Monday, December 30, 2019
Outline of the Rwandan Genocide - 2079 Words
Outline of the Rwandan Genocide: Draft Introduction Rwanda is a small land-locked nation, about 26,338 square kilometres in size, bordered by Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Tanzania. Though mainly flat, the country has a large mountain range on its northwest coast – the Virunga Mountains – that are home to the famous Rwandan Mountain Gorillas. In 1994, this seemingly insignificant country put itself on the world map, but for all the wrong reasons. Over a period of just one hundred days, over 800,000 Rwandans were killed in one of the worst genocides of the 20th Century. Tutsis and their Hutu supporters (the two ethnic groups in Rwanda) were massacred by Hutu militias, who encouraged ordinary citizens to kill their†¦show more content†¦Ordinary Hutu citizens were forced to kill their Tutsi neighbours – often people whom they had lived beside for many years and befriended. In the country, Hutu chiefs prepared â€Å"death lists†of local Tutsis, rounded up victims and made suitable sites available for massacres. Reaction: The Rwandan Patriotic Front In defense to this ruthless killing, the 14,000-man Tutsi-dominated RPF launched an offensive against the killers. Finally, in mid-July, they defeated the 35,000-man army and the militias, drove the remnants of the army and government into Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), and took control of the capital Kigali, declaring a ceasefire. United Nations aid workers and troops arrived to maintain order and bring back basic services. A multi-ethnic government took power, led by Hutu President Pasteur Bizimunga, Hutu Prime Minister Faustin Twagiramunga, and Tutsi Vice President/Minister of Defense Major General Paul Kagame, commander of the RPF. Most other cabinet posts were given to members of the RPF. After the Genocide: Refugees and International Support Following the end of the genocide in July and August 1994, two million Hutu civilians fled, joining one million already in exile. In Zaire, the destination of most refugees, sick and starving Hutu exiles were dying at an appalling rate of 2000 per day. The government encouraged them to return to the food, water and relativeShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech on Rwandan Genocide Outline1300 Words  | 6 PagesBen Johnson Intro to Comm. 1320-04 11/8/12 Rwandan Genocide General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To share with the class that the Rwandan Genocide was a brutal genocide that most people know little about. Thesis: The Rwandan Genocide is one of the lesser known, quickest, and most inhumane genocides this world has ever seen, and it is still affecting the people of Rwanda till this day. Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction I. 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Rwandans killed Rwandans, decimating the Tutsi population of the country and also targeting moderate Hutus. Lamentably the peacekeepers did not prevent the genocide, nor did they stop it once it started. This failure has left deep wounds within Rwandan society, and seriously questioned their relationship with the international community, in particular the UnitedRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On Indigenous People770 Words  | 4 Pagesdiseases. Diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles and whooping cough wiped out more than half their population, because of this they were not able to defend themselves when Europeans attacked. Another example of indigenous death is the Rwandan Genocide. European countries had control over Rwanda and favoured an indigenous group over the other, giving them power through the government. This group was called the Tutsi but the Tutsis were a minority to the Hutu which was a majority of the populationRead MoreThe Syrian Civil War and UN’s Failure to Solve It940 Words  | 4 PagesNations General Assembly, has said, â€Å"Chief responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security lies with the Security Council. It is therefore essential to its legitimacy that its membership reflect the state of the world.†[xiv] These two opinions outline the main c oncern over the problematic structure of the UNSC, which is that all permanent members of the council are elite nuclear powers whose actions are unchecked due to their veto powers. The UNSC has neither true international representation,
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Symptoms And Treatment Of An Infected Surgical Incision Of...
A 63-year-old male patient is admitted for an infected surgical incision of fasciotomy in the right low extremity blow the knee. He is medically diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and femoral popliteal bypass surgery is performed to treat the blocked area of femoral artery in the leg. Postoperatively acute compartment syndrome occurred in the affected leg. Fasciotomy is used to treat muscular bleeding inside that increases pressure in the compartment. The leading cause of PAD is atherosclerosis, which gradually narrows the intima of the arterial wall (Lewis, Heitkemper Bucher, 2014). The narrowed artery reduces perfusion to the extremities, especially the lower extremities, and results in lower extremity†¦show more content†¦It looks very red (dependent rubor) compared to the other leg. It feels cool and his toe nails are thick and brittle. The skin of the leg looks taut and shiny with no hair. He states he has no pain in the leg but experiences sharp pain wh en pressure is applied around his ankle area. After breakfast, he moves to the bed, and the leg’s skin color becomes less reddish. His blood pressure in the morning on that day is within the targeted range, 115/66, left arm, sitting position. He has no fever and is alert and oriented x4. He is on contact isolation that requires gowns and gloves with a sign on the door per hospital protocol. His related functional changes are decreased activity tolerance due to insufficient peripheral perfusion to the lower extremities and emotional changes – depression and anxiety about his medical condition and a loss of functional capacity affecting his ability to work and daily living activities. Diagnostic Tests The patent takes IV antibiotic, Vancomycin, due to a post-op wound infection and sepsis. Vancomycin trough needs to be monitored during his antibiotic treatment to keep the blood concentration of Vancomycin remaining in the therapeutic range and prevent any side effects suc h as nephrotoxicity, phlebitis, hypotension, and ototoxicity. On the morning of April 3, the result of Vancomycin trough isShow MoreRelatedHesi Practice31088 Words  | 125 PagesInsulin requirements increase greatly during labor. 3. A client with left-sided heart failure complains of increasing shortness of breath and is agitated and coughing up pink-tinged, foamy sputum. The nurse should recognize these as signs and symptoms of A. right-sided heart failure. B. acute pulmonary edema. C. pneumonia. D. cardiogenic shock. 4. What s the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for a client exhibiting obsessive-compulsive behavior? A. Ineffective coping. B. Imbalanced nutrition:
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Definition of Family in the Constitution Free Essays
Article 41 of the Constitution recognises the Family â€Å"as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society†, and as a â€Å"moral institution possessing certain inalienable and imprescriptible rights†which are â€Å"antecedent and superior to all positive law†. The State guarantees to protect the Family in its constitution and authority â€Å"as the necessary basis of social order and as indispensable to the welfare of the Nation and the State†[1]. Article 41 of Bunreacht na hEireann contains the main provisions relating to the family. We will write a custom essay sample on The Definition of Family in the Constitution or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is generally considered that Articles 41 and 42 were heavily influenced by Roman Catholic teaching. They were clearly drafted with one family in mind, namely the family based on marriage. †[2]. Since 1937 when the constitution was drafted there has been major social changes such as, changing attitudes to sexual behaviour, contraceptive use, social acceptance of pre marital relations, cohabitation and single parenthood, social acceptance of divorce, just to name a few. These social changes which would not have readily existed in 1937 have not been adapted to in the Constitution in Article 41/42 concerning the †family†. Simply put the definition of family in the constitution is old fashioned. I am of the opinion that an amendment to â€Å"The Family†- namely Article 41 is required. I base my argument on 3 main reasons 1) More types of family should be recognised, not just that of a marital family. 2) The definition of family should be changed to include expressed rights of a child incorporated into Article 41 and the rights of a child not just fall under that of †the family†3) The wording of the rights of the family to change to allow for more state intervention. Though the â€Å"family†is not defined in the constitution the Supreme Court held that the family is based on marriage – State(Nicolaou) v An Bord Uchtala[3] : Walsh J – â€Å"the family referred to on [Article 41. 3. 1] is the family which founded on the institution of marriage, on which the family is founded on the institution of marriage and, in the context of the Article, marriage means valid marriage under the laws for the time being in force in the state†. Article 41. 3. [4] states â€Å"The State pledges itself to guard with special care the institution of marriage, on which the family is founded, and to protect against attack†. From this definition it appears that a non-marital family would not be protected by the State against attack. In my opinion this provision should be amended to conform to the social change that I have previously mentioned as a family in current times is no longer just a marital family. â€Å" The law must, as far p ossible mirror contemporary civilization and as that changes so must the law. If the law becomes too rigid and inflexible, then there is always the danger that it will conflict with the needs of the people, with all the unfortunate consequences to which conflict may arise†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. during the dynamic periods of History †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. for it becomes essential for the legal system to adjust itself to the novel conditions of social life†[5] As a general rule most rights and obligations flowing from family law legislation are confined to families based on marriage. There are few contexts where non marital relationships are recognised such as domestic violence[6] and wrongful death[7]. The European Court of Human Rights have taken broader approach then Ireland and has been deemed to protect inter alia the family life of non-marital parents and their children. â€Å"It is likely that the failure to recognise the rights, and indeed the duties, of the members of non-marital families may constitute a breach of Art. 8 of the European Convention of Human rights, which requires that the State respect the family life of all persons†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. iven that the convention is now part of domestic law it is only a matter of time before Irish Law is found to be in breach†[8] The European Court of Human Rights(ECHR) broader approach to the definition of a †family†can be seen in Mouta v Portugal[9]. In this case the ECHR recognised a homosexual man and his child as a family which wouldn’t be recognised under the Irish Constitution. Da Silva was previously married and had a daughter in this relationship and divorced 3 years later. .The applicant (Da Silva) sought an order giving him parental