men are denied nursing positions deemed unsuitable for them in declining their matriculation into nursing classes (Wolfenden, 2011). Men join nursing as a career just like any other careers and do not consider the profession to be less masculine. The reason for men joining nursing profession as observed by Moore and Dienemann (2013) is purely the motivation to help others, the principle guide in nursing. Intrinsic motivation could arise from previous work experience of such men. A research study by Tworney and Meadus (2008) in a Canadian province indicates that men join nursing profession as a normal career like any other, for salary and job security. These extrinsic motivators resemble those that inspire people to enter into other professions. With the instability in economies, geographic mobility, financial security and career needs, men have found nursing as a career like any other that could provide the much needed solution. Various studies have shown the satisfaction of male nurses with their profession (Kouta & Kaite, 2011; Moore & Dienemann, 2013; Wolfenden, 2011), some further citing the subjects encouraging other men to join the profession (Tworney & Meadus, 2008). Thus, nursing is a profession where men could fit in just as any other profession. On the other hand, one of the reasons why few men exist in the nursing profession has been the stereotypes in the nursing profession. Wilson (2009) observes that the public perceives nursing as a sex-role occupation that remains exclusive to females, a perception that remains deeply entrenched in the society due to the traditional image of a nurse as being white and female. This has been propagated by the mass media which reinforces nursing images solely on female attributes. This influences the perceptions of the society and feeds the bias cycle limiting the role of men in the profession of nursing. Furthermore, nursing
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Report on the Corporate Communications at Toyota Motor Corporation Essay
Report on the Corporate Communications at Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) - Essay Example Report findings indicate that the corporation has adopted corporate communications structures aiming to brand itself as a leader in the automobile industry, setting the pace of appeal for automobiles, and trends of the industry across the world, while earning recognition as a global enterprise with a profound appeal. Toyota applies both product-led communications, based on its specific products and corporate-led communications, which revolve around the themes in its Global Vision. Advertorials promote Toyota’s environmentally friendlier cars while the leaf care logo conveys its commitment to environmental goals. Toyota also communicates through sponsorships and CSR programs in communities it serves by offering financial grants, and social welfare services through the volunteer time of Toyota associates. The corporative uses multi-cultural marketing strategies and diversity awareness panels to address the cross-linguistic communications barrier that lead to shortcomings in comm unications, to promote its global integration and diversity goals. The report recommends that Toyota should leverage on the new Information Technology outlets such as social media platforms to reinforce both its internal and external communications functions (The Wall Street Journal, 2013), to achieve optimum benefits and to address its information communication deficit. Introduction This report will examine the internal and external communications functions of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC), the Giant Japanese automobile manufacture, highlighting both the best practices in communications functions, as well as communications shortcomings. Additionally, the report analyses the effectiveness of Toyota’s communications functions, and makes recommendations on how to improve them to achieve optimum benefits for the corporation TMC: Overview Headquartered at Toyota Aichi in Japan, Toyota Motor Corporation is a giant Japanese automobile maker that offers full range of vehicle models from mini-vehicles to large trucks; the corporation became the largest automobile manufacture in 2012 by production. Kiichiro Toyoda found TMC in 1937 as an offshoot from his father’s company Toyota Industries to manufacture automobiles (Flaccomio 2011, p.1); the Toyota Group is one of the Leading Conglomerates worldwide today. The Toyota Way, the corporation’s philosophy and strategy has evolved over the years, with a focus on core principles such as Lean Manufacturing and Just in Time Production; Toyota aims to achieve respect for people and continuous improvement. The company’s corporate goal is to keep improving its corporate value while continuously growing through global operations and innovative technology; Toyota’s strategy is enhanced technology, production, and marketing, as well as improved quality control, cost-competitiveness, and personnel development. Toyota pursues environmental goals, which influence corporate strategies (Menon & Menon 1 997, p.51), through improvements of its unique hybrid technology to create environmentally friendly products; Toyota’s goals entail pursuing sustainability at three levels, research and design, manufacturing, and social contribution. TMC Communications overview In 2002, Toyota took a new strategic direction articulated in the Company’s 2010 Global Vision program, which set out its long-term operational and strategic policies (â€Å"
Monday, October 7, 2019
THE EARLY GUILTY PLEA DISCOUNT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
THE EARLY GUILTY PLEA DISCOUNT - Essay Example It also determines whether such discounts in any way create a penalty for offenders who plead not guilty thus exercising their right to trial. A sentencing discount refers to a particular reduction that is normally quantifiable and relating to a discrete factor and which the court apply after taking all other considerations of sentencing into account. They relate to post-offence conduct on offender’s part. An individual who has committed a criminal offense has some options in responding to accusations made against him or her. The rules of criminal procedure in a court of law allow an offender to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty and if the offender fails to enter any plea, the court enters a plea of not guilty on for the offender and then begins the trial (Howie, 2008). There has been heavy contest on the levels, aspects and the extent of discounting sentences for defendants who plead guilty. In the recent years, the Australia high court has also weighed in on the debate. It is a statutory requirement in Queensland that the court should take into account a guilty plea and if the court fails to reduce a sentence; it must state its reasons. However, if it reduces the sentence, it is not obliged to state what the definite reduction in sentence was. Actually, even without remorse, the court holds that there should be reduction in sentence. It has also been a requirement for a court to point out the way in which it is reducing a sentence, if it is reducing it as a following the plea. It may achieve a reduction by recommending an early parole. In determining sentence for the offence, a fact of unaccepted offer to plead guilty is relevant (Freiberg, 2006). Following the concern of the discrimination that two elemental notions in sentencing engendered, justices Callinan, Gaudron and Gummow had a joint judgment. They observed the
