Monday, December 30, 2019
Outline of the Rwandan Genocide - 2079 Words
Outline of the Rwandan Genocide: Draft Introduction Rwanda is a small land-locked nation, about 26,338 square kilometres in size, bordered by Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Tanzania. Though mainly flat, the country has a large mountain range on its northwest coast – the Virunga Mountains – that are home to the famous Rwandan Mountain Gorillas. In 1994, this seemingly insignificant country put itself on the world map, but for all the wrong reasons. Over a period of just one hundred days, over 800,000 Rwandans were killed in one of the worst genocides of the 20th Century. Tutsis and their Hutu supporters (the two ethnic groups in Rwanda) were massacred by Hutu militias, who encouraged ordinary citizens to kill their†¦show more content†¦Ordinary Hutu citizens were forced to kill their Tutsi neighbours – often people whom they had lived beside for many years and befriended. In the country, Hutu chiefs prepared â€Å"death lists†of local Tutsis, rounded up victims and made suitable sites available for massacres. Reaction: The Rwandan Patriotic Front In defense to this ruthless killing, the 14,000-man Tutsi-dominated RPF launched an offensive against the killers. Finally, in mid-July, they defeated the 35,000-man army and the militias, drove the remnants of the army and government into Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), and took control of the capital Kigali, declaring a ceasefire. United Nations aid workers and troops arrived to maintain order and bring back basic services. A multi-ethnic government took power, led by Hutu President Pasteur Bizimunga, Hutu Prime Minister Faustin Twagiramunga, and Tutsi Vice President/Minister of Defense Major General Paul Kagame, commander of the RPF. Most other cabinet posts were given to members of the RPF. After the Genocide: Refugees and International Support Following the end of the genocide in July and August 1994, two million Hutu civilians fled, joining one million already in exile. In Zaire, the destination of most refugees, sick and starving Hutu exiles were dying at an appalling rate of 2000 per day. The government encouraged them to return to the food, water and relativeShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech on Rwandan Genocide Outline1300 Words  | 6 PagesBen Johnson Intro to Comm. 1320-04 11/8/12 Rwandan Genocide General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To share with the class that the Rwandan Genocide was a brutal genocide that most people know little about. Thesis: The Rwandan Genocide is one of the lesser known, quickest, and most inhumane genocides this world has ever seen, and it is still affecting the people of Rwanda till this day. Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction I. 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