responsibility for the child. The Lisbon Family Affairs Court awarded Da Silva parental responsibility. His ex-wife appealed against the Family Affairs Court’s judgment to the Lisbon Court of Appeal, which reversed the lower court’s judgment and awarding parental responsibility to the ex-wife, with contact to the applicant. It was held by the ECHR that the judgment of the Court of Appeal, in so far as it set aside the judgment of the lower court, constituted an interference with the father’s right to respect for family life and attracted the application of Art 8 of the Convention. Were this case to appear in an Irish Court De Souza would not have been awarded custody due to the the rigidness of the courts to move from strictly interpreting †family†in the constitution . Secondly I will explore how 1)Article 41 acts as a shield against state intervention against matters concerning †the family†and also 2)why I think †the child†should be given expressed rights in the constitution contained in the definition of family. In my opinion I think that Article 41 acts as a shield against state intervention. I think â€Å"a shield†is an effective way of describing the Article as a shield protects against attack but does not block all danger/damage, just like Article 41protects the †family†but does not provide complete immunity. This article emphasises the rights of the family as a whole while not exploring individual rights such as the rights of the child. I think the words †inalienable and imprescriptible†/rights superior to positive law†are too strong as it gives the State limited opportunity to intervene with matters concerning †the family†. When can the state intervene?. Murphy J gave his view on this question â€Å"where conduct of parents are such to constitute a virtual abdication of their responsibility or alternatively, the disastrous consequences of a particular parental decision are so immediate and inevitable as to demand intervention and perhaps call into question either the basic competence or devotion of the parents†A State intervention must be proportionate -breach of Article 41 must have justifiable circumstances. As I previously mentioned Article 41 does not provide complete protection. This can be seen in People v T[10] where a father had been convicted of sexual offenses against his daughter. Casey made the point that while Article 41 â€Å"established that the family as a unit had it’s own special rights, other provisions make it clear that each member of that unit had his/her own constitutionally-guaranteed personal rights†¦.. It follows from this that the common law rule can have no application in cases where one member of a family is alleged to have committed an offense against another†[11]. I have already given my opinion that i think the words ‘inalienable and imprescriptible†and †above positive law†are too strong and limit the courts powers in intervening. One case where I think this is prevalent is is N v Health Service Executives[12] aka †the baby Ann case†. At the time of A’s birth in July 2004 the applicants were unmarried and they decided to place A for adoption. The applicants married in Northern Ireland in January 2006, strengthening their legal position as they now formed a family under the constitution. The High Court held that the child was in the lawful custody of Mr and Mrs D(the Adoptive parents) and that, accordingly, a conditional order for the inquiry under art 40 had to be discharged. The decision of the High Court was based on his conclusion that the applicants had failed in their duty towards their daughter and abandoned her and that there were compelling reasons why the child should not be returned to their custody. The decision was overturned by the Supreme Court. I feel that the decision by the Supreme Court was inappropriate, it did not take into account the welfare of the child, Article 41 restricted the courts ability to award custody of the child to the adoptive parents, as the maternal parents and Baby Ann has formed a †family†under the constitution. If the State had more powers to intervene and supersede Article 41 then the custody would probably have been given to the adoptive parents (which would have been the right decision from my point of view). John Walters gave his view on the Supreme Courts decision â€Å"its hands tied by outmoded provisions of the Constitution, was prevented from doing the â€Å"decent†thing: leaving baby Ann with her prospective adoptive parents†[13]. Judge Catherine McGuiness, closing remarks in the case were interesting. She voiced criticism regarding the rights of the child in the constitution and also how she was reluctant to come to the decision to support the maternal parents claims. â€Å" It would be disingenuous not to admit that I am one of the ‘quarters’ who have voiced criticism of the position of the child in the Constitution. I did so publicly in the report on the Kilkenny Incest Inquiry in 1993. The present case must, however, be decided under the Constitution and the law as it now stands. With the reluctance and some regret I would allow this appeal. †[14]. I think that the argument to give the child expressed rights under the constitution is intertwined with giving the State more scope on intervening in family cases. As it stands children’s rights are thought as secondary to the parents and this can be see in Crowley. [15] I think that there should be a change from the paternalistic approach, whereby the adults know best. Were there to be an express provision outlining the right of the child there would gave been an alternative decision in the PKU test case[16]. The court acknowledged the right of the parents to refuse a both standard and important test for a new born child while ignoring the best interests of the child. The Council of Europe Recommendation 1289 (1996) point 8(i) on a European Strategy for children advised that there should be guarantees that children’s rights should be explicitly incorporated into constitutional text. [17] To summarise I think Article 41 concerning the definition of family should be changed. It is outdated basing a family on marriage as in current times there are more then just marriage based families, there are a variety of situations which the normal person would regard as a ‘family’. The Constitutional Review Group stated that there is a â€Å"multiplicity of differing units which may be capable of being considered family†. [18] I think there should be an exhaustive list including the instances above where a member of the public would regard the situation as being a family. Alternatively you could leave the definition of family open and state that â€Å"family†is not confined to that of just a family based on marriage. This would leave the judiciary to determine a family on a case by case basis which is similar to the ECHR approach. This would result in a large amount of uncertainty. I would favor the first option even though it would arise it’s own problems such as would being forced to become a legal family under the constitution infringe on personal rights? And also how would you determine the length of time a family is together to qualify as co-habitant?. Either way I think the implied definition of family needs to be changed. To highlight the constant increase of different types of families and the need for reform, I have taken statistics from the last 3 census’ of the number of units formed by cohabiting couples (which are one †family I think should be recognised) and formed a table, this furthermore indicates the need to incorporate the change in society into the constitution. How to cite The Definition of Family in the Constitution, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Gas and The Oil Industry
Question: Demonstrate a good understanding of the substantive rules of international law applicable to the oil and gas industry Evaluate the key principles of contract formation in international commercial transactions and key international law principles and trends in the oil and gas sector Assess the effectiveness of international law in addressing the environmental impact of oil exploration and exploitation Demonstrate a critical understanding of the importance of oil and gas law as a distinct subject, studied in a practical and commercial context. Answer: Introduction The different players in the gas and the oil industry have to encounter different kinds of risks. There are different kinds of risks and they are HSE accidents, mechanical breakdowns as well as unfavorable price change. Furthermore, there are also risks regarding contract between the host country and government and international oil companies or contractors. With the aim of reducing the exposure, industry players generally carry out different kinds of measures as well practices so that they are able to manage the risks efficiently. It is significant to note that one significant aspect of risk management is the risk allocation between or among the parties who are engaged in an undertaking. But it is quite difficult in the Oil and Gas Industry because there is large number of parties who are involved in a single project. Risk allocation in the Oil and the Gas Industry can be carried out by setting out in the contract clauses. It is these clauses which assess that which party will be held responsible for a certain risks and to what extent. The characteristics of the upstream oil and gas contracts are highly affected by the fundamental interest of the Host Government and the International Contractor. The Host Government is generally concerned with attracting risk capital to modern EP technology for securing the national interest while the international oil companies and the contractor focuses on the ways to acquire the excessive return on their investment. To make a clear distinction between the rights of Host Government and the international oil companies so that they are able to address and manage the risks, Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) has been introduced. Production Sharing Contracts was first introduced in Bolivia in the beginning of 1950s and this contract is able to provide benefit to the host country lacking expertise. Discussions The search of petroleum pushes the gas and the oil companies from their home countries out into the world. The worldwide scope of the exploration for the production of the oil and gas has given rise to multinational and international companies. These companies are generally found in home countries but carry out their business all over the world. It has been found out that presently all the significant oil companies can be found in different oil producing regions of the world. Furthermore, it has also been found out the medium and small petroleum companies also carry put their business in more than one country of the world (Hilyard, 2012). It is significant to note that each country formulates and implements different kinds of laws and regulations which help in developing the oil and gas industry sector of that country. So, it is probable to demonstrate the basic approaches and the concepts which are related with the international petroleum. Several laws have also been passed by the United States which applies to the international operation of the US Companies. Risk Allocation Approaches Usually, there are three kinds of research allocation approaches which are used in the Oil and Gas Industry (Darst, 2007). They are: Indemnity Exemption Limitation of Liability Indemnity Following this agreement, the party which is entitled to obtain a benefit will acquire payment from the indemnifying pay in case the indemnifying party suffers a loss (Benigno and Kk, 2012). Indemnity can be classified as mutual or unilateral indemnity. As per Mutual indemnity, all the parties involved in the contract acts as a potential indemnifier and recipient of probable indemnity. As against this, unilateral indemnity highlights a situation in which one party undertakes the