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Physics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Physics - Essay Example With relation to topic of World, physics encompasses essentially all of nature including the laws and properties of matter and the forces acting upon them. Especially the causes, that modify the general properties of bodies, like light, magnetism, electricity, quantum effects, gravity etc. Physics studies every motion, from objects as small as neutrons to as massive as planets. It also studies the forces, and the interactions between bodies. It is the study of the most fundamental interactions between time, space, energy and matter. "We have sought for firm ground and found none. The deeper we penetrate, the more restless becomes the universe, all is rushing about and vibrating in a wild dance."(Max Born) Physics answers these and many such questions. Let us consider our last question, we often wonder why an object in motion stops suddenly, it is due to the Frictional force. There are many things in this world that makes the presence of Friction felt. For example, when we try to push a table across a room, we experience a resisting force which makes our work much more difficult, and this is the frictional force. It is a well known phenomenon in the universe that any bod... . Physics answers these and many such questions. Let us consider our last question, we often wonder why an object in motion stops suddenly, it is due to the Frictional force. There are many things in this world that makes the presence of Friction felt. For example, when we try to push a table across a room, we experience a resisting force which makes our work much more difficult, and this is the frictional force. FRICTION: It is a well known phenomenon in the universe that any body which is in state of motion on any plane, left to itself automatically comes to rest after traveling through some distance, this is due to Friction. It is the resistive force acting between bodies that tends to oppose and damp out motion. Types of friction: 1. Static friction 2. Kinetic/dynamic friction 3. Rolling Friction Static friction: The Static force of friction ( fs ) is the force of friction between two objects when there is no motion. Consider a block' B' which is resting on a horizontal table. Let a small pan be attached the block by means of a horizontal thread passing over a smooth frictionless pulley. When the weight in the pan is less, the block does not move because the pulling force or applied force' p' is balanced by the frictional force' f' which is called static friction.. If the weight in the pan increases further then the block tends to slide over the surface. At this stage the force of friction also reaches a maximum value called limited friction. Thus the maximum or limiting value of force of friction that comes into play when the body just begins to slide over the surface of another body is known as Limiting Friction. Dynamic Friction or Kinetic Friction: The Kinetic force of friction ( fk ) is the force of friction between two objects
Saturday, October 5, 2019
The current situations that's facing Russia Research Paper
The current situations that's facing Russia - Research Paper Example As the nature of topic involves the description of current scenario of the Russian federation, so the overview will be provided discussing all the social, political and environmental factors. The Russian Federation is divided into 46 provinces, 4 autonomous okrugs, 21 republics, 9 krays, 2 federal cities, and 1 autonomous oblast. Since 7th May 2012, President Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN serves as the head of the state, while the government is administered by Dmitriy Anatolyevich Medvedev. The recent political developments in the country include its relations with the United States. The U.S. Congress has already ascertained to ordain new penalties to be imposed on Russian businesses and officials as a quid-pro-quo for annulling a Cold War-era prohibition on conventional trading associations with Moscow. Few of the people in the Obama administration have proposed the discouraging alternative of developing a â€Å"democracy fund†to channelize U.S. money to the pressure groups that pose a threat to the Russian administration. Russia has been labeled by Mitt Romney as a geopolitical foe, so he has offered to disassemble the reset upon being elected. It raises a concern that regardless who wins in the U.S elections, the Russian-U.S. relations are leading towards a more challenging posture (Rojansky & Gvosdev). Mrs. Clinton while attending the yearly Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting in Vladivostokhere, on behalf of President Obama welcomed Russian access to the World Trade Organization in August. Moreover it was recommended that the American government should now normalize its trade relations so that the U.S owned businesses can harvest the benefits received from the Russia’s membership that include lower tariffs for United States products. The attempt to concede Russia conventional trade status, still, has turned embroiled in legislation that would penalize Russian officials charged of perverting human rights, refusing them visas and suspending their assets. That has aroused doubts that any arrangement on annulling the Jackson-Vanik provisions can be accomplished before the United States presidential elections (Myers, and Herszenhorn). Russia has recently demanded the U.S to cease its support to groups favoring the institution of democracy within the country (Hersze nhorn and Barry). Russia has experienced significant alters since the break down of the Soviet Union, proceeding from a centrally planned, globally-isolated economy to a more global and market-based economy. Russian industry is principally fragmented between worldwide competitive commodity producers. In 2011, it became leading oil producer of the world, passing by Saudi Arabia. It is the world second largest natural gas producer and bears the world's largest reserves of natural gas, the second-largest of coal, and the eighth-largest reserves of crude oil. It is the 3rd largest exporter of primary aluminum and steel. The Russian economy is also facing various challenges. As reported by the World Bank, Russia is reverberating from the worldwide recession more tardily than other developing nations in spite of high oil prices. Various factors that are contributing to the weakening of the Russian
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