Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Essay
Most people have experienced prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination at some time in longer his or her life. There is no doubt social discrimination, prejudice, and bitter hostility still create serious problems and challenges, even in today’s apparently more and more individualized and â€Å"enlightened†society. This paper will discuss prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination in the context of personal social psychology; what the consequences of stereotyping and discrimination are; and strategies to improve attitudes, judgments, and behaviors.Social psychologists recognize prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination â€Å"by focusing on whether they involve feelings (affect), cognition, or behaviors.Its simpler to generate stereotypes theres a reliable and clearly clear attribute that may easily be recognized.Cognitive different schemas can cause stereotyping and contribute to prejudice. Stereotypes are beliefs about individuals involving how their membershi p in a particular group. These beliefs can be positive, negative, or unbiased.Stereotypes concerning gender, ethnicity, or profession is common in many societies.Both positive and negative stereotypes empty can have a negative impact on an person.
†(Feenstra, 6. 1 Prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination, sub para 1). Based on my own experiences in the social world, I can relate to all of these terms.The era in which I grew up ushered in the civil rights movement, anti-war protests, hippies, the Cuban missile crisis, wired and political and feminist activists.It may get down in birth.Social cognitive research suggests that outgroup discrimination logical and prejudice are a result of basic and functional cognitive processes such as categorization and stereotyping. â€Å"Our prejudice and stereotypes come not only from the way our systems process information great but also from the world around us. Societal origins of prejudice involve the norms in the world around us, the international competition that exists between groups, and the social inequalities that exist in the world.Ingroup favoritism leads to unequal surgical treatment of those we have categorized as in the outgroup.Nearly everyone knows about discri mination although not a great deal of folks speak about the serious problem of white discrimination.
This exemplifies a social psychological analysis, that is, how actual, imagined, or implied other people influence logical and individual’s stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. †(Fiske, 2000, P. 303).Categories help us deal with large small amounts of information.It does not necessarily end with wealth.4). Competition for resources can also create prejudice. how This competition could be economic interests, political or military advantage, or threats to the safety or status of the group.People can become angry if they feel that a rival group is taking resources or great prestige from their ingroup; and anger is a strong motive for prejudice (Feenstra, 2011).Its a major problem in everyday lifestyles.
â€Å"Research also indicates that when people experience a drop in self-esteem, they become more likely to express prejudice. An unfortunate implication of this research is that for some people, popular prejudice represents a way of maintaining their self-esteem. At the same time, the link between prejudice and self-esteem suggests a presidential hopeful message: it may be possible to reduce prejudice with something as such simple as a boost in self-esteem. †(Plous, n.Its seen in the film too.â€Å"Once stereotypes are learnedâ€â€whether from the media, family members, direct experience, or elsewhereâ€â€they sometimes take on a life of their own and become â€Å"self-perpetuating stereotypes†(Skrypnek & Snyder, 1980). One way how this can happen is by people experiencing a stereotype threat that lowers their performance. Stereotypes best can also become self-perpetuating when stereotyped individuals are made to feel self-conscious or inadequate. †(Plous, n.Its in the quantity of such discrimination thats antilocution.
â€Å"The roots of prejudice are many and varied. Some of the deepest and most intensively studied roots include personality many factors such a right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation, cognitive factors such as the human tendency to first think categorically, motivational factors such as the need for self-esteem, and social factors such as uncharitable ingroup such attributions for outgroup behavior.Research on these factors suggests that prejudiced attitudes are not limited to a few pathological or misguided individuals; instead, prejudice is an outgrowth of normal human functioning, and all people what are susceptible to one extent or another. †(Plous, n.It can create prejudice.Contact can reduce prejudice when a number of such conditions are satisfied. Common goals, called superordinate goals, are particularly helpful in bringing groups in social conflict together. †(Feenstra, Ch. 6 Summary).Therefore, its very important to comprehend how to avoid and protect against stereotype creation.
People throughout the real world live with prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, and the consequences of the resulting actions every day. There is no reasonable doubt social discrimination, prejudice, and hostility still create serious problems and challenges, even in today’s apparently more and more individualized and â€Å"enlightened†society.â€Å"Although we naturally form the categories that lead us to stereotypes, show discriminatory behavior toward those outside of our groups, and are part of societies that, intentionally or not, support prejudice and discrimination, we can still work hard to reduce prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination through our interactions with others. †(Feenstra, Ch.Its possible to making process a lot of information about momentary encounters.Self-Fulfilling Prophecies. Retrieved from http://users. ox. ac.The behavior must be something thats realistic.
Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Fiske, S. T. (2000).Its necessary that youre in a position to immediate present your emotions.ubc. ca/~schaller/Psyc591Readings/Fiske2000. pdf Kabat-Zinn, J. (2010).Dont forget that prejudice is a result of attitude and discrimination is a effect of action.
& Wenzel, M. (1999). Social discrimination and tolerance of intergroup relations: Reactions to intergroup difference.Personality logical and Social Psychology Review, Vol.Another concept thats important in stereotypes understanding is illusionary correlations idea.uni-jena. de/ss2009/sozpsy_uj/86956663/content. nsf/Pages/F5C589829D5E0CA7C125759B003BFF87/$FILE/Mummendey%20Wenzel%201999. pdf Plous, S.The motives might be absolutely different.
Wesleyan University. Retrieved from http://sscholar. google. co.Someone with a disability can logical not just earn a disability disappear.Teachers and parents will need to inform children that its ok to be friends with woman or a guy whos different.Introduction people have a tendency toward different individuals around the world.
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