liability of indemnifying another party if the second party incurs a loss in the contractual relationship. Scope of Indemnity for multiple parties: In Oil and Gas Industry, there are large numbers of parties involved. It has been seen that, whenever different parties are involved in a contract, it often creates an abstract result on the indemnity clause (Bowen, 2011). It has been interpreted by the court that whenever several parties are involved in a contract then one party will condensate other for any kind of loss. Scope of Indemnity when there is subrogation: If the indemnifier has undertaken an insurance policy to cover the similar risks which is the subject of the contract, the responsibility to indemnify will be turned off based on the fact whether or not there is an express duty of the indemnifier to take out the policy (SCARANTINO, 2010). Exclusion of liability The clause of Exclusion of liability is to release a party from the obligation for loss arising from outlined risks. However, the forgiveness will depend on the kind of risks or risks rising from the contract. These provisions in a contract generate a class of injury whose happenings are highlighted not to be qualified for remediation by the party with the responsibility to the risk covered (Zinn, 2002). The Oil and the Gas contract Parties agree to exclude liability for the following: Consequential Loss Loss resulting from willful conduct Loss resulting from gross negligence Limitation of Liability A liability clause may allocate the obligation for remedying loss which rises from an action of providing advantage to the party and at the same time put a cap on it. The cap will be put depending on the prearranged segment of the loss or a fixed amount of money. It should be noted that a limitation clause will limit the liability of the duty bearer (LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 2001). There are different forms of limitation and they have been given below: Fixed amount Limitation: The parties may want to offer for the maximum amount of the loss that has been incurred so that either of them would be responsible for in the event of the risk happenings. The Clause 35 of Logic Standard Contract Supply of Major items are an example of fixed amount limitation. It ensures that: This kind of contracts is generally utilized in Oil and Gas industry. This is because there is option for unlimited as well as probably excessive liability is kept unrestrained (Johnsen Oil signs major Russian filtration supply contract, 2011). They may act as conciliation whenever the parties disagree on a mutual hold. It has been seen that some of the Oil and Gas project are so precious that the losses which are incurred are unbearable for the contractors. Thus, it is evident that a liability cap is carrying out the role of providing a second line of defense of indeterminate liability. Proportionate Liability: There are a large number of contracts which restricts the liability of the parties who are engaged in the proportion of their participation in the undertaking. Production Sharing Agreement Production Sharing Contract is a common kind of contract that is signed by the government of the host country and the international oil producing countries highlighting how much of the oil extracted will be received by government and the oil producing companies. In this agreement, the government of the host country grants the international oil companies with the permission to carry out with the exploration and the production of oil. It is duty of the oil companies to bear the mineral as well as the financial risks of explore and initiative. If the company is successful in acquiring money then the profit will be shared between the company and the government at a rate of 20% and 80% respectively. This contract is able to provide benefit to the host country lacking expertise and want foreign companies to carry out the task. At the same time, his contract can also be profitable for oil companies involved in the project (Zedalis, 2009). Key Features Parties- Generally, this type of contract will be carried by the National Oil Corporation (NOC) in behalf of the government. However, in case of India, these contracts are generally carried out Ministers who are in charge of the Mines and Ministers for Petroleum and Natural Gas respectively. In Tanzania, Tanzanian Petroleum Development Corporation is a party (Zedalis, 2009). Term of Contract- The length of the terms of the contract depends on a large number of factors and thus terms is negotiable. There is no fixed term period for the Model Contracts. Kenyan Model which follows the Clause 2: Relinquishment It focuses on ensuring speedy and effective exploration. It provides benefits to both the parties. The Clause 7 of the Kurdistans Model PSC is an example of Relinquishment Clause. National Interest Provisions National Interest Provision helps to upgrade and protect national socio-economic well-being of the host country (SCARANTINO, 2010). Cost Recovery Oil With the help of this provision, International Oil Corporation is able to recover its costs from the extracted oil and gas even before the profit is shared. Profit Oil This includes the return on exploration after the international Oil Corporation has recovered the costs. This is shared between the different parties in a sliding scale. The allocation of the government of the host country will increase with the rise in the production or the economic return of the contractor (Pirog, 2006). The product Sharing Agreement was first utilized in Indonesia in the year 1960. This was signed between the International Oil Cooperation and Pertamina. Presently, Product Sharing Agreement was used in developing and maintaining relationship between International Oil Contribution and some of the resource rich state for the exploration, development and the production of the oil and natural gas. As mentioned above, the most significant notion of this contract is the shared production. Generally, Product Sharing Agreement is signed for a time period of 25 to 30 years. However, the contract can be signed for longer years. This can be seen in the contract for developing the oilfield in Kashagan in Kazakhstan (Pirog, 2006). The project was signed in the year 1977 and it continued for about 40 years. After the extraction of the oil, the profit is shared between the parties who are involved in the contract. The share of the host country will be given to SOE. If the contract involves different number of parties, then one of the parties can assume the role of the operational management of the project. However, it should be noted that the function of the operational management will be assigned to the largest investor and he will also be responsible for settling the disputes or any problem that may arise in this case. The technical operational management varies greatly from the commercial operational management. This is because the technical operational management deals with the actual field development procedure whereas the commercial operational management focuses on the process of controlling the financial settlements as well as relation between the different parties about the production sharing calculations (Lai, 2011). The Product Sharing Agreement makes it clear that National Oil Corporation should represent the state. The NOC should possess two responsibilities. Firstly, that of a contractor with proper shares of the contract and secondly, it represents the interest of the state and thus receives the share of the profit of the oil on behalf of the state (Liu and Zhu, 2013). However, it should be noted that the share of National Oil Corporation varies from one country to other based on the negotiation process of Product Sharing Agreement and the share of National Oil Corporation in a specific project. However, different laws of product Sharing Agreement want National Oil Corporation to enjoy a share of the controlling stake of a project. In order to avoid any kind of problem, PSA is planned in such a way so that the contribution of NOC is executed by some other group members and the group members and the government repays the contribution from its share of profit (Lai, 2011). The different principles of Product Sharing Agreement have been analyzed below: On the host state side, an NOC an act as a party of the contractThe state holds legal title to the unproduced natural resources and only changes title to the share of the International Oil Corporation.The International Oil Corporation undertakes the risks at the exploration stage.If the Product Sharing agreement is negotiated and signed then it will become a part of the national legislation (Lai, 2011).The International Oil Corporation is provided with the right to search, develop and extract oil.The capital is invested by International Oil Corporation. The capital expenditure and the cost of maintenance are subtracted from the production in the form of cost oil.Cost oil and the profit oil are computed depending on the exact amount of oil being produced.The parties who are involved in the project will share the profit oil as long as the contract exists. The taxes are paid to government by the parties once the oil has been acquired (BELEW, 2011). Conclusions The entire project highlighted how the different kinds of risks associated with the Oil and Gas Industry are managed by the different parties. It also shows the importance of the Product Sharing Agreements and its role in sharing the risks and the responsibility between the host country and the international oil companies. The Host Government is generally concerned with attracting risk capital to modern EP technology for securing the national interest while the international oil companies and the contractor focuses on the ways to acquire the excessive return on their investment. The report showed that there are three kinds of research allocation approaches which are used in the Oil and Gas Industry. In Oil and Gas Industry, there are large numbers of parties involved. It has been seen that, whenever different parties are involved in a contract, it often creates an abstract result on the indemnity clause. Production Sharing Contract is a common kind of contract that is signed by the g overnment of the host country. References BELEW, S. (2011). Starting an online business all-in-one for dummies. Hoboken: John wiley. Benigno, G. and Kk, H. (2012). Portfolio allocation and international risk sharing. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'conomique, 45(2), pp.535-565. Bowen, A. (2011). Proportionate liability under the civil liabilty regime. St. Leonards, NSW: Continuing Professional Education Dept. of the College of Law. Darst, D. (2007). Mastering the art of asset allocation. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hilyard, J. (2012). The oil gas Industry. Tulsa, Okla.: PennWell. Johnsen Oil signs major Russian filtration supply contract. (2011). Filtration + Separation, 48(2), p.6. Joshi, H. (2010). Knowledge sharing and intellectual property management. 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BMJ, 325(7371), pp.988a-988.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Foot Mouth Disease Essays - Animal Virology, Foot-and-mouth Disease
Foot Mouth Disease Foot and Mouth Disease, its effects in the restaurant industry Any time there is an out brake of any number of diseases at the production level of livestock it causes great concern in the industry and the implications are far reaching indeed. On the heels of the European Unions out break of Mad Cow Disease they now face Foot and Mouth Disease, what does this have to do with the American restaurant industry? Everything. First is the all important issue of containment this can be accomplished by bans on all pork and pork ruminants products from the EU and by assigning an additional 150 inspectors at critical ports of entry. The simple advent of the out break of FMD reduces the supply of pork and pork products available which in turn raises the price for the buyer, the restaurant and then the price of the meal you eat at the restaurant, or if you want to take it another way, people will not want to eat pork or pork products because they are fearful of FMD which lowers the demand for pork and then the producers have the raise prices to cover the cos t of production. Second, the fact that this country has been free of FMD since 1929 would mean the possibility of a very fast moving FMD in this country given our very large livestock and poultry production facilities and could cause vast amounts of damage, in England at the height of its MCD there was a mass cattle kill of 500 million, could you imagine if FMD got into this country and went unchecked for just a week? FMD is of great concern to livestock owners because it spreads widely and rapidly. Third, prices at restaurants may go up to cover the expense that may be incurred from no one eating pork or pork products that may have been ordered using forecasting. Medicine
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Definition and Examples of Essays or Compositions
Definition and Examples of Essays or Compositions The term essay comes from the French for trial or attempt. French author Michel de Montaigne coined the term when he assigned the title Essais to his first publication in 1580. In Montaigne: A Biography (1984), Donald Frame notes that Montaigne often used the verb essayer (in modern French, normally to try) in ways close to his project, related to experience, with the sense of trying out or testing. An essay is a short work of nonfiction, while a writer of essays is called an essayist. In writing instruction, essay is often used as another word for composition. In an essay, an authorial voice (or narrator) typically invites an implied reader (the audience) to accept as authentic a certain textual mode of experience. Definitions and Observations [An essay is a] composition, usually in prose.., which may be of only a few hundred words (like Bacons Essays) or of book length (like Lockes Essay Concerning Human Understanding) and which discusses, formally or informally, a topic or a variety of topics.(J.A. Cuddon, Dictionary of Literary Terms. Basil, 1991)Essays are how we speak to one another in print - caroming thoughts not merely in order to convey a certain packet of information, but with a special edge or bounce of personal character in a kind of public letter.(Edward Hoagland, Introduction, The Best American Essays: 1999. Houghton, 1999)[T]he essay traffics in fact and tells the truth, yet it seems to feel free to enliven, to shape, to embellish, to make use as necessary of elements of the imaginative and the fictive - thus its inclusion in that rather unfortunate current designation creative nonfiction.(G. Douglas Atkins, Reading Essays: An Invitation. University of Georgia Press, 2007) Montaignes Autobiographical EssaysAlthough Michel de Montaigne, who fathered the modern essay in the 16th century, wrote autobiographically (like the essayists who claim to be his followers today), his autobiography was always in the service of larger existential discoveries. He was forever on the lookout for life lessons. If he recounted the sauces he had for dinner and the stones that weighted his kidney, it was to find an element of truth that we could put in our pockets and carry away, that he could put in his own pocket. After all, Philosophy - which is what he thought he practiced in his essays, as had his idols, Seneca and Cicero, before him - is about learning to live. And here lies the problem with essayists today: not that they speak of themselves, but that they do so with no effort to make their experience relevant or useful to anyone else, with no effort to extract from it any generalizable insight into the human condition.(Cristina Nehring, What’s Wrong With the American Essay. Truthdig, Nov. 29, 2007) The Artful Formlessness of the Essay[G]ood essays are works of literary art. Their supposed formlessness is more a strategy to disarm the reader with the appearance of unstudied spontaneity than a reality of composition. . . .The essay form as a whole has long been associated with an experimental method. This idea goes back to Montaigne and his endlessly suggestive use of the term essai for his writing. To essay is to attempt, to test, to make a run at something without knowing whether you are going to succeed. The experimental association also derives from the other fountain-head of the essay, Francis Bacon, and his stress on the empirical inductive method, so useful in the development of the social sciences.(Phillip Lopate, The Art of the Personal Essay. Anchor, 1994) Articles vs. Essays[W]hat finally distinguishes an essay from an article may just be the authors gumption, the extent to which personal voice, vision, and style are the prime movers and shapers, even though the authorial I may be only a remote energy, nowhere visible but everywhere present.(Justin Kaplan, ed. The Best American Essays: 1990. Ticknor Fields, 1990)I am predisposed to the essay with knowledge to impart - but, unlike journalism, which exists primarily to present facts, the essays transcend their data, or transmute it into personal meaning. The memorable essay, unlike the article, is not place or time-bound; it survives the occasion of its original composition. Indeed, in the most brilliant essays, language is not merely the medium of communication; it is communication.(Joyce Carol Oates, quoted by Robert Atwan in The Best American Essays, College Edition, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin, 1998)I speak of a genuine essay because fakes abound. Here the old-fashioned term poetaste r may apply, if only obliquely. As the poetaster is to the poet - a lesser aspirant - so the average article is to the essay: a look-alike knockoff guaranteed not to wear well. An article is often gossip. An essay is reflection and insight. An article often has the temporary advantage of social heat - whats hot out there right now. An essays heat is interior. An article can be timely, topical, engaged in the issues and personalities of the moment; it is likely to be stale within the month. In five years it may have acquired the quaint aura of a rotary phone. An article is usually Siamese-twinned to its date of birth. An essay defies its date of birth - and ours, too. (A necessary caveat: some genuine essays are popularly called articles - but this is no more than an idle, though persistent, habit of speech. Whats in a name? The ephemeral is the ephemeral. The enduring is the enduring.)(Cynthia Ozick, SHE: Portrait of the Essay as a Warm Body. The Atlantic Monthly, September 1998) The Status of the EssayThough the essay has been a popular form of writing in British and American periodicals since the 18th century, until recently its status in the literary canon has been, at best, uncertain. Relegated to the composition class, frequently dismissed as mere journalism, and generally ignored as an object for serious academic study, the essay has sat, in James Thurbers phrase, on the edge of the chair of Literature.In recent years, however, prompted by both a renewed interest in rhetoric and by poststructuralist redefinitions of literature itself, the essay - as well as such related forms of literary nonfiction as biography, autobiography, and travel and nature writing - has begun to attract increasing critical attention and respect.(Richard Nordquist, Essay, in Encylopedia of American Literature, ed. S. R. Serafin. Continuum, 1999) The Contemporary EssayAt present, the American magazine essay, both the long feature piece and the critical essay, is flourishing, in unlikely circumstances...There are plenty of reasons for this. One is that magazines, big and small, are taking over some of the cultural and literary ground vacated by newspapers in their seemingly unstoppable evaporation. Another is that the contemporary essay has for some time now been gaining energy as an escape from, or rival to, the perceived conservatism of much mainstream fiction...So the contemporary essay is often to be seen engaged in acts of apparent anti-novelization: in place of plot, there is drift or the fracture of numbered paragraphs; in place of a frozen verisimilitude, there may be a sly and knowing movement between reality and fictionality; in place of the impersonal author of standard-issue third-person realism, the authorial self pops in and out of the picture, with a liberty hard to pull off in fiction.(James Wood, Reality Effec ts. The New Yorker, Dec. 19 26, 2011) The Lighter Side of Essays: The Breakfast Club Essay AssignmentAll right people, were going to try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay of not less than a thousand words describing to me who you think you are. And when I say essay, I mean essay, not one word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear, Mr. Bender?(Paul Gleason as Mr. Vernon)Saturday, March 24, 1984Shermer High SchoolShermer, Illinois 60062Dear Mr. Vernon,We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did was wrong. But we think youre crazy to make us write this essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct? Thats the way we saw each other at seven oclock this morning. We were brainwashed...But what we found out is that each one of us i s a brain and an athlete and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question?Sincerely yours,The Breakfast Club(Anthony Michael Hall as Brian Johnson, The Breakfast Club, 1985)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
International Relations - Essay Example Realizing the fact that this menace needs to be tackled collectively, a coalition of 136 countries came into existence to fight this new international manifestation. International terrorism can be referred to as the violent activities carried out in a country by any rival country either by means of physically participating in terrorism or by supporting or exploiting the local individuals through brain-washing or the financial support. It is considered as a new form of warfare thereby avoiding physical contact with rival country, hence ensuring safety of men and material that is likely to be damaged during physical war (Netanyahu and Mekhon, 1981). International terrorism is almost same in tactics and techniques like normal terrorism except for the one fact that it is operated from across the geographical borders. It involves use of terrorism across international borders for the purpose of destabilizing the borders or weakening the solidity among the people and their homeland. The un- guarded borders and un-checked cross-border activities make the terrorism comparatively easier. However the effectiveness of international terrorism can be controlled by a number of means. The most important tool available with terrorist organizations is the media. As in case of hijacking, the interviews of hijackers as well as the victims, broadcasted on media support the terrorists to achieve their goals by communicating their agendas to the world as well as showing helplessness of the government as well as security forces. The unrestricted access to media can help in sabotaging the terrorists’ motives and not letting them project themselves as brave people who are fearless to death (Panday, 2006). Terrorism is a global issue, which can only be tackled by mutual support of most of the countries. At present, United Nations is the only organization which is playing its role in bringing countries against terrorism on one grid and fighting the terrorism as a combined dilemma. H owever, there are certain measures which can be adopted at individual country level to minimize the effects of international terrorism. Pre-emption is one of the means to avoid terrorism which is only possible by gathering requisite information about identity, goals, objectives and likely targets of the terrorists and subsequently countering them pre-emptively. Once a state has been proved to be terrorism sponsor state, it should be isolated by international community and be forced to create unfavourable situation for the terrorists operating from their land. The other passive measures that can be taken to prevent the international terrorism, once they have been identified, are by disrupting their supplies and communications. Thereby rendering the terrorists helpless and without sufficient resources to generate any terrorist activity. Besides gathering the information about international terrorists and isolating its sponsoring states, there is a need to develop emergency response ca pability, so as to react promptly to any terrorist situation / activity that have taken place. The main objective of this response should be the damage control along with denying the terrorists’ access to unchecked media. The outcomes from such counter actions must be shared with international community highlighting the hand or support behind the terrorists and they should be brought to international court of justice instead of merely making a hue and cry
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Choose one advertising image (preferably fashion or interiors) and Speech Presentation
Choose one advertising image (preferably fashion interiors) and visually analyse it - Speech or Presentation Example The advert indicates the significance of having a classy travel bag. The inclusion of an older model and a younger one is to show that class has no limit of age. The Louis Vuitton brand wants to cut across all ages. Therefore, the marketting strategy is focussed on showing the importance and usability of the travel bags. The travel bags not only cater for the luggage carried but they also bring out the aspects of different classes and culture.The image tends to capture the quality of embracing a unique father daughter relationship that is enriched by the shared experience (Popsugar Fashion, 2008). Moreover the image illustrates Louis Vuitton heritage as being passed from one generation to the next. The irony depicted in most of LouisVuitton adverts is the use of poor countries to maret their brand. There are a couple of formal elements that can be viewed from the photograph. These are value, colour, forms and shape. Value is the amount of light that is in the given image(Barrett, 2000). In this case the amount of light is minimal as the image was shot in early evening. Contrast of white and black can be depicted from view. Colour used in the image especially the black and white theme is used to differentiate space, shape and forms based on the different shades of gray. Forms are illustrated by the various shapes adopted in the image such as the square images of the books and the stools. Finally, space around the area of the image shot is minimised to predict the way the image is viewed. The photographer creates a sense of balance as she harmoniously combines the value, forms, colour and space to bring out a well-structured photograph. The image is shot by Annie Leiboritz who is regarded to as a unique photographer. Her fashion photographs are quite beautiful and amazing. The style that is depicted from the image is that of modernism. A lot of aspects are incorporated when high end
Monday, November 18, 2019
Construction Legal Procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Construction Legal Procedures - Essay Example At the turn of 1983, the United Kingdom witnessed the surfacing of a radical Society of Construction Law. Thereafter, the European Society of Construction Law was established as an umbrella law governing the entire construction industry in the European continent (Comba, 2013, pp.302-310). The first and foremost is the time taken by the planning departments in processing the permits. Some of these departments may take very long time to give the feedback thus discouraging the investment approach of the construction works.(Nunnally, 2004)recommended a follow up on the progress of the processing of the permit in order to put more pressure on the planning departments to issue permits on time. Procedures associated with regulation, practises and legislation is too cumbersome and weary. These is because the government through its parliament make changes every time concerning the regulation and standards of the construction. This as a result lengthen the procedures associated with permit issuance.Construction permits are always subjected to various reforms and changes which have no proper definition hence not fully implemented. The reforms are always short-lived and before implementing the proposed rules and regulations, others will have come by thereby in the long run lengthening the process of permits(Nunnally, 2004) Another challenge conflict by the local residents and the community in general. The construction will not be granted permit to start the construction work when there are conflicts in the area of construction. This happens in most cases due to failure by the construction company to involve the local community in the project contract. Before any contract project commences, the community must understand well the benefits and impacts of the project in their lives. Involvement can be done through various channels such as communication through print media, meetings, and seminars among many others. When
Friday, November 15, 2019
Marine Biology As A Career
Marine Biology As A Career I would like to begin this paper from the career notion definition. The main topic of this research paper is marine biology as a career and as for me it is not empty words, because I strongly believe that choosing career we choose our future. Looking into the roots of this question it is necessary to mention that folk wisdom says of that a profession is as riches. In many cases people who are around you judge about your activity on the base of your chosen career, that it why it is so hard for many young people to chose own career and own future. Moreover, if we will made an effort transfer all interests, desires, fascinations, a very long list would turn out, probably. Many of us have a wide circle of interests, and it is very difficult to choose, what from it would become a future profession, and what a hobby is. Mostly a preference to some type of activity determines interest to its maintenance. To accept a correct decision, it is necessary to get acquainted with maintenance of pot ential profession, labour duties and terms of labour. If you like maintenance of profession, you will be more successful in your chosen work, you will have an aim to promote the qualification, become an authoritative specialist in the professional area and, eventually, earn good money. At the beginning of professional cycle all persons efforts usually sent on the preparation to the future career and among these efforts we could find development of abilities, values, presentations and other aspects that are necessary for finding of professional identity. At the end of professional cycle person usually concentrates all forces on determination of degree of success. Thinking about myself I want to mention that I like marine biology and in my opinion this kind of career will be the best way of self-realization for me. I dont want to discuss this career without concrete facts in marine sphere, so lets consider this part of my paper as introduction to my research. I prepared my research not for one day and understood that choice of the right career path is not an easy step. First of all, if you were not determined from the beginning (for example, during study-time in a college), what it will be, your professional way, then, that coming you to accept in this life, a decision about the choice of kind of activity will become one of the most essential decisions in your life. If you thought over this question in enough earnest, then to the moment of final choice you have in a head few ideas which, however, yet coming to specify. Pointing necessary information is possible from the row of sources of knowledge and experience. As you understand from the previous words exactly now I try to find all necessary information about the career of my choice and maybe exactly this research paper will allow me to make my last choice in career sphere. Lets discuss marine biology as the career that Im interested in for my future and first of all it is necessary to define what it means in the wide sense of this word. Marine biology is a science that studies the organisms of seas and oceans. Marine biology is vast discipline, including the great number of directions, therefore a term is understood variously depending on that, who uses it in own practice. It is possible to name a specialist, qualificatory in a museum the standards of marine animals and plants delivered there a marine biologist; physiologist, studying functioning of the nervous system of squid; environmentalist, investigating distribution of marine inhabitants et cetera. We know that often as synonyms of marine biology are used terms biological oceanography and marine ecology. However, biological oceanography studies organisms, dwellings at sea mainly, i.e. more or less far from off-shore shoals. Marine ecology, strictly speaking, implies research of mutual relations o f marine inhabitants with each other and with surrounding them physical environment, what, however, most marine biologists really occupy. Although ocean waters are not divided by borders, their inhabitants at the distribution run into insuperable barriers the exposure of which behaves to the major problems of marine biology. If to move from a beach in the depths of ocean, it is possible to notice, as physical terms of environment change and simultaneously the types of animals and plants change each other. At the same time certain combination of environmental factors results in that one or other organisms often meet together. Using this analogy we should say that marine biology has in itself many components from other professions and exists in tight connection with them, in spite of their differences. For addition to above presented information I want to add that considerable part of works on marine biology is conducted now on the base of large laboratories, for example in Plymouth (England), in the USA and so on. In many cases we remember and use famous names of laboratories, but, however, a considerable deposit is brought in this science also by not yet deserving a world fame small stations, colleges and universities, located in the different countries of the world. According to information presented on website we could find easy and understandable answers on questions not only about marine biology, but also about the essence of the marine biologists work. For example next information is rather interesting to reading and thinking about it: Marine biology is the field of knowledge relating to marine organisms. But what is a marine biologist? To many, it means being a dolphin trainer but to others it means managing a marine wildlife sanctuary. There are many answers to this question and I would say that a marine biologist is someone who works in some way in studying, observing, protecting, or managing marine organisms, be they microbe, plant or animal. If you study marine fish populations you are a marine biologist. If you manage a marine wildlife preserve and are concerned with protection of marine organisms there, then you too are a marine biologist. You know youre a marine biologist if you have a notebook or computer that you record information often about marine organisms. But you may also be a marine biologist if you are collecting sponges, looking for bioactive drugs. You may be counting them, doing DNA sequencing of them, observing them in the laboratory or making theoretical models predicting their abundance once fishing is decreased. So marine biologists do many things, but what they have in common is working with marine organisms. ( In my opinion career of marine biologist is a good choice and based on above presented information we see that specialist in marine biology could find many areas for own talents implementation. Nowadays there are many universities where it is possible to receive quality education and the post-secondary institutions offering a degree or certificate in this field. For example, researching this problem I found next information that colleges and universities offer a range of degrees in marine biology from an associates degree to a doctorate. MarineBio has compiled the following list of US-based and International schools offering degrees in Marine Biology, and an accompanying list of marine laboratory research facilities. Marine Biology Degree Programs in the US. International Marine Biology Degree Programs. Marine Biology Laboratories, Institutes Graduate Programs. ( I checked above mentioned information and I could say that above stated facts are true and it is possible to receive education in marine biology area in many universities, because there are many places where students can go for their new knowledge, but first requirement is talents in biology area and a great wish to study and become a good specialist. Thinking about salary range and analysing existed situation on the market of marine biologists I could come to the conclusion that the salary is enough high and it depends not only from the place where you work, but also from the necessity of your project and your level of education, I mean your degree in chosen area. In other words, future salary in marine biology sphere will depend on educational background, from employment sector and also from geographical location. Reading different facts about marine biology and listen to people who realize themselves in this sphere I understood that career of marine biologist is something like job and hobby at the same time. I like Jefferys words, who said that It was her best choice in the life and she likes her profession very much. Reading about this person next facts I understood that I want to have the same to her career: growing up, Sharon Jeffery knew that she wanted to be a marine biologist. This focus stemmed from a growing interest in biology during her secondary education, from family camping trips near the ocean, and spending her days swimming, snorkelling and turning over rocks on the beach to discover marine life. Sharon is now an Aquarist at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre who designs and maintains exhibits of local fishes. She graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science degree in marine biology. At the Aquarium, Sharon enjoys the diverse duties of her job, from designing displays to scuba diving, and from collecting animals to talking with the media. Being wet and cold is a typical and dreary part of her job, but Sharon exclaims, You get used to it! ( I understand that career of marine biologists is a not easy career and it requires high level of responsibility and self-organization, also it requires attention and prominent talents in chosen are, because you will never become a good specialist without strong scientific mind. According to we see that The college requirements for a marine biologist arent that different than the requirements of any science, but they may be harder to find as not all locations are conducive to learning about the ocean and ocean life. Depending on your career choice, commercial or conservation, you will want to find a degree from associates level to masters level, or possibly even a Ph.D. ( I have read on one site that One area of specialization, the emerging field of marine biotechnology, offers great opportunity for marine biologists. Marine biotechnology research presents a wide range of possibilities and applications. One focus area is the biomedical field, where scientists develop and test drugs, many of which come from marine organisms. An example of an application of biotechnology research can be seen in industry or defense, where researchers have developed non-toxic coatings that prevent the build-up of fouling organisms, such as barnacles and zebra mussels. Such coatings are useful for ships and intake pipes used in power plants. ( Basing on this part of the article I want to realize myself in above described area and it will be interesting for me to work exactly in this field. Thus, based on all above researched information I could come to the conclusion that marine biology as a career is a good choice for me. I understand that my career path in this area will be also full of hardships, but I like this direction of biology so much that Im ready to meet all hardships, to receive a good education and become a good specialist. I agree with the statement that biologists should be able to work not only alone, but also in command and I have all required features of character that will allow me to work with people and coordinate our actions in the right direction. I went through one test in career area and according to it I should choose biology as my career, because it requires to my necessities and my type of mind. For the conclusion I want to say that I dont want to change my opinion about marine biology as a career and also based on my research I want to recommend for all people who are looking for sphere where they can realize themselves to be strict in judgments and seriously think about own future. I think that first of all it is important to define after finding out of the professional interests, whether you possess by capabilities, corresponding to these interests. For example, you can possess certain internals and capabilities which will provide successful work in one professional sphere, but will appear unavailing in other. Think, as far as your knowledge, abilities, capabilities, are wide and various. Professionally important descriptions are health, professional qualification, or knowledge. If some your internals are more expressed for mastering of certain profession, so, you are professionally suitable for this profession. From all professionally meaningful internals you are able to influence on the level of professional qualification for example, to promote it. In turn, professional capabilities and character traits are such individual features which very difficult yield to the change. I think that capabilities most full open up and develop exactly in operations to the studies or work. If you succeeded relatively easily to master the chosen speciality and then with pleasure to execute work, it is possible to say, that you possess necessary level professionally important capabilities for this speciality. In my research I have done all recommendations presented in this last part of my paper and maybe in future I will publish some new inventions in famous professional journals, because I really believe that when person choose right career it is possible to become great in it.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Fertilizers :: essays research papers
Fertilizers are substances added to the soil sprayed on leaves of plants to help them grow better or in some cases faster. Plants need twenty essentail elements to help them grow. Plants make carbohydrates. A plant needs nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium the most to grow healthy. Most soils naturally contain enough trace elements for field crops, but such elements must be added when certain fruits and vegetable plants are grown. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the top three elements needed in plant growth. Legumes are plants which absorb nitrogen gas from the air and bring the gas to the ground. Legumes are planted over with other crops and those plants get the required amount of nitrogen and grow healthy. Â Â Â Â Â There are two kinds of fertilizers. There is organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizers are bonemeal, fishmeal, blood, and farmyard manuer. Inorganic manuer is Nitrogen, potassium or any other element necessary in the aid of plant growth. If one accidently digests inorganic fertilizer, he or she must see a doctor as soon as possible. One can get red eyes, itchiness, and or stomach problems. Â Â Â Â Â During World War 2, the government built many factories to absorb nitrogen gas from the air and to use them in explosives. Soon after the war, these factories were used to absorb nitrogen gas and to be used as a fertilizer. This method was inexpensive and farmers were now actually making a profit. By 1985, farmers used approximately eleven million tons of nitrogen a year. This is eight times more than what farmers used in 1950. Â Â Â Â Â The most widely used fertilizer is pure ammonia. It is kept in liquid form under pressure in steel tanks. Three solid nitrogen fertilizers are ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium phosphate. Two common phosphorus fertilizers are superphosphate and triple superphosphate. Phosphorous fertilizer is made by treating phosphate rock with sulfuric acid. Potassium sulfate and potassium nitrate are used on crops that are harmed by chlorides. Â Â Â Â Â The term straight fertilizer stands for any material that supplies one of the three principal macronutrients. The three macronutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Mixed fertilizers are fertilizers that supply more than one macronutrient. This information is neccesary to one who is intrested in purchasing fertilizer. The fertilizer companies or manufacturers basically list every package or container with three numbers. For example a package that says 4-16-18, contains 4 percent nitrogen, 16 percent phosphoric oxide, and 18 percent potassium oxide.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Summary of Rizal
Republic Act No. 1425, known as the Rizal Law, mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about Jose Rizal. The full name of the law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses On the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes.The measure was strongly opposed by the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines due to the anti-clerical themes in Noli Me Tangere andEl Filibusterismo. Senator Claro M. Recto was the main proponent of the then Rizal Bill. He sought to sponsor the bill at Congress. However, this was met with stiff opposition from the Catholic Church. During the 1955 Senate election, the church charged Recto with being a communist and an anti-Catholic.After Recto's election, the Church continued to oppose the bil l mandating the reading of Rizal's novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, claiming it would violate freedom of conscience and religion. [1] In the campaign to oppose the Rizal bill, the Catholic Church urged its adherents to write to their congressmen and senators showing their opposition to the bill; later, it organized symposiums. In one of these symposiums, Fr. Jesus Cavanna argued that the novels belonged to the past and that teaching them would misrepresent current conditions.Radio commentator Jesus Paredes also said that Catholics had the right to refuse to read them as it would â€Å"endanger their salvation†. [1] Groups such as Catholic Action of the Philippines, the Congregation of the Mission, the Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic Teachers Guild organized opposition to the bill; they were countered by Veteranos de la Revolucion (Spirit of 1896), Alagad in Rizal, the Freemasons, and the Knights of Rizal. The Senate Committee on E ducation sponsored a bill co-written by both Jose P.Laurel and Recto, with the only opposition coming from Francisco Soc Rodrigo, Mariano Jesus Cuenco, and Decoroso Rosales. [2] The Archbishop of Manila, Rufino Santos, protested in a pastoral letter that Catholic students would be affected if compulsory reading of the unexpurgated version were pushed through. [3] Arsenio Lacson, Manila's mayor, who supported the bill, walked out of Mass when the priest read a circular from the archbishop denouncing the bill. [4] Rizal, according to Cuenco, â€Å"attack[ed] dogmas, beliefs and practices of the Church.The assertion that Rizal limited himself to castigating undeserving priests and refrained from criticizing, ridiculing or putting in doubt dogmas of the Catholic Church, is absolutely gratuitous and misleading. †Cuenco touched on Rizal's denial of the existence of purgatory, as it was not found in the Bible, and that Moses and Jesus Christ did not mention its existence; Cuenco concluded that a â€Å"majority of the Members of this Chamber, if not all [including] our good friend, the gentleman from Sulu†believed in purgatory. 5] The senator from Sulu, Domocao Alonto, attacked Filipinos who proclaimed Rizal as â€Å"their national hero but seemed to despise what he had written†, saying that theIndonesians used Rizal's books as their Bible on their independence movement; Pedro Lopez, who hails from Cebu, Cuenco's province, in his support for the bill, reasoned out that it was in their province the independence movement started, when Lapu-Lapu fought Ferdinand Magellan. [3] Outside the Senate, the Catholic schools threatened to close down if the bill was passed; Recto countered that if that happened, the schools would be nationalized.Recto did not believe the threat, stating that the schools were too profitable to be closed. [1] The schools gave up the threat, but threatened to â€Å"punis h†legislators in favor of the law in future elections. A compromise was suggested, to use the expurgated version; Recto, who had supported the required reading of the unexpurgated version, declared: â€Å"The people who would eliminate the books of Rizal from the schools would blot out from our minds the memory of the national hero. This is not a fight against Recto but a fight against Rizal,†adding that since Rizal is dead, they are attempting to suppress his memory. 6] On May 12, 1956, a compromise inserted by Committee on Education chairman Laurel that accommodated the objections of the Catholic Church was approved unanimously. The bill specified that only college (university) students would have the option of reading unexpurgated versions of clerically-contested reading material, such as Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. [1][3][6] The bill was enacted on June 12, 1956,[3] Flag Day. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- [edit]Content | | | The Noli and Fili were required readings for college students. Section 1 mandated that the students were to read the novels as they were written in Spanish, although a provision ordered that the Board of National Education create rules on how these should be applied. [5] The last two sections were focused on making Rizal's works accessible to the general public: the second section mandated the schools to have â€Å"an adequate number†of copies in their libraries, while the third ordered the board to publish the works in major Philippine languages. [5] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- edit]Aftermath After the bill was enacted into law, there were no recorded instances of students applying for exemption from reading the novels, and no known procedure for such exemptions. [6]à ‚ In 1994, President Fidel V. Ramos ordered the Department of Education, Culture and Sports to fully implement the law as there had been reports that it has still not been fully implemented. [7] The debate during the enactment of the Rizal Law has been compared to the Reproductive Health bill (RH bill) debate of 2011. 8] Akbayan representativeKaka Bag-ao, one of the proponents of the RH bill, said, quoting the Catholic hierarchy, that â€Å"More than 50 years ago, they said the Rizal Law violates the Catholic's right to conscience and religion, interestingly, the same line of reasoning they use to oppose the RH bill. â€Å"[9] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- [edit]References 1. ^ a b c d Abinales, Patricio N. ; Amoroso, Donna J. (2005). State and society in the Philippines. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. p. 187. ISBN 978-0-742 5-1024-1. 2.  Cruz-Araneta, Gemma (2010-12-29). â€Å"Legislating Rizal, 1†. Manila Bulletin. Retrieved 2011-05-24. 3. ^ a b c d Cruz-Araneta, Gemma (2010-12-29). â€Å"Legislating Rizal, 2†. Manila Bulletin. Retrieved 2011-05-24. 4. ^ Rodis, Rodel (2010-01-07). â€Å"Global Networking : The Rizal bill†. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved 2011-06-12. 5. ^ a b c Pangalangan, Raul (2010-12-31). â€Å"The intense debate on the Rizal Law†. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved 2011-05-24. 6. ^ a b c Ocampo, Ambeth (2007-05-04). â€Å"The fight over the Rizal Law†. Philippine Daily Inquirer.Retrieved 2011-05-24. 7. ^ â€Å"Mr. Ramos leads Rizal Day rites†. Manila Standard. 1994-12-29. Retrieved 2011-06-19. 8. ^ Mendez, Christina (2011-05-23). â€Å"JPE, Joker confident of compromise on RH bill†. Philippine Star. Retrieved 2011-05-24. 9. ^ â€Å"Jose Rizal: new symbol of re productive health rights? â€Å". ABS-CBNnews. com. 2011-06-01. Retrieved 2011-06-01. Jose Rizal: A Biographical Sketch BY TEOFILO H. MONTEMAYOR| | JOSE RIZAL, the national hero of the Philippines and pride of the Malayan race, was born on June 19, 1861, in the town of Calamba, Laguna.He was the seventh child in a family of 11 children (2 boys and 9 girls). Both his parents were educated and belonged to distinguished families. His father, Francisco Mercado Rizal, an industrious farmer whom Rizal called â€Å"a model of fathers,†came from Binan, Laguna; while his mother, Teodora Alonzo y Quintos, a highly cultured and accomplished woman whom Rizal called â€Å"loving and prudent mother,†was born in Meisic, Sta. Cruz, Manila. At the age of 3, he learned the alphabet from his mother; at 5, while learning to read and write, he already showed inclinations to be an artist.He astounded his family and relatives by his pencil drawings and sketches and by his moldings of clay . At the age 8, he wrote a Tagalog poem, â€Å"Sa Aking Mga Kabata,†the theme of which revolves on the love of one’s language. In 1877, at the age of 16, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree with an average of â€Å"excellent†from the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. In the same year, he enrolled in Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas, while at the same time took courses leading to the degree of surveyor and expert assessor at the Ateneo.He finished the latter course on March 21, 1877 and passed the Surveyor’s examination on May 21, 1878; but because of his age, 17, he was not granted license to practice the profession until December 30, 1881. In 1878, he enrolled in medicine at the University of Santo Tomas but had to stop in his studies when he felt that the Filipino students were being discriminated upon by their Dominican tutors. On May 3, 1882, he sailed for Spain where he continued his studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid .On June 21, 1884, at the age of 23, he was conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine and on June 19,1885, at the age of 24, he finished his course in Philosophy and Letters with a grade of â€Å"excellent. † Having traveled extensively in Europe, America and Asia, he mastered 22 languages. These include Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Malayan, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tagalog, and other native dialects.A versatile genius, he was an architect, artists, businessman, cartoonist, educator, economist, ethnologist, scientific farmer, historian, inventor, journalist, linguist, musician, mythologist, nationalist, naturalist, novelist, opthalmic surgeon, poet, propagandist, psychologist, scientist, sculptor, sociologist, and theologian. He was an expert swordsman and a good shot. In the hope of securing political and social reforms for his country and at the same time educate his countrymen, Rizal, the greatest apostle of Filipino nationalism, published, while in Europe, several works with highly nationalistic and revolutionary tendencies.In March 1887, his daring book, NOLI ME TANGERE, a satirical novel exposing the arrogance and despotism of the Spanish clergy, was published in Berlin; in 1890 he reprinted in Paris, Morga’s SUCCESSOS DE LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS with his annotations to prove that the Filipinos had a civilization worthy to be proud of even long before the Spaniards set foot on Philippine soil; on September 18, 1891, EL FILIBUSTERISMO, his second novel and a sequel to the NOLI and more revolutionary and tragic than the latter, was printed in Ghent.Because of his fearless exposures of the injustices committed by the civil and clerical officials, Rizal provoked the animosity of those in power. This led himself, his relatives and countrymen into trouble with the Spanish officials of the country. As a consequence, he and those who had contacts with him, were shadowe d; the authorities were not only finding faults but even fabricating charges to pin him down. Thus, he was imprisoned in Fort Santiago from July 6, 1892 to July 15, 1892 on a charge that anti-friar pamphlets were found in the luggage of his sister Lucia who arrive with him from Hong Kong.While a political exile in Dapitan, he engaged in agriculture, fishing and business; he maintained and operated a hospital; he conducted classes- taught his pupils the English and Spanish languages, the arts. The sciences, vocational courses including agriculture, surveying, sculpturing, and painting, as well as the art of self defense; he did some researches and collected specimens; he entered into correspondence with renowned men of letters and sciences abroad; and with the help of his pupils, he constructed water dam and a relief map of Mindanao – both considered remarkable engineering feats.His sincerity and friendliness won for him the trust and confidence of even those assigned to guard him; his good manners and warm personality were found irresistible by women of all races with whom he had personal contacts; his intelligence and humility gained for him the respect and admiration of prominent men of other nations; while his undaunted courage and determination to uplift the welfare of his people were feared by his enemies.When the Philippine Revolution started on August 26, 1896, his enemies lost no time in pressing him down. They were able to enlist witnesses that linked him with the revolt and these were never allowed to be confronted by him. Thus, from November 3, 1986, to the date of his execution, he was again committed to Fort Santiago. In his prison cell, he wrote an untitled poem, now known as â€Å"Ultimo Adios†which is considered a masterpiece and a living document expressing not only the hero’s great love of country but also that of all Filipinos.After a mock trial, he was convicted of rebellion, sedition and of forming illegal association . In the cold morning of December 30, 1896, Rizal, a man whose 35 years of life had been packed with varied activities which proved that the Filipino has capacity to equal if not excel even those who treat him as a slave, was shot at Bagumbayan Field. |
Friday, November 8, 2019
Did Monetary Policy End the Great Depression
Did Monetary Policy End the Great Depression Free Online Research Papers â€Å"Monetary rather than fiscal policy ended the great depression in the USA†– Is this statement true? Was going off the Gold Stan Introduction The Great Depression initiated in 1929 with the â€Å"Black Tuesday†in October initiated a decade of under full employment production that only saw full recovery with the emergence of the Second World War. Particularly in the US, since many European countries saw an earlier recovery, whilst the US only saw the beginning of this process with the election of Roosevelt in 1933 and a change in policy that included the implementation of the New Deal. Unemployment and GDP were way of trend and the policies to correct were late and probably not the appropriate ones, as monetary tightness by the FED has been widely accepted to have been an incorrect policy that further pushed backwards an already struggling economy. This essay analyses what motivated the end of the Great Depression, and asks whether fiscal and monetary policies were effective. But in the end it seems that the black decade for US economy was only fully recovered with the burst of the World War II (WWII), and the impact this had on public spending, production, employment and exports, despite the high levels of economic growth even before the war. Even before the crisis the FED used a tight monetary policy option that carried through all the length of the Depression. There was a monetary response to the economic problems but this policy came late and it was mostly about going off the Gold Standard in 1933 and the devaluation of the dollar. This could have encouraged a beggar-thy-neighbour behaviour and could have started a race to the bottom, in chasing higher competitiveness for a currency that would motivate successive devaluations improving a country position by leaving the other worse off. On the other hand Roosevelt’s fiscal policy was not exactly Keynesian in the sense that he wanted a balanced budget and never ran big deficits. In fact, under Hoover, the deficits run between 1929 and 1932 were higher than those registered by the New Deal administration. This is one of the main reasons why monetary policy was more effective than fiscal policy, because the fiscal response was insufficient, whilst, even though late, the monetary policy injected a lot more money in the economy. â€Å"Between 1933 and 1937 real GNP in the United States grew at an average rate of over 8 percent per year; between 1938 and, 1941 it grew over 10 percent per year. These rates of growth are spectacular†(Romer). Still â€Å"After six years of recovery, real output remained 25 percent below trend, and private hours worked were only slightly higher than their 1933 trough level†(Cole, H. L. and Ohanian, L. E.). So, despite the rapid and spectacular growth, it was not enough to go back to full employment and to potential GDP level. In spite this fact, something was indeed done to boost the economy after the big slump of 1929 to 1933 and it seems to indicate that going off the Gold standard was a defining moment as 1933 was the beginning of the recovery process. ? Monetary rather than fiscal policy ended the depression? This statement seems to be true especially if one looks at Romer’s paper that also highlights that there was not enough strength in the economy to put itself back on track. On the other hand, Cole and Ohanian argued that some of the fiscal policies carried by Roosevelt were counterproductive, mainly the pursuit of high wages, emphasizing that the fiscal policy did not have the expected effect on resolving the crisis, but rather slowed down the economy. Actual trend and Real Gross National Product, 1919-1942 The deviation of potential GNP shown in the graph is evident as is also evident the growth of the economy in the 1930s, apart from the crisis in 1938, that was motivated by a cutting in spending as budget deficit decreased from -4.4 to -2.2, as well as other cuttings made by the government in some key areas. What motivated this boom was, as Romer sees it and as she illustrates it in the graphs bellow, a direct consequence of monetary policy and nothing to do with the fiscal policy. In this model created by Romer all the accountability for the recovery goes to the monetary policy(on the right) as her econometric model does not see a great effect in the pursue of the fiscal policy. One might wonder whether this fact is because New Deal fell way below what one may consider as a Keynesian stimulus pack, as no big deficits were ever carried, in order to provide a demand shock that could put the economy back on track. Compared to the recovery in Germany much stimulated by government spending, where it was seen that a fiscal policy did pull up the economy, the fiscal stimulus in the US was insufficient. GDP vs. Budget % On the graph above we can see that first the fiscal policy carried could not have been enough for what was the biggest economic downfall ever felt in economic history, and especially it cannot be compared to a Keynesian stimulus of increasing government spending in order to make up for the fall of â€Å"animal spirits†. It seems that what really boosted government spending was WWII and this motivated bigger growth rates than the ones in the period from 1933 to 1937, where fiscal policy did not have much impact as it was scarce. The extraordinary growth rates during the period between 1933 and 1937 have a causation that might also not be just purely economic and rather psychological and though this is little approached the change of government from Hoover to Roosevelt could have lifted â€Å"animal spirits†as Temin and Wigmore say it in their paper â€Å"a change in expectations worked with changes in macroeconomic policies to produce changes in prices and real variables that cannot be understood as the result of the new macroeconomic policies taken in isolation.†? Undoubtedly Roosevelt’s policy were a shift in the government from a rather â€Å"Laissez Faire†strategy to a more interventionist one. This had not only a macroeconomic effect but also changed people’s perception of the state and of the course of the current administration as being able to shift with Hoover’s incapability to deal with the crisis. The policies pursued were not absolutely perfect and moreover were late as stimulus packs. Going off the Gold Standard and the devaluation of the currency were pursued by the UK and other European states in 1931 leading to a faster recovery than what happened in the US. But for a late response it did have â€Å"spectacular†(Romer) growth rates, though this has to be analysed as not only a consequence of the policies pursued but also as the impact it had on â€Å"animal spirits†and on the confidence of the economic agents. ? Monetary Policy and going off the Gold Standard Monetary expansion in 1933 was indeed the boost that provided the pillars to economic recovery, despite the inaction played by the FED as was argued by Friedman and Schwartz and was confirmed by the current chairman Ben Bernanke â€Å"I would like to say to Milton and Anna†¦regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.†, illustrating the ineffective response to the 1929 crisis. This inaction resulted in a longer and more serious crisis than what would have happened if there was not a tight monetary policy. Going off the Gold Standard was not something new and brought only about in this inter war period. Countries used to do it either if they wanted to carry deficits or whether they wanted to devaluate the currency since the Gold Standard did not allow these practices. These sort of practices happened especially during the period of the First World War (WWI). Countries during this period needed to print money and to run budget deficits to support the war effort. So the same type of response came to no surprise when in September 1931 UK, Sweden and Norway went off the Gold and devaluated their currency. This practice was followed also by Denmark and Finland that before the end of the year had also taken this measure. The US however only went off Gold in 1933 and devaluated their currency by 41%. This motivated a Gold inflow that resulted in a lowering of interest rates that was crucial to revive the economy, and the money supply grew at a rate of 10% between 1933 and 1937 that caused GDP to also experience an unseen growth during this time. â€Å"The devaluation of the dollar was the single biggest signal that the deflationary policies implied by adherence to the Gold standard had been abandoned, that the iron grip of the Gold standard had been broken. Devaluation had effects on prices and production throughout the economy, especially on farm and commodities prices, not simply on exports and imports. It sent a general message to all industries because it marked a change in direction for government policies and for prices in general.†(Temin Wigmore) The devaluation of the dollar, combined with the instability in Europe that lead to many Gold inflows to the US, and a more competitive position in the market, makes it clear that this decision was indeed vital to the recovery. But despite these economic shifts in position and despite knowing that without a doubt the monetary policy was more effective than the fiscal one carried by Roosevelt. The recession did not come about till the burst of WWII. This is confirmed by the graph of Actual trend and Real Gross National Product, 1919-1942 shown previously, where the GNP only meets its trend in 1942. Conclusion fiscal policy seems to have been an unsuccessful recovery device in the thirties-not because it did not work, but because it was not tried. Milton Friedman and Anna Scwhartz The US pursued a monetary policy that had its results due partially to the instability in Europe that motivated a Gold inflow. On the other hand New Deal and the fiscal policy were not sufficient in recovering the US economy as Romer said it. For Ohanian and Cole it was even counterproductive as it raised wages, which did not allow for a normal recover to take place â€Å"contrast sharply with neoclassical theory, which predicts a strong recovery from the Great Depression with low real wages, not a weak recovery with high wages†(Ohanian Cole) What ended the depression was the burst of WWII but the instability felt before made that the inefficient and late monetary policy had bigger results than it would normally, as the US only went of the Gold Standard in 1933, two years after the first European countries to have done it. There seems to be a correlation between going off the Gold Standard and recovery as the earlier countries to do it enjoyed earlier recoveries, and despite enjoyed great economic growth rates, the US had to deal with a lag of two years compared with the European powers. The extraordinary growth in monetary basis (M1) allowed for a recovery as it allowed for greater spending, for a rapid growth of output and for a boost in confidence, and it contrasted with a weak fiscal response that fell way behind expectations as Roosevelt still felt that a balanced budget was a crucial point and could not be abandoned, therefore colliding with Keynesian theory. ? Bibliography Romer, C. D., 1992, What Ended the Great Depression? Journal of Economic History, December Eichengreen B. And J. Sachs, 1985, â€Å"Exchange Rates and Economic Recovery in the 1930s,†Journal of Economic History December Temin, P B. A.Wigmore, 1990, The end of One Big Deflation,†Explorations in Economic History Cole, H.L and L.E. Ohanian, 2004, â€Å"New Deal policies and the persistence of the Great Depression: A general equilibrium analysis†, Journal of Political Economy, No4 Bernanke, B and M. Parkinson, (1989) â€Å"Unemployment, Inflation and wages in the American Depression: Are there lessons for Europe?†American economic Review, May Christina D. Romer Forthcoming in the Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica December 20, 2003 Eichengreen, B., 1992, Golden Fetters, Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke At the H. Parker Willis Lecture in Economic Policy, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia March 2, 2004 Clif Droke â€Å"Bernanke on the Great Depression†June 29, 2009 Research Papers on Did Monetary Policy End the Great DepressionAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2PETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyDefinition of Export QuotasCapital PunishmentBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfTwilight of the UAWNